Gu Chen held Jiang Min's palm, and after all, he still didn't hug her into his arms to comfort anything.

Instead, he looked at Lang Mingyue with an indifferent look in his eyes.

"So what method did you want us to use to join the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club?"

Although the tone of the words is calm, and there is nothing that feels dangerous.

But when it fell in Lang Mingyue's ears, it was already a thunderous shock.

At this time, he knew that he could not say any nonsense in confusion.

Otherwise, you will really be finished!

Therefore, at this time, Lang Mingyue obviously fell into silence, seemingly calmly thinking about how he should quibble next.

"Actually, I didn't have many bad ideas at that time, because in the current society ruled by law, we simply have a way to solve problems according to our previous behavior."

"That's right!"

When he said this, Wu Lan continued to speak.

"At that time, when we couldn't stop the car in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Festival, we did do a lot of headaches, and we did suffer a lot of blows."

"However, this chaos did not make some of the top people in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Association stop or think about how much trouble their behavior will bring to themselves and the gang."

"They only have themselves in their hearts, how can they say, doing too many bad things is addictive!"

"And after addiction, people forget what their original intention is."

Coupled with the fact that Li Jiahao was leading the way at that time, most people's attention was attracted by him. So for a long time, we were crazy to expand the power.

"It wasn't until our faucet finally came out to stop us after discovering this problem, and this didn't let the tragedy continue!"

Speaking of this, Wu Lan sighed, although the last sentence was very simple.

But Gu Chen and Jiang Min knew how many unspeakable dirty things were in it.

However, both of them were a little curious about the dragon head of this Qinghuatang Red Flower Club.

What Gu Chen thought was that he didn't expect that Liang Sixing actually had such a side, and he was really a guy who was very good at hiding.

"Then I really looked away at the beginning!"

What Jiang Min thought was completely different from what Gu Chen thought.

"What does the dragon head of this Qinghuatang Red Flower Club mean, boss? A boss who can stop his men from going crazy? That must be very fierce and five big and three thick! It's terrible! Or Brother Gu Chen is good-looking! Thinking

about it like this, Jiang Min's mood was much better.

After all, she didn't have much feeling about what Wu Lan and this Lang Mingyue said, she only felt that it was just a story of them adding oil and vinegar, which was not true.

After Wu Lan said these words, he gave this Lang Mingyue a look, and the latter immediately knew that it was time for him to appear.

So he said directly.

"Speaking of which, in fact, the means of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society have long been slowly becoming on track with the passage of time!"

"My arrangement for you this time is actually to let you mess up the food here and break a little plate after you fall asleep."

"Then let you sign the labor contract we prepared in advance, and the other illegal things are really not thought of or planned to do!"

When he said this, Lang Mingyue's heart was extremely nervous, afraid that his lie would be exposed.

Because he always felt that Gu Chen was a person who was extremely smart, he would definitely not be deceived because of his lies that he made up at any time.

I will definitely not think about myself because of this kind of attempted crime, right?

"It should be..." Lang

Mingyue had no confidence in her heart, and she didn't know what Gu Chen's reaction was.

Therefore, at this moment, Lang Mingyue's eyes wanted to look at Gu Chen but did not dare to look at it, like an ugly duckling.

"So, what exactly did you fancy us to try to pull us into the Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Club?"

Gu Chen asked this question directly after being silent for a while.

It was very realistic and made Lang Mingyue stunned for a moment, but fortunately, soon Lang Mingyue reacted and said directly.

"This question is actually very simple Mr. Gu, that sentence is so said, it must be extraordinary to look good!"

This is very artistic, but Gu Chen said with a direct smile.

"I'm afraid you're trying to say that the ultimate is extraordinary, right?"

When Lang Mingyue heard this, her eyes widened suddenly, and then she nodded wildly and said.

"That's right! That's right, that's it! That's all I want to say!

"Mr. Gu, your knowledge is really enriching!"

"I think you are simply the savior of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club!"

Gu Chen just smiled when he heard this shit that didn't make sense.


The indifferent attitude made this Lang Mingyue think that he should be able to fool through this time.

In fact, Gu Chen has never wanted to deal with a small character like Lang Mingyue, if the existence of President Zhang can still make himself raise a little spirit to deal with it.

But Lang Mingyue, how to say, a man who wants to deal with his own attempt, why bother with anything.

From the beginning, Gu Chen did not put this guy in his eyes.

And his current few mouthfuls, or the steps for himself and everyone to find, are almost like that, and they are quite appropriate.

Therefore, Gu Chen didn't want to say more, waste more time and continue to say something to this guy.

Simply pass this matter over, and then quickly let this Lang Mingyue let the back kitchen cook or something, and he also has to bring food to Sun Shulan, Tong Zixin and Chen Yu, this is the most important thing.

"What about the meals I asked you to prepare earlier, are they all ready?"

Gu Chen asked, this Lang Mingyue was really stunned, he looked at Gu Chen and Jiang Min, since they exposed their identity as the boss of the Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Society.

This Lang Mingyue always thought that they came here to fish for law enforcement on purpose, but they didn't expect that they really came to eat?

"So what happened today is not an accident!"

"If it's an accident, doesn't it mean that I prepared the meal very normally and gave it to them from the beginning, which can avoid so many troublesome things now?"

"Then I, then I'm not looking for something for myself!"

Suddenly, Lang Mingyue just showed a smile that was uglier than crying and said.

"The previous cooking may be a little cold, I will let the chef in the backyard make a new one, Mr. Gu still follow the previous menu?"

Gu Chen nodded and said that this was the case, and Lang Mingyue immediately hit the snake and said that he would arrange it immediately.

But just as Lang Mingyue turned his head to leave, Liu Si took the initiative to speak.

"I'll go with you!"

As soon as these words came out, Lang Mingyue knew that this Gu Chen had let go of his great disobedience, but Liu Si seemed to have some opinions about himself.

But under the eaves of the roof, he had to bow his head, there was no way, Lang Mingyue could only smile at Liu Si and said.

"No problem, Hall Master Liu can also go directly to the back kitchen to see what he wants to eat, so let's walk together?"


Liu Si came directly to this guy's side and showed a very strange smile, looking at this Lang Mingyue was numb in the scalp, and he felt that he had just escaped from the mouth of the tiger and entered the wolf's den again.

Yes, there is no way, the most difficult level has passed, are you still afraid of the small problems after this.

So Liu Si followed Lang Mingyue and left.

Leaving Gu Chen, Jiang Min, Wu Lan and others still in the private room, of course, there is the most non-existent Li Wan.

"Damn, these people really forgot me, why not..." Before

I finished speaking, Li Chen's name was named by Gu Chen.

"Li Wan, tell me the purpose of your coming here?"

In an instant, Li Wanwan raised his head to face Gu Chen, who seemed to be smiling, and he suddenly had the feeling of being sanctioned and judged like this Lang Mingyue.

Because Li Wan's purpose really came this time, and the target was Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

But he didn't know that this countess still had Gu Chen's relationship.

"The woman is looking for her sister, which means that her sister is deliberately avoiding her, what is the reason? Because this sister is too young, but she is confused?

"So, this person who confused his sister is actually this Gu Zong?"

"No, before Tong Zixin was still with this Gu Zong's side, with such a stunner by his side, how could Gu Chen look at the little sparrow around him? But it is not ruled out that this guy may want to change his taste for a while!

Li Wan's whole body didn't know whether he should tell the truth or tell a lie, the only thing he knew was that if he didn't speak now, I was afraid that Gu Chen would have some opinion about himself.

So after pondering for a while, Li Quan felt that there should be no problem if he told the truth.

"Mr. Gu, in fact, the purpose of my coming here is very simple, it is all because I want to use a car recently, so I think that the car I lent to Sister Tong before seems to have not been changed back."

"So I used a little trick to find out the current location of this car, but with the idea of saying hello to the current owner of the things I lent out, I think the least I want to do is to find Sister Tong, right?"

"And the parking location of this car, there is such a pedestrian street nearby, then I can't find this way, in fact, it is a coincidence!"

Although Li Wan's heart was planning to tell the truth, I don't know why, the moment Li Wan's mouth spoke, the words he spit out were automatically arranged into lies.

And very well-founded lies.

This made Li Wan, who didn't know what to say, and only hoped that this Gu Chen couldn't see his lie.

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