Gu Chen didn't have so much effort to deal with Li Wan, who was now in a bad brain.

"So, you want to say that you have nothing to do with that woman?"

Li Wan's face was suddenly stunned when he heard this, because he never thought that Gu Chen would suddenly say such a sentence so that he didn't have any reaction time at all.

The most important thing is that the woman Gu Chen said should be the one who confused his eldest brother.

"They know! yes, what was I thinking, isn't it normal for them to know each other, because from the beginning they came from the same place!

"Then how did this President Gu guess that I was instructed by that woman?"

Although Li Wan's heart was still a little puzzled, he also settled down a lot, because just after Li Finish was exposed everything, the complicated emotions that he was anxious and uneasy in his heart had been completely debunked.

Naturally, there is no such apprehension.

This caused Li Wanquite to have a feeling of breaking the jar.

So much so that when Gu Chen looked at this Li Wan, he said that the indifferent look of pride was something Gu Chen had never seen before.

"Yes, she asked me to come to her sister, Mr. Gu, I think even if it is you, it is best not to meddle in other people's family affairs."

"And our Li family on Xiangcheng Island is actually not easy to mess with, especially my eldest brother has already taken a fancy to her, maybe in the future, her name will be directly engraved on our Li family!" Do you know what I mean? "

Although I, Li Wan, am an object that you can manipulate at will, if my eldest brother Li Wenquan takes over the position of the head of this Li family in the future, then she will be our patriarch's wife, do you know what I mean?" Seeing

that his words didn't seem to have any effect, this Li Quanquan was a little angry, and simply said directly the things that he didn't have a score.

I hope to use this method to deter Gu Chen, Jiang Min and others.

But the effect did not meet his expectations at all, and even Gu Chen, Jiang Min and Wu Lan were expressionless.

Because Gu Chen and Jiang Min both knew the situation of Li Wenquan, the good big brother Li Wenquan in Li Wan's mouth, at this time, it can be said that it is not very good, and it can even be said to be very bad.

Why, because Li Jiajun was directly controlled by these kidnappers, it can be said that Li Wenquan is now just their bag.

The way Li Wan's words were said at this time was simply testing Gu Chen and Jiang Min's patience.

However, after realizing that the person Li Wan's said should be the countess, Jiang Min's mood actually changed slightly.

It seems to be a bit of a headache and a little uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect her to be so desperate, Brother Gu Chen won't have trouble."

However, Jiang Min did not think of her own problem at all, but about Gu Chen, and she was worried that her titular mother would make some legal denunciation of Gu Chen.

At that time, Jiang Min's face would be very ugly, and she didn't want to be a weapon to hurt Gu Chen.

"Sure enough, some problems have to be solved sooner!"

A fierce look flashed in Gu Chen's eyes, and he always felt that he really had to be a little ruthless at this time.

Otherwise, I really don't know what the future will become, and what kind of situation I will encounter because of my step by step retreat.

It was out of this idea that Jiang Min immediately opened his mouth and said to this Li Wan.

"You help me go back and tell the woman that I will go to her and not have to bother her to find me."

After saying this, even Gu Chen instantly turned his head to look at Jiang Min.

I always felt that Jiang Min seemed to have made up some determination at this time, so Gu Chen felt that Jiang Min really thought about it, so he didn't say anything more, but just looked at Li Wan.

"yes, let's just say I'll visit the house then."

After saying this, it was Jiang Min's turn to turn his head and wink at Gu Chen.

"Fool, how can I possibly rest assured if I let you go alone?"

Gu Chen silently gave Jiang Min a smile, and the latter couldn't help but show his brightest smile in response to Gu Chen.

Li was completely blindfolded.

But soon Li Wan's direct reaction came over and said.

"You mean, can I leave now?"

The voice of this question was a little trembling, but Gu Chen glanced at this Li Wanwan strangely and said.

"No one of us here has ever restrained your freedom, in fact, at the beginning, when I saw you come in so actively, I thought what was wrong, the feelings were messed up for a long time, what kind of illegal organization do you think we are?"

When Li Quan heard this, his whole person was obviously a little in a trance, especially when he thought of how he was beaten fat by Qinghuatang Honghua before.

"So I actually did all this by myself?"

Li Quan personally had the feeling of lifting a stone and shooting himself in the foot, and in a trance, he seemed to see what is called the best self-made award on Xiangcheng Island.

"Then I can go now, right?"

Li Wanhuang asked this leisurely, Gu Chen and Jiang Min nodded indifferently, indicating that this is right.

"The clown is actually myself!"

After getting the affirmative answer from Gu Chen and Jiang Min, he directly brushed and stood up, and everyone looked at Li Wan.

Li finished preparing to spread the girl and ran.

But thinking about the bald man and others outside the door, even if he can run past Gu Chen Jiang Min, how can he bypass these people.

So Li Quan silently stopped again.

When Jiang Min wanted to say something, but she couldn't think of what she should say, plus there were strangers present here, and in the end, she could only do it.

"Can I go?"

I don't know why Li Wan, still at the end like a thief asked this sentence with a weak heart.

Gu Chen nodded and said that of course it could, but Wu Lan coughed at this time and said.

"Wait, we have something to say."

Saying that, Wu Lan came directly to Li Wan's side and pulled the young man out.

In the end, only Jiang Min and Gu Chen were left alone in the private room.

Jiang Min asked his doubts at this time.

"Brother Gu Chen, did you say that we were hallucinating at that time, we obviously heard the sound of Li Wenquan being kidnapped, and the gang of robbers..."

Jiang Min said with a little doubt.

Gu Chen directly determined her problem.

"Yes, that's right, at that time, we did hear the sound of Li Wenquan being kidnapped, and it did happen, but it should be Liu Si who discovered the listening device and turned it off."

"So, in fact, Sister Liu Si directed a play?"

Jiang Min looked at Gu Chen with wide eyes.

Gu Chen also nodded to indicate that he agreed with Jiang Min's words, and at the same time thought of a question.

"Then Li Wenquan's current safety situation should still be guaranteed, and the countess lost her licking dog and No. 1 paratrooper, wouldn't she directly become a headless fly."

"I originally thought of saving this Li Wenquan from the people of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, but I didn't expect that the countess had already extended her claws to Li Wenquan's brother."

"If Li Wenquan, who loves the countess very much, really becomes the Li family's family after returning and really becomes the Li family's family as this Li Chuan said, then won't the countess ascend to heaven in one step?"

Thinking of this, Gu Chen immediately disrupted his plan.

At the same time, Gu Chen also thought that even if Li Wenquan's kidnapping was not publicized, it must have set off a wave of consternation within the Li family.

"And Li Wan, today also learned about the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, and when he found out that Li Jiajun was not arrested, wouldn't it mean that if he thought about it, he could think that the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society had kidnapped the wrong person?"

"Did Qinghuatang Honghua kidnap his missing brother?"

When he thought of this, Gu Chen found that it was a wrong choice to let Li Quan go.

It was just at that time that Gu Chen heard a noise outside the door.

"What are you doing, Elder Wu! Don't, Elder Wu! "

Come and obey!"

It was a sound somewhat similar to fighting, and Gu Chen heard the quarrel from Li Wan's and Wu Lao.

I also heard Wu Lan calling the voice of the bald sunglasses man and the leading little brother.

"What are you still watching, don't come up and help me soon!"

Then Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard Li Wan's muffled hum, and it seemed that they were sanctioned.

"Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy, and this Wu Lao is still powerful."

"I actually directly predicted all the possibilities, not bad."

Gu Chen silently praised this Wu Lan.

Jiang Min also silently raised his mouth and asked.

"Ah, in this way, you won't worry that the Qinghuatang Red Flower will kidnap Li Wenquan and expose it, right?"

"That's true, and if they really want the ransom, they probably have to pay a little more."

Gu Chen analyzed the current situation.

Jiang Min thought of something again and continued to ask Gu Chen.

"But Brother Gu Chen, why are these people from the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society completely different from after when they treat us!"

"Obviously I also have a badge!"

Saying that, Jiang Min really revealed a small silver badge.


"This badge is obviously a foreign one, and it is completely different from this badge on mine!"

However, there is one thing to say, at least in terms of appearance, it is more than Gu Chen and Jiang Min's badge.

In fact, Jiang Min's badge is a little more imposing.

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