However, on the territory of Xiangcheng Island, in fact, Gu Chen's badge is more effective.

The two talked again, and then Jiang Min asked a very crucial question.

"Eh, Brother Gu Chen, did you say that we forgot to call Sun Shulan and Sister Tong Zixin to report safety, it seems that when my phone rang for the first time before, it was they who called?"

Because at this time, when he finally had absolute safety, Jiang Min's mind began to unconsciously recall these things he had experienced today.

And then she thought about the phone call that she wouldn't have found out about today.

"If it weren't for that call, we might have been caught by this Lang Mingyue, in fact, we should also thank the person who called."

"And, I thought about it, basically no scammers' calls can get into my phone, so someone who must call me today must be someone I know."

"But if it's my friend, I usually save my phone number, like a strange whitelist, I actually saw it for the first time today!"

Jiang Min told his judgment, and no matter how much he said, it was better for the two people to call back directly.

Therefore, Jiang Min took out his mobile phone and dialed it after Gu Chen nodded in agreement.

It's just that when Tong Zixin, who set off on the road, took the dog head chao and set off towards the positioning of the car driven by Gu Chen and the two that she got from her licking dog at the end, the dog head chao's mobile phone automatically turned on the do not disturb mode.

This is a dog-headed super-one who doesn't know whether to say whether it is a good habit or a habit change.

Anyway, Jiang Min just didn't make this call.

"Eh, did I guess wrong?"

This kind of made Jiang Min not know what to say, Gu Chen smiled indifferently on the side, he took out his mobile phone and was ready to report to Tong Zixin that he was safe or talk about it.

After all, he came out for such a long time, and as a result, Tong Zixin and they didn't call over.

This in itself is very unusual.

Although Gu Chen also considered whether they were in trouble when they repurchased Tongxin Coin.

But thinking about it, Gu Chen felt that he had better call them.

As a result, just when Gu Chen had just taken out his mobile phone and was about to call, Liu Si had already returned early.

In front of the door was the gray-faced Lang Mingyue.

Lang Mingyue supported his body, and looked very weak to greet Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

"Hello Mr. Gu and this young lady, the meal has begun to be prepared at an accelerated pace, the two of you will sit for another ten minutes, and soon you will be able to leave directly with the meal!"

"What happened today is indeed my problem, if the two distinguished guests feel that there is anything they are not satisfied with, they can come to me at any time, I am absolutely responsive!" Ask and answer! Looking

at Lang Mingyue, who was completely surrendered at this time, Gu Chen saw Liu Si, who was cocking his nose on the side and preparing to praise himself and let Jiang Min worship.

He didn't know what was going on, but in this case, Gu Chen wouldn't ask anything more about this Liu Si.

At least he had to send this Lang Mingyue first.

So Gu Chen said to the man who looked frightened.

"No, we're leaving after I've packed the food, and I've tasted this meal a few times before, and it's not bad."

Gu Chen's praise did not make this Lang Mingyue happy, he showed a smile that was uglier than crying, then bowed respectfully to Gu Chen and the three, and then slowly brought the door in front of him.

Then, Jiang Min and Gu Chen's gaze fell very naturally on Liu Si, who was still proud.

"What did you do to him?"

Gu Chen asked.

"Actually, there is nothing, but I just took this timid guy to the next door to see the situation, and re-checked whether this Lang Mingyue knew the truth that we had traded before."

"And after that?"

"After that, I found out that this Lang Mingyue really knew that we had seen robbers before, and the situation behind this was just a scene for us!"

"So why is he becoming so obedient now?"

After Gu Chen asked this sentence, Liu Si's expression became a little evil, and she looked at Gu Chen and said.

"This question, I think it's best not to discuss it anymore, sometimes there are some things, it's better to let him go over and dissipate with the wind."

Seeing that Liu Si didn't want to mention what happened before, Gu Chen pondered for a while, and looked at Jiang Min and felt that he shouldn't bring too many negative things to her.

I shouldn't say more nonsense, after all, there are more than three ways to completely control Lang Mingyue.

For Liu Si, there must be more ways to catch Lang Mingyue's weakness.

Since this is the case, then what else does he Gu Chen have to think about so much.

It would be nice to be a general direction at the helm.

Where else is there to worry about so much?

So Gu Chen said directly.

"What are your plans after that?"

Liu Si blinked his eyes, as if he was looking at Gu Chen as if he was looking at cherished animals.

Gu Chen sighed and knew that Liu Si didn't want to tell himself too much, but the problem was... Gu Chen didn't want to get too involved in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, but he had to ask Li Wenquan's situation.

"Li Wenquan is Li Wenquan's younger brother, you said before that you kidnapped Li Jiajun, but if he finds out that it is actually his brother who was kidnapped, what do you guess?"

Gu Chen directly asked this question, but this was not a problem for Liu Si at all.

"I just met Wu Lao, so I don't have to worry about this problem."

Liu Si said and took a bite of the meal that had become a little cold.

But it's not a big problem, it's summer.

Gu Chen originally wanted to ask them what they were going to do, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't open his mouth, because he still had many questions that he hadn't figured out.

For example, the relationship between the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club and the Astronomy Club and Liang Sixing.

Or to think about the specific relationship between himself and the Qinghuatang Red Flower Association and Liang Sixing.

Liu Si probably saw Gu Chen's thinking look, and felt that Gu Chen must have thought of something.

Therefore, Liu Si directly asked Gu Chen while making a little gesture with Jiang Min.

"Mr. Gu, do you have any instructions?"

"Anyway, you can count it, I just want Li Wenquan to not appear during my time on Xiangcheng Island, and I don't have anything else to account for."

Gu Chen also directly answered his purpose and told his needs, and he believed that Qinghuatang Honghua would definitely make a response that satisfied him.

When Liu Si heard Gu Chen's words, he was actually a little stunned, because she had left here in advance with Lang Mingyue before.

So I didn't know that Li Wanlai came to find Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

Of course, he didn't know that the countess had confused Li Wenquan and couldn't walk.

Therefore, when Liu Si heard this, she thought that this Gu Chen had a feud with the Li family.

Liu Si frowned and pondered for a moment before answering Gu Chen's question.

"Yes, this doesn't conflict with our plan at all, but Mr. Gu, I don't quite understand why you want to do this?"

"Could it be that you and the Li family actually have a feud?"

Speaking of this, suddenly Liu Si raised his head and looked at himself with burning eyes.

That look was full of flames of vengeance.

Gu Chen knew that this was the appearance of Liu Si wanting a comrade-in-arms, but it was a pity that Gu Chen was not at all with the entire Li family, or with someone.

He just didn't want this countess to disturb him with Li Wenquan!

"You think too much, things are not what you think, and there is no direct conflict of interest between me and the Li family."

But Gu Chen received this, and thought of the infinite possibilities of the future, especially after he overthrew Xiangcheng Island and subdued Li Jiahao, he had to deal with the four major families of Xiangcheng Island.

So, the problem arises.

"Hmm... Not currently.

After Gu Chen finished the previous sentence, he added this sentence again.

When Liu Si originally heard the previous sentence, she was actually a little disappointed, she almost thought that Gu Chen had not only become the God of Wealth of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

She even became her lone backer, and she almost stood up to celebrate!

But Gu Chen's words made her direct breath instantly decline, but Liu Si didn't expect this Gu Chen to speak, like to gasp.

Finally, what to add such a sentence, not to make her a little more at ease, but ah, this kind of peace of mind in Liu Si's opinion is basically added after seeing that he is a little unhappy, and does not count anything.

Therefore, Liu Si still looks a little sad.

Fortunately, Jiang Min is still on the side, and he will give this Liu Si a little comfort.

"It's okay Sister Liu, maybe we will have to face off with the people of the four major families at that time! Dealing with the Li family is just a matter of convenience!

It was just that after listening to Jiang Min's understatement of such a sentence, Liu Si's originally calm mood instantly became turbulent.


She even burped directly because of what Jiang Min said, and she seemed very, very excited.

"What do you say!"

Liu Si wondered if there was something wrong with her ears, she just seemed to hear this Jiang Min said who to deal with, four fools?

"If it's the four fools, I can help, but how can the four families help?"

Liu Si kept hiccuping and looked at Jiang Min, hoping to know from Jiang Min's mouth that everything was thought too much, and Gu Chen was not the four major families they had to deal with.

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