However, Liu Si knew very clearly from Jiang Min's mouth that what she said was what she was most worried about.

Liu Si's smile became very reluctant.

Gu Chen didn't have any smile when Liu Si saw it, but he nodded very indifferently, which instantly made this Liu Si feel a headache.

"No, you guys are really playing."

She was somewhat speechless, always feeling that Gu Chen and Jiang Min were joking with herself.

Or maybe she really hoped that this was a joke....Gu

Chen could see that this Liu Si was probably worried about the future, worried about the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, or worried about himself.

However, Gu Chen never thought of using her or letting the Qinghuatang Red Flower be used for himself.

Therefore, facing Liu Si in this state, Gu Chen said very naturally.

"Okay Liu Si, this matter is not something we should consider now, why don't you tell us what we heard before?"

Gu Chen's question was very keen, and it also made Liu Si come back to his senses instantly, and she looked at Gu Chen and showed a relatively difficult smile.

"Actually, when we heard the ringing of the mobile phone coming from the wall before, I found the monitoring device on our side!"

"It's just that I didn't destroy them, but closed them temporarily."

"Then I found a problem, which was that my people were gone, so I activated the monitor on him."

When Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard this, the two immediately looked at each other.

"Do the people of Xiangcheng Island like to play with monitors from top to bottom? Why are you engaged in this monitor every day...""

It's not every day...."

Liu Si frowned, always feeling that Gu Chen and Jiang Min seemed to have encountered a lot of monitoring? That's why you said that?

But Liu Si didn't ask more, the province seemed that she was rude, and asked the east and west, she was also worried that Gu Chen would feel like a gossipy woman, so Liu Si continued.

"Anyway, I learned about the situation from his listening device, and the people who kidnapped Li Wenquan at that time also heard that the situation here was not quite right."

"It was a security concern, and then the coordination between the two sides began to start in an instant."

"I agreed to their request of three million, but they had to accompany me on a play, and of course they had to do so in order to gain my trust, and they also agreed to let me arrange a place for them to live or hide."

What a big heart this woman has! And not afraid of danger.

Gu Chen frowned when he heard this, and always felt that this Liu Si was simply a woman who was so bold that he was so bold that he could cover the sky.

In other words, this Liu Si has absolute confidence and feels that he can control all the robbers in his hands.

"It's a little dangerous, but it's also the safest option, otherwise, if this gang of robbers run around with Li Wen Quan and something goes wrong, then find out and re-find her head, it's no joke."

Gu Chen pondered for a while before continuing to ask.

"Then what are you going to do with this gang of robbers."

After asking this question, I don't know why, Liu Si subconsciously glanced at Jiang Min beside him.

Looking at the puzzled expression in Jiang Min's big eyes, Liu Si of course said directly with a smile.

"What can I do, I'm just a Qinghuatang Honghua Hall Master who has no power and no money, how can I possibly take action against a group of robbers who dare to kidnap Li Wenquan, no, it is Li Jiahao's son who kidnapped!"

Liu Si added such a long explanation, in fact, he was already reminding Gu Chen.

Of course, Gu Chen understood this Liu Siah, obviously he didn't want to say too many dark things in front of Jiang Min, so as not to tarnish Jiang Min's heart and ears.

Therefore, Gu Chen didn't say anything more, just nodded to indicate that he understood.

Jiang Min seemed to want to say something after the two finished talking.

But at this time, the door of the private room was knocked again.

The eyes of several people instantly looked at the door of the private room, and Gu Chen invited in.

Wu Lan wiped her palms while entering the room with a smile.

Gu Chen immediately discovered that Wu Lan's waist plate was straightened by three points, and the crutches at hand also disappeared.

And what about Li Wan, is it gone or... How, no one knows.

Just heard this Wu Lan said.

"Let President Gu wait for a long time, Li Quan has been convinced by me, there will be no problems on his side."

Liu Si looked over, and Wu Lan said to her with a smile.

"Little Four, it's not me who said you, I went to see the private room, how to do things in a mess, some hands and feet have not been cleaned up."

Saying that, Wu Lan approached while finding a suit button in his pocket.

"I found it at the foot of a stool, and it was well pressed under the leg of the table, and if I didn't look carefully, it was really not easy to find this slightly upturned stool."

"Thank you Grandpa Wu! This is really... A hundred dense.

Liu Si took the button that still had a little blood on it, and his face showed a solemn color.

This is a very dangerous piece of evidence.

"If this is found by someone with a heart, as long as the blood on it is collected, it is estimated that it will soon be able to detect through DNA that this is Li Wenquan's blood, and this restaurant will definitely be exposed at that time."

Wu Lan said while returning to his seat, still nodding respectfully to Gu Chen, of course Gu Chen would not be rude to this old man who could see the bulge of his abs as soon as he raised his head and chest.

After all, respecting the old and loving the young is a fine tradition.

"Exposed? When I found out that these stupid bandits had kidnapped the wrong person, I had already decided to expose this hotel.

Liu Si put the button down, and a confident expression appeared on his face.

Wu Lan's brows furrowed, and he didn't care that Gu Chen was right next to him and asked directly.

What do you mean by that? You just didn't convince Lang Mingyue, so you want to borrow a knife to kill? "

No, kid, if Lang Mingyue is betrayed by you, he will definitely hold a grudge, and if they really try their best to find it later, our Qinghuatang Red Flower Association will definitely suffer!"

"Therefore, you must be calm, and you must not be impulsive!"

Wu Lan's words did not cause Liu Si too many mood swings.

Because what Liu Si said was completely different from what she wanted to do.

"Grandpa Wu, what do you think, you have watched me grow up since I was a child, do you still have any doubts about me as a person?"

"I have always only been grateful to our Qinghuatang Red Flower Association and the dragon head, you let me find something to harm the dragon head?"

"This is absolutely one million percent impossible!"

Liu Si directly packed a ticket for Wu Lan, saying that he definitely did not have so many ideas to do anything dangerous to Qinghuatang Honghua, and he would definitely not do anything to hurt the dragon head.

Originally, Gu Chen also wanted to ask who the so-called leader of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society was.

But think about it, anyway, I still have to go back to the mountain tonight, if this is the case, then why should I ask this more, as long as I see Liang Sixing by then, all the truth will be directly revealed by myself.

That's the most straightforward and hassle-free.

Therefore, Gu Chen directly gave up the big stage to let Liu Si and Wu Lan continue to speak.

"But what do you want to do by leaving yourself a handle like this."

"Or do you want to set up your own portal and leave the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society?"

Speaking of this, Wu Lan's expression became serious.

"Little Four is not me talking about you, although I have long known that you had such thoughts a long time ago, but although the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club is now defeated, it is not as good as before, but it is still no problem to protect you alone!"

"Moreover, we all know now that Li Jiahao is a muddy bodhisattva crossing the river itself, and he will not turn the spearhead against you at all!" Do you still not understand when I say this?

"You can completely give up everything and do what you want to do, instead of paying for the mistakes of the previous generation!"

"Grandpa Wu's money is also a little, no matter where you go to study and live, there will be no problem!" Why should you waste time on Xiangcheng Island in these pickled things!

Wu Lan showed a kind of hatred that iron is not steel, and kept talking to this Liu Si with words that took out his heart, and Jiang Min was moved and heartache when he heard it, and held Liu Si's palm.

Liu Si showed a very helpless look.

"No, Grandpa Wu, things are really not what you think! Although I did have the idea of leaving the Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Club to set up my own portal before, I also secretly experimented for a while.

"Then I found out that I wasn't that piece of material at all!" Although I say that I am relatively smart, but my cleverness does not mean that I can replace the pattern and the future view, I cannot be a qualified helmsman, at most I am just a substitute. "

So Grandpa Wu, don't worry, I'm not the kind of fool who doesn't measure up, I know that I have a few pounds and taels, and I will definitely not do any stupid things to get out of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, but sometimes..."

Liu Si showed a very embarrassed face, she held Jiang Min's hand and glanced at Gu Chen and continued.

"Sometimes there are things you have to do, and when an opportunity arises in front of you, if you don't seize it, I'll regret it later!"

Saying this, Liu Si's face showed a very painful but determined look.

It was as if Liu Si also knew what thorny things awaited him on the road he had chosen, but he had no way to avoid it, so he could only bite the bullet and face the difficulties!

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