"Are you crazy! If you really kill Li Jiajun, what awaits you is not the position of the first heir, but the scourge of prison! Do you really think that Li Jiahao has no backup options?

"Do you really think that you can inherit all the property of Li Jiahao so naively, stop your unrealistic thoughts!"

"I heard what you said before, I finally caught Li Jiajun, ready to teach this Li Jiajun a good lesson, I thought of your life history, thought of your pitifulness, I promised to come down and help you hide one or two dozen cover!"

"As a result, you gave me a backhand to kill Li Jiajun? Are you asking me to let me die with you, or do you want our Qinghuatang Red Flower to die with you?

Wu Lan roared madly at this time, and Gu Chen could see that Wu Lan was really angry.

This Liu Si was instantly a little frightened by Wu Lan's reaction.

The pupils were a little dilated, but soon Liu Si reacted.

"No, Grandpa Wu, I don't have this idea at all, and this plan has failed! The most important thing is that we captured not Li Jiajun this time, but Li Wenquan!

"And I also made all preparations before, specially prepared fake banknotes for those kidnappers, let them solve Li Jiajun, and then I arranged to solve them, I was ready!"

"I don't have to think about it or anything!"

Liu Si instantly began to explain to himself continuously.

The most important thing is reasonable, but if Li Jiajun becomes Li Wenquan and the kidnapper becomes Sherlock Holmes halfway, then Liu Si's plan is really possible.

But! It's dangerous for you to think about it!

Despite this, Wu Lan still wanted to criticize Liu Si, but Liu Si had already realized his mistake at this time, so he took the initiative to admit it.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa Wu, in fact, you can't completely blame me, if you want to blame, you have to blame this Li Jiahao for actually having an illegitimate son as a cultivator... Even if I kill Lee Jiajun, he still has an unplanned option B! Damn it!

Liu Si directly said such a sentence, which instantly made Wu Lan stunned, and the whole person was a little blindfolded.

"No, what did you just say?"

"What does Li Jiahao have, an illegitimate son?"

Wu Lan repeated Liu Si's words, and the whole person was still a little stunned when he said this.

"It's not where you got the news from, how come I've never heard of it!"

Wu Lan directly questioned, but Liu Si silently pointed his finger at Gu Chen, which instantly made Gu Chen feel the oppression from Wu Lan.

And then the next moment that sense of oppression just disappears.

Because Wu Lan directly shifted his gaze after touching Gu Chen's sight.

"Since it is President Gu's news, then it is true, but it is indeed a little difficult for us to accept, after all, a long time ago, our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club once excluded Little Four from holding a small meeting."

Wu Lan's eyes suddenly became confused, and those who were familiar with him knew that this was the way Wu Lan began to fall into memories.

"At that time, the leader had not officially taken over our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club, so I didn't have any real veto power at that time."

"But when I knew the vicious thoughts of some people in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society after knowing Liu Si's identity, I felt that some things would definitely not work if we didn't take care of them!"

"So, from the very beginning, when I heard that I killed Li Jiajun and promoted Liu Si to the first heir, I refused!"

"Just thinking about a girl, she already hated Li Jiahao's enemy very much, and in the end, she had to go to the person she hated the most to inherit everything from him, and in the middle of this, she would definitely suffer a lot of bad things!"

"Tell me, I already feel very sad just thinking about it, and the people of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society actually think that this is the best revenge! How ugly! When

Liu Si heard this, he suddenly said in a small voice.

"Actually, I don't think it's ugly, I still think it's very good, this relying on my own ability to make money doesn't shudder at all!"

"Shudder, very shivering! When will we need to do this kind of thing to continue ourselves!

But before Liu Si's counterattack horn sounded, he was instantly cut off by Wu Lan's roar.

But fortunately, in the end, the dragon appeared, completely cut us off this idea, and most importantly, set up this final veto! Since then, I have been determined in my heart to protect our faucet! Gotta!

Liu Si said and said that he was still a little hidden.

Gu Chen didn't know where this old man came from, so much power was raised.

Anyway, he hasn't stopped this morning, and he has been experiencing some things non-stop, some things that even a strong man like Gu Chen feels a little unbearable.

Gu Chen felt more and more that he and Liu Si had switched bodies.

"Yes, I also respect our leader, after all, who wouldn't like one... What about faucets? When

Liu Si was halfway through speaking, he suddenly stopped, but Liu Si's stop was not because Gu Chen was present, but because Liu Si was still holding Jiang Min, if he kept praising the dragon head of their Qinghuatang Red Flower Club.

She wasn't sure what Jiang Min's reaction would be like in the future, so she didn't say anything halfway.

"But I really didn't know about this before, and I was a little surprised."

Liu Si brought the topic back on track.

"But it doesn't matter, now no matter what, this plan is out, from the beginning our dead end is wrong!" Why money, people like Lee Jiahao keep it? Impossible!

"So we don't have to think so much at all, this Li Jiahao's money we Qinghuatang Red Flower will not want a penny!" And what you can't get will be destroyed directly!

"This ruined path is the struggle, consuming their strength to destroy their foundation, and when the time comes, our Qinghuatang Red Flower will directly appear again to turn the tide!" Wouldn't it be a direct opportunity to go back in time!

"Grandpa Wu, I always listen to you people constantly reminiscing about the past, I have long been tired of listening to crookedly!" Today, wouldn't it be more exciting than any remembrance to let us make history together?

Liu Si's words were like a demon's whisper, constantly echoing in this Wu Lan's mind.

There is quite a demagogic feeling, the most important thing is that Wu Lan actually couldn't help but think or think about it with this Liu Si's story.

"It seems really good if you think about it! When the chaos of Xiangcheng Island comes, our Qinghuatang Red Flower will come out to save the market, and all investors and ordinary citizens of Xiangcheng Island will be able to see our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club!

"In an instant, we have earned back the title of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club!"

"And the most important thing is that when it really comes to that time, what four major families, what Li family, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, is just a fart!" Everyone will remember the name of our Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Club and forget them!

"If you think about it, it is indeed very possible to push our power back to the top!"

This Wu Lan thought a lot, and the whole person's thinking was empty and amplified.

Liu Si was also almost caught in the future he had made up, and the expressions of both of them were a little dreamy.

It's just that Gu Chen's appearance directly caused them both to fall silently from the clouds.

"Wake up!"

"You think very well, but if there is a little mistake in the middle, do you know what will happen then?"

"I don't have anything to do with it, anyway, I can still go back to Huahai City, my roots are there, but you can only endure the anger from Li Jiahao and the Li family!"

"The Qinghuatang Red Flower Society you believe in will also be extinguished in an instant, do you understand what I mean?"

"I'm telling you to calm down!"

Gu Chen directly said such a sentence, which instantly pulled Wu Lan Liu Si, who was in a fantasy, back to reality.

The two of you, you look at me, I look at you, and then both looked at Gu Chen and asked.

"Why won't it work?"

Gu Chen also directly answered them with a very true sentence.

"Because I haven't agreed to help you yet, I haven't agreed to give you yet......or Qinghuatang Honghua will send money!"

"To put it bluntly, why I would... That's because I don't know you guys, and I've never investigated what the so-called Qinghuatang Red Flower Society is. "

This badge is also nothing more than a me from... A gadget from a friend or debtor to pay off debts!

"So, in fact, the relationship between me and your Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Society is not so deep, if you want to put all the treasures on me, then I have to be very embarrassed to tell you."

"You guys bet on the wrong treasure!"

Gu Chen's words directly showed that his relationship with the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, or the relationship with them, the leader of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, was not as close as imagined, nor was it so tactful and desolate.

"What, there is actually such a thing! Then our President Gu must not know about our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, if President Gu can go deep into our interior and understand everything about us! "

You'll find.... "

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