"Will you find out that it is better not to understand?"

Liu Si, who likes to answer, directly said such a strange and embarrassing sentence.

The embarrassed Wu Lan directly didn't know what to say, because this was indeed the truth.

If Gu Chen really went directly to understand their Qinghuatang Red Flower Association at this time, he would really find that many things would be different from what he thought, and there were also many things that Gu Chen had expected.

"Anyway, over the years, because of the loneliness of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, the internal necessity is to recruit some strange talents..." "But I can say to President Gu that some of our elders

of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society are still very normal."

Wu Lan still wanted to say something, but Gu Chen had already seen that this Wu Lan was affected by his subjective conjecture, and directly agreed with his little four's obedient thoughts.

But Gu Chen still felt that it was a little too risky.

"Okay, okay, Wu Lao, you don't need to say anything, you don't need to persuade me like this, there is really no need for this, because what I want to say is that I think your risk this time is too great."

"After all, it is Li Jiahao and the Li family who have to deal with this time, who is not worried about this and who is not afraid!"

"I think if anyone frees up their hands to really look for someone, they will definitely be found!" At that time, no matter who you are, no matter where you are, as long as you move your hand in this Xiangcheng Island, you will definitely be discovered by them in the end. Gu

Chen directly said something very truthful.

In fact, it is also because Gu Chen himself is also in this position, profound until when a heavyweight class of existence appears.

Everyone will tremble, and when this heavyweight being opens its power to find out who is behind the ghost, it will be very smooth.

"I can't take your adventure with you, because the survival rate is a bit too low! In addition, your Qinghuatang Red Flower Club is already very conspicuous!

"At that time, if I invest in you Liu Si, can you guarantee that you will not be subdued by Li Jiahao and the people of the Li family in the future?"

A soul torture, asked Wu Lan is completely ah, really don't know what to say.

On the contrary, this Liu Si showed a very bright smile and said.

"I often hear our leaders say that Gu is always a good-looking and good-hearted boss, originally I didn't believe it, I felt that in this world, at least there will not be or should not be a kind capitalist in this place!"

"As a result, I saw you Mr. Gu today, you really made me feel eye-opening!"

Liu Si's words can be said to be a very high evaluation, but Gu Chen did not laugh at all.

He didn't say much, but he still had a hard-hearted appearance, so he continued to quietly wait for Liu Si's next words.

"What, why let Liu Si continue, instead of me asking questions?"

"It's actually very simple."

Gu Chen asked and answered in his heart, but Liu Si's answer after that was something Gu Chen did not expect at all.

"But Mr. Gu, you look really cute, really make people want to rua!" Coupled with Mr. Gu, you look so good-looking, I think..." Wu

Lan coughed twice very appropriately at this time, and Liu Si instantly knew that he was talking too much, or got carried away.

She even felt the palm of Jiang Min she was holding, and she couldn't wait to withdraw it now.

Joking that Liu Si would not let Jiang Min do this, so Liu Si, who finished the previous sentence, directly began to apologize to Gu Chen, and then really began to talk about his real plan.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, I was a little too much before! I kind of couldn't help myself.

"But my idea is really good, Mr. Gu, you must listen to it!"

Liu Si even took the initiative to let go of Jiang Min's palm at this time, and then began to tell Gu Chen what thoughts and plans he had.

"In two days, that dirt auction will be a key, a top priority! All the patterns of Xiangcheng Island will be without exaggeration, and great changes will take place here!

"The fate of countless people will be moved, and even the leader of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society and we don't know what will happen then."

"But what we can be sure of is that Li Jiahao will definitely fall this time, and the most we can do now is to give this guy a little color!"

"Mr. Gu, do you understand when we say that?"

After Gu Chen heard this question, he directly looked at Wu Lan beside him and asked.

"I don't quite understand, do you understand?"

Wu Lan was directly caught in thought, and heard Gu Chen ask himself.

Actually, he thought of something.

But to get him to say it, it may take a little brewing.

"I... Probably understood a little bit of the situation, what Little Four wanted to do was very simple, that is, he wanted to make this Li Jiahao's situation worse.

"After all, how to say it, originally since the news we spread from the beginning, we have received a lot of feedback, the most of which is a signal of liquidation emitted by the four major families."

"Then we started frantically understanding what was going on, and finally found out that all four of their families were frantically watching this land auction from two days later."

Liu Si began to tell the story of what they had found.

Gu Chen also listened very seriously, and then after this Liu Si finished speaking, Gu Chen summarized that things were actually very simple.

"Because none of the people of the four major families dared to take the initiative to deal with Li Jiahao, for fear that they would become the so-called leading birds, everyone was frantically paying attention to Li Jiahao's every move and the situation of several other families."

"In the end, they found that in this mutual jealousy, all the people of the family were thinking and pondering, if no one really made a move, Li Jiahao might really be able to directly transfer all the assets!"

"In order to prevent Li Jiahao from extracting the economic lifeline of Xiangcheng Island or all the money abroad, resulting in the economic collapse of certain industries, everyone is thinking about whether they should take action."

"But to sum up, the people of the four major families found that even if they found out that Li Jiahao's behavior would pose a great threat to Xiangcheng Island, no family dared to really come out to deal with Li Jiahao."

"It's just that there is no way, as long as Li Jiahao really completes the transfer of assets, then even if the four major families get some of the assets left by Li Jiahao, there will be no improvement."

"Or maybe it can only show how many dishes they have, after all, those assets that were divided by Li Jiahao are just dross that Li Jiahao does not want."

Gu Chen fell into thought, and he found more things about analyzing Li Jiahao's transfer of assets from the beginning.

"The height is different, I was just thinking about this matter from the perspective of the outside world, but if I put it from the perspective of the four major families, it is indeed a bit of a tattered feeling."

"And the most important thing is that without Li Jiahao, some industries will indeed collapse."

"No wonder the people of the last four major families can't help but discuss to make a move against Li Jiahao, and their feelings are all aware that Li Jiahao's departure will bring them a lot of harm!"

After Gu Chen thought of this, he immediately turned his head and said to Liu Si.

"So, they're also aware of the gap they face? You're going to take the initiative to make a choice, right?

"Then in fact, the purpose of this land auction is also very simple, that is, to build up their confidence, and want to kill Li Jiahao's majesty by the four of them in one go, and show those small and medium-sized enterprises or people from the outside world, in fact, Li Jiahao is not great, right?"

Hearing Gu Chen say this, Liu Si, Jiang Min and the others all nodded frantically, indicating that it was right, and that's it.

Wu Lan even highly agreed with Gu Chen's ability to judge.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, this is almost the case, so it should be very lively in two days."

"The most important thing is that during this time, some banks on Xiangcheng Island have been exchanged, and the banks are almost out of money, you say this is not an exaggeration!"

"It seems that everyone is preparing to take down this Li Jiahao for a while!"

After saying this, Gu Chen, Jiang Min and the others couldn't help but laugh.

"This is indeed the truth, and the most important thing is that Li Jiahao still has not made any effective counterattack, it seems that this time Xiangcheng Island is really going to change the person."

Gu Chen couldn't help but sigh, and then looked at Liu Si and said.

"So your idea is very simple, just want to tell me that you plan to take advantage of this opportunity to create a fuse in advance, right?"

When Liu Si heard Gu Chen's words, of course, he gave Gu Chen a thumbs up, indicating that yes, that's it!

"It's still Mr. Gu is powerful, it's a straight comment all of a sudden, that's right, that's what I thought."

"And the most important thing is that after this fuse is established, to the auction of the day after tomorrow, I don't believe that Li Jiahao or the Li family can really find out that it is me in these two short days."

"Or find out the head of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club! At that time, there will be their busy affairs and worried enemies, where will there be any mind to check me or what! One and two must be crazy to start a financial war!

Liu Si's attitude also became very hip-hop.

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