After all, Gu Chen's has always felt that the money he invested is not used to make money, but to help some people realize their dreams.

Originally, Gu Chen felt that this Liang Sixing was a pure person who liked astronomy, and Gu Chen liked this kind of pure person with any purpose, so he had always been very lenient to her.

So after Gu Chen heard Liu Si's words at this time, he really didn't know where this guy had the courage to connect her with Liang Sixing.

"Moreover, this guy Liang Sixing must have used my money to subsidize the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club."

Thinking of this, Gu Chen also lost the idea of arguing with this Liu Si.

"You need a reason to convince me."

So putting aside other thoughts, Gu Chen directly said this classic sentence to persuade him.

Liu Si looked at Gu Chen's appearance, and he really couldn't think of what kind of reason he should use to convince Gu Chen.

Because Gu Chen's indifferent eyes did not carry any emotion, it made people look very terrible.

Liu Si instantly felt a very strong sense of oppression, Liu Si originally felt that Gu Chen was a beautiful man, and at this time, he transformed into a velociraptor-like existence.

As long as Gu Chen thought about it, Liu Si felt that he might be devoured at any time.

The ideas that were originally intended to fool Gu Chen also disappeared completely at this time, and she fell into silence.

Wu Lan didn't dare to say anything more, so he silently waited for Gu Chen's words on the side.

At this time, Jiang Min only felt Gu Chen's handsomeness.

"Wow, Brother Gu Chen's serious look is really handsome, he is worthy of being the man I fancy!"

"I really admire Brother Gu Chen more and more!"

Jiang Min thought so silently, Liu Si also slowly adjusted her mentality, she looked at Gu Chen as if she was looking at God, and the whole person converged her hesitation and confusion.

"I really haven't thought much about the reason, but if Mr. Gu really wants me to say it."

"I don't want to make up a lie at this time, I can only tell Mr. Gu that I am a very realistic but loyal romantic person in my bones."

"It may be a bit contradictory to say this, on the one hand, I very much hope that I can rely on my own hands to fight for my future and take revenge on those who have hurt me and my mother, but on the other hand, I hope that someone can stand up and tell me like a prince charming, I will help you without working hard!"

"But when I recognized this world, I realized that the so-called Prince Charming would not exist at all! Then I can only force my goodness out of my body, and I choose to use reality, that is, rely on myself to take revenge!

"Instead of putting everything on others for yourself."

Gu Chen felt very strange when he heard this contradictory remark.

"While you say that you will not rely on others, and at the same time you are asking for my investment, don't you think what you said is a bit of a preamble?"

Wu Lan felt embarrassed when she asked this, and she didn't even know why her little four was obviously a very smart person, although sometimes she couldn't speak.

But there is absolutely nothing wrong with the brain, it can even be said to be the kind of straightforward, but now what she says seems to be a little ... like a stunned person. This is a side that Wu Lan has never seen before.

However, he didn't say anything more, what if this was a routine of Liu Si?

And it turns out that this is not Liu Si's routine at all, but her sincere answer.

"No, there must be no contradiction, because the former I am asking Mr. Gu if you want to invest, I need a return, it belongs to the relationship between the creditor and the debtor."

"The latter's words are equivalent to a responsibility and obligation!"

Liu Si's expression is very serious and serious, no matter who sees it, he will praise a good strong woman.

But when such a strong woman finally spoke, she directly shocked everyone present, because she said.

"So Mr. Gu, I want to make a deal with you!"

"What deal?"

Although Gu Chen knew that although this transaction might not have any benefit to him, he still asked such a sentence.

However, even if Gu Chen had prepared in his heart, Liu Si's next words still shocked him.

"It's very simple, this deal is Mr. Gu, you invest me today and give me enough money to prepare my plan, and when I take down Li Jiahao in the future, it will be the day when I pay my debt?"

"I don't quite understand what you're saying, and what do you rely on?"

Gu Chen knew that the situation of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club was actually not very good, if in this case, Liu Si could scrape together enough money to repay his investment, Gu Chen felt that Liu Si must have done something....illegal things.

At that time, the money that Liu Si returned to Gu Chen was all black dirty money, so Gu Chen would definitely not be able to accept it.

But he didn't expect that after Gu Chen finished speaking, Liu Si actually said.

"Rely on me to pay it back."

Gu Chen frowned, feeling that this Liu Si did not like to play riddles with himself, and would actually say such vague words.

But after thinking about it, Gu Chen thought of some possibility.

It's just that before Gu Chen could speak, Wu Lan, who was beside him, had already spoken.

"What are you talking about, Little Four! You! You're confused!

As soon as he stood up, he pointed his finger at Liu Si, and his words were full of a feeling of hatred that iron is not steel.

The most important thing is that whether it is Gu Chen or Jiang Min, they can hear the regretful emotion in his words.

At this moment, even the most dull Jiang Min understood at this time what kind of tiger and wolf words Liu Si had said before.

Frightened, Jiang Min brushed and released Liu Si's palm, but at this time, Liu Si just glanced at Jiang Min, who was a little pale, and smiled, and did not forcibly grab Jiang Min's palm again.

Instead, he said silently to Wu Lan.

"Grandpa Wu, you know that I only have this bit of chips, and it is also my last hole card."

"I hope you... don't stop me."

After saying this, Liu Si shifted his gaze to Gu Chen's body and then began to introduce himself to Gu Chen.

"Gu Chen, I haven't had my birthday this month, and this year I am also said to be at the age of twenty-two, it is no exaggeration that this is a woman's best years."

"As long as you can give me enough money to realize my plan, I will return myself to you as interest!" And the money that should be repaid will still be the same, but it may take a little longer. This

time, Liu Si said it more bluntly! It made Jiang Min even more overwhelmed, making Wu Lan turn his head fiercely and did not dare to look at Liu Si.

Instead, Gu Chen's brows furrowed even more profoundly.

And Liu Si is still constantly introducing himself.

"What about me, the reason why I can become the hall master of the Red Flower Society of the Blue and Flower Hall, Jedi relies on my own skills, Mr. Gu, I am not afraid of your jokes when I say it, because I have not felt safe since I was a child, so although I joined the Blue and Flower Hall when I grew up."

"But I personally still worship force very much, and it can be said that these forces and cold weapons can bring me enough security, so I personally have a security company under my name."

"Although the scale is not very large now, it provides some high-end security services, so the income is actually good!"

"And I personally think that although I am not a big beauty with a sinking fish and a falling goose, the body I exercise all year round is definitely not comparable to those weaker little girls."

"In a word, I can go up to the hall and down to the kitchen, and it is a paradise in the eyes of ordinary men!"

I don't know if this Liu Si is boasting about selling melons to his mother-in-law, and what he said is the same as the real thing.

When Wu Lan heard this, he wanted to directly find a hole in the ground and hide in it.

Jiang Min was a little impressed by Liu Si when he heard this, and he also slowly reduced the hostility that suddenly appeared to Liu Si in his heart, who let Jiang Min know Gu Chen's character, he would never accept Liu Si to trade himself as an item.

Sure enough, after Liu Si finished such a super confident speech, Gu Chen saw that this guy finally had nothing to add, and then he sighed and said.

"That's it? Without?

When Liu Si heard this, his head suddenly tilted, and he had an inexplicable absurd feeling.

"What do you call just like that? Without?

"I'm so good, you're still not satisfied?"

Did she think Gu Chen's requirements were too high, or was his goal even higher? For example, coveting the leader of their Qinghuatang Red Flower Club?

Liu Si thought of their dragon head, and after pondering it a little, he found that there was indeed no way to compare with his own dragon head in some aspects.

Therefore, Liu Si straightened his head and attitude and said.

"I, if you are small, you can also be small, and the little four is very good."

After saying this, Na Wu Lan directly stood up and said.

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, I feel a little uncomfortable here, I'll go outside and rest first!"

He really couldn't listen anymore, and Wu Lan was worried that if he continued to listen, he would probably be angry with Liu Si.

Gu Chen was also shocked and turned his head to this Wu Lan and said.

"Oh, okay."

I want to go too! Why is this Liu Si such a tiger!

But in fact, Gu Chen not only couldn't leave like Wu Lan, but even continued to be killed by Liu Si using his confident eyes in place.

Gu Chen was thinking, is there a problem with this Liu Si, or is there a problem in this world?

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