Finally, Gu Chen pondered carefully and found that..."

Sure enough, Liu Si has a problem with himself!"

Sighing, Gu Chen said to Liu Si.

"Liu Si, I think you have considered this matter a little extremely, and how to say this reason, I am not very satisfied."

Liu Si's face suddenly showed a very incomprehensible look.

"Mr. Gu, but this is already the transaction that can best reflect my sincerity that I can think of, if you are still not satisfied, I will help you chase the leader of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club... It's not impossible..." In

the end, Liu Si thought that Gu Chen felt that he was not qualified, and he was directly ready to pull their Qinghuatang Red Flower Society faucet into the water together, if Wu Lan was still here, he might have to turn his crutches to smash Liu Si.

Hearing such a big contrarian word, the corners of Gu Chen's mouth couldn't help twitching, and Jiang Min directly and silently stepped away from Liu Si with his foot, and his heart was full of worry and fear.

"No, are you a little misunderstood me, I'm not a womanizer!"

"Isn't it? Then why are you giving money to our faucet, and still beating so much, isn't it because you like our faucet? Gu

Chen simply entered the Yellow River directly, and he couldn't clear his suspicions.

"Where did you hear this ghost gossip! I paid you for the leader of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club for two reasons, the first is that I didn't know what kind of Qinghuatang Red Flower Club your leader was in the beginning!

"I just paid her because of her simple and pure love for astronomy and wanted to help her!" And I don't know where she spent her money!

"The second point is that I know that I will come to Xiangcheng Island in the future to explore the bottom or do something, one more friend is always one more way, then the way I happen to make friends in the recent period is to rely on money to smash people, is there any problem?"

Gu Chen's words were very sharp, and when normal people heard it, they simply didn't have anything to say.

But if it is placed on Liu Si's body, she directly puts it to the point:

"Give some money to my friends, I can understand it very well!" But I haven't seen anyone beat money in units that are calculated in hundreds of millions! You're not reasonable at all!

"Why is it unreasonable, I have no concept of money, if this money is converted to you, that is what it looks like to count a dollar, for example, if you have 110,000 dollars, will you be stingy to give your friends ten and twenty dollars?"

"Not at all, and it's a friend who might help you in the future, and you won't lose her!"

Gu Chen's explanation sounded very easy to understand.

But when they all put together and placed them in front of Liu Si, all of them were stuffed into Liu Si's ears.

Liu Si felt that everything seemed to be strange and unfamiliar.

It was clear that Gu Chen was talking about Chinese, but why did she sound so blinded?

"I..." So

at this moment, Liu Si frowned and opened his mouth to say something, but found that he had been hit by Gu Chen's superpower and didn't know what to say.

She chose to close her mouth fiercely!

Her eyes were filled with a kind of resentment, an inexplicable resentment.

"Mr. Gu, you don't talk about martial virtue a bit, so what do you say you want?"

Listening to Liu Si's resentful and deep voice, Gu Chen sighed again and said.

"It's not me what I want, but I should ask you, what do you want?"

"What I want is very simple, that is, let Li Jiahao and the Li family fight!" The best is the kind where both sides fight you to death and I live!

"Okay, I know, let's talk about how much money you can make a year, today I see that you want this money, don't also find a way to get it from me, then let's calculate how much money you need, and how many years it will take to be able to pay it back!"

Liu Si immediately smiled, and his face turned red and said.

"Oh, I know that President Gu is definitely not the kind of man who doesn't know how to be flexible, then I..."

"You can just pay back, you don't need to sign me any deed of sale, it's good."

As soon as Liu Si opened his mouth happily, Gu Chen discovered what this guy wanted to say, and directly interrupted her words, said such a sentence very indifferently, and then received a resentful look from Liu Si.

But soon, when it came to his own money investment, Liu Si's eyes instantly changed from resentment to a very calculating shrewd look.

"If you start with the initial ransom, 80 million plus the activity funds or equipment money such as camouflage fees for these kidnappers, plus some expenses that may occur in the future, and preferably some reserve funds and the like."

As she spoke, she told Gu Chen all her thoughts.

"Then a total of about 300 million is needed..." In

the end, Liu Si seemed to have thought about everything a long time ago and reported a total price figure to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen nodded, this price is not a big amount on his side, for him it is basically ... It's a small problem to sprinkle water, but Gu Chen is not the kind of money-free boy who has no brains.

After listening directly to Liu Si's report, he began to listen to Liu Si's business and repayment plans.

"If it is 300 million, my security company's current turnover is almost close to 10 million a year, and if it is all given to Mr. Gu, it may take 30 years."

"But I am also the hall master of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club, so sometimes I still have the allowance issued by the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, and there is almost three or four million a year, I think it may take more than twenty years....I can pay it back..." Liu

Si spoke very loudly and confidently at first, but the more he said the end, Liu Si's confidence decreased more and more, Even in the end, Liu Si's voice was about to turn into a mosquito.

Even Jiang Min, who was beside Liu Si, was almost unable to hear what Liu Si was saying.

And Gu Chen's words, in fact, although Gu Chen seems to have been nodding seriously on the surface, but in fact... Gu Chen's

sensitivity to these numbers has now been reduced to a critical value, so when Liu Si spoke, Gu Chen did not pay attention to it at all, but was constantly wandering.

Constantly thinking about whether the leader of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club is Liang Sixing, after all, if Liang Sixing is really a very perfect dragon head who can take care of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club, then at least Gu Chen should be able to see something.

But in the previous conversation between Gu Chen and this Liang Sixing, he didn't feel Liang Sixing's abnormality or the feeling of being a superior at all.

"Could it be that my rank has recently declined, so I can't see this disguise of Liang Sixing at all?"

"Doesn't that mean that Liang Sixing is the one who has the deepest level in the city?"

Just as Gu Chen was thinking like this, he heard someone calling him.

"Mr. Gu....what do you think?"

Well? Gu Chen raised his head and looked at Liu Si, whose face was full of embarrassment at this time, and said.

"No problem, it's good, as long as you don't make a promise or ask me to sign any deed of sale with you, I don't think there is any problem with your repayment plan!"

Liu Si said with surprise and hesitation in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter if it takes me about thirty years to pay off the three hundred million or so arrears? And still in the absence of interest at all?

"Mr. Gu, don't you think that future inflation and all kinds of messy taxes will make your three hundred million dollars constantly poured water?"

Maybe Gu Chen agreed too quickly, Liu Si felt that he had taken too much advantage of this bargain, and he always felt a little overwhelmed in his heart, so he directly said such a thing.

Or to put it under a step for Gu Chen, let Gu Chen add some interest to himself, otherwise let Gu Chen directly ask for himself is also a good choice.

After all, Liu Si now fully understands that Gu Chen's person is already a fierce dragon on the wind and clouds, one of the top overlords of the food chain.

Following such a person, she will definitely not suffer any losses, anyway, it will definitely be much better than her position as a hall master in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

"And the most important thing is that I will have enough reasons to stay with Sister Jiang Min at that time."

Glancing at Jiang Min beside Gu Chen, Liu Si restrained his pounding heart.

Soon Gu Chen gave a response.

"No need, but I have a condition."

Here it comes! Sure enough, Mr. Gu, even if you are the top food chain overlord, you can't get rid of your male identity!

"Okay, Mr. Gu, you say!"

Liu Si thought of one set in her heart, but her mouth was another, and she waited for Gu Chen's request very respectfully.

"This condition is actually very simple, that is, I need you to develop in this Xiangcheng Island not only as the hall master of the Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Society."

"I still need you to join my group to help me with things."

Liu Si blinked his eyes, and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

"To put it simply, in the future, I will set up a branch or subsidiary of my Longteng Group on Xiangcheng Island, and some of these positions must be very short of manpower."

"I'll call you to help then, how about that?"

"Huh? Why do you seem to look very disappointed? Does working for me make you unhappy? "

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