Liu Si seemed to be in a sluggish situation.

Fortunately, in the end, Gu Chen's call made Jiang Min react, and she directly pushed Liu Si next to her and said.

"Sister Liu Si, explain quickly!"

So Liu Si finally reacted at this time, and directly stepped forward and said.

"What are you two doing!"

She struggled to separate Liu Si and Gu Chen, and was also very successful in preventing her Grandpa Wu from stopping his kneeling.

"What are you stopping me for!"

However, this Liu Si seemed to have slowed down at all, and still looked a little dumbfounded.

However, Wu Lan looked at Liu Si's lost mind, but thought that Liu Si was already in a grief-stricken mood, and still subconsciously showed this expression.

This made Liu Si's heart ache even more.

"You faint!"

Wu Lan's whole person became angry, but this kind of anger came and went quickly.

Because just after Wu Lan finished saying this, Liu Si had already reacted.

"Why does Grandpa Wu have a feeling of desperately fighting with President Gu, can it be said that he... Misunderstood!

Liu Si, who had thought clearly about this, suddenly called nervously.

"Oops, Grandpa Wu made a mistake, made a mistake! The situation is not right!

"What's wrong, isn't it your stinking initiative to self-recommend that this surnamed Gu possess you?"

"I, Wu Lan, will never allow you to sacrifice yourself to do what you want to do! Give me an honest self today! Saying

that, Wu Lan was about to pull this Liu Si's palm to leave.

"No, Grandpa Wu, you really made a mistake!"

Because Liu Si is actually quite tall, plus Wu Lan does not dare to exert strength on Liu Si at all, so when Wu Lan wants to pull this Liu Si to leave, he will still be pulled by Liu Si, who is not very strong.

"What's wrong, am I going to be wrong?"

But at this time, Liu Si was still paranoid and thought that he did not have any mistakes

, but after that, Liu Si was reluctantly dragged by his grandfather on the road, and at the same time, he also frantically told what happened before.

After saying this, Liu Si also felt that Wu Lan's palm finally stopped using so much strength.

It also made Liu Si breathe a sigh of relief, and finally it was.


Wu Lan silently glanced back at Gu Chen, always feeling that things might not be as simple as he thought.

But now, he really didn't have any other superfluous ideas.

"Ah this, why didn't you say earlier, I am ugly and embarrassed on President Gu's side!"

Wu Lan finally completely released this Liu Si's palm, and a little embarrassed expression appeared on his face.

"It turns out that I misunderstood, I'm sorry Mr. Gu! I'm sorry, Little Four, it turns out that you have nothing to do from the beginning, ah, I thought... Saying

this, Wu Lan also glanced at Gu Chen very embarrassed.

Fortunately, Gu Chen still said anything with a smile, otherwise Wu Lan also wanted to find a place to get into.

At this time, although Wu Lan was still very uneasy about Gu Chen's loose loan conditions.

But to be honest, judging from the short time he had spent with Gu Chen, Gu Chen was not the kind of person who would blackmail Entu.

Therefore, Wu Lan didn't say anything more.

Just nodded, and Liu Si and Lang Mingyue were ready to send Gu Chen and them away.

However, at this moment, suddenly there was a very noisy noise outside the door.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min both stopped silently.

"Who are you! Didn't you see that it has been written on this and temporarily closed for business?

"I don't care if you're open or not, today we're just going to go in and take a look at the situation!"

"Good fellow, today we actually ran into hard stubble, brothers, you said this should not let them go!"

"That's definitely not going to be allowed! Where do cats and dogs suddenly appear and want to go in and disturb our eldest brothers to talk about things? Is it the skeleton club on the street next door!

After hearing this noisy sound, Gu Chen and Jiang Min both looked at Liu Si and Wu Lan, who were slightly stunned beside them.

"Do you have many enemies in Qinghuatang Red Flowers?"

"Why are you so restless when you come out for a meal!"

Gu Chen said so lightly, and suddenly Wu Lan's old face turned red.

"During this time, with the emergence of the Internet, there are still hot ah, and there are already many people who do not respect the older generation of Xiangcheng Island, so it is normal that our Qinghuatang Red Flower will be slightly not so famous."

"And Mr. Gu, our side still hasn't reported the name of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club, I believe that after our people beat out our name, this little ruffian outside will definitely be directly scared into the fart!"

But Wu Lan is relatively thick-skinned after all, and he directly blew on his Qinghuatang Red Flower Club.

It's just that this situation directly exposed that this Wu Lan was a man who knew that he was pinned to the badge of the leader of their Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, but he was actually a person who did not understand or know the power of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

In this case, Gu Chen directly peeked at this old fellow.

"But he didn't show it, it seems that he was still using me to suppress those three guild presidents before!"

Gu Chen, who came back to his senses, heard the little brother of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society in the outside world start to roar.

"Do you know where we come from?"

"I don't care what you guys are, today is the Heavenly King Laozi, we will also go in to see the situation!"

"Oh, let me see if you don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin, I'll tell you, we have a private venue here today!" You better honestly shut up and fuck me!

"Or you keep coming in a little more, yes, yes, yes, just come in a little bit, and I'll see if you dare!"

"Oops! I really dare! Okay, brothers are closed, now there are no messy people here, I tell you that we are people from the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club!

"Now if you don't want to be beaten out directly by us, you will honestly get out of here!"

After Gu Chen, Jiang Min and the others heard that this group of young brothers of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society reported themselves, there was no sound on the other side immediately.

All of a sudden, Wu Lan directly showed a smile.

"Mr. Gu, listen, this must be a local person from our Xiangcheng Island, and it is also a person who has heard the name of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club! That's why I don't dare to continue to act rashly! He

was a little proud, in fact, this was also Wu Lan's humble desire to give Gu Chen a disgrace or something.

After all, his own little Liu Si had just borrowed 300 million from Gu Chen! That's not 30,000 or 300,000, that's a real 300 million!

Wu Lan Although he heard that this Gu Chen would definitely not set any interest or other things for his little Liu Si, but in this Wu Lan's heart, he always felt that Gu Chen would always take these three hundred million to say things.

For example... forcing Liu Si to do something strange.

Just thinking about it like this, Wu Lan felt very unhappy, so he must show Gu Chen how powerful their Qinghuatang Red Flower Club is, and let Gu Chen know that they are not easy to mess with.

"If Gu Chen's idea of transferring money to Little Four is not very good, then I have to let this Gu Chen know what it means that the old man is angry, and the weather is not good!"

However, just when Wu Lan kept fantasizing, he suddenly heard a voice outside the door, which seemed a little wrong.

"Eh, what do you mean, haven't you heard of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society? Or where the hell are you turtles from! Actually still wearing gloves, wait, is that a finger tiger hidden in gloves?

"Who in the back you did to put your hand in your arms, you won't be going to pull out something strange!"

"Wait, guys, I don't know exactly what you're here for, but we can talk about it, they are all out to work, why should the workers be embarrassed?"

When Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard these words, a very keen person walked up to the door of the private room and very skillfully put a lock on the private room, and the other began to look at Wu Lan, who was extremely embarrassed, with a strange look.

"Elder Wu, is it also planned?"

Gu Chen asked very quickly.

"Ah, that's not very much."

This time, Wu Lao finally told the truth, but the whole person began to chant on his lips.

"This kind of accident can't say anything, this Xiangcheng Island is really too big, and there are always some hillbillies who don't know how powerful our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club is, so..."

But the situation in the outside world is a bit unbearable.

"No, I can't get them to fight, I'm still useful here!"

Liu Si, who originally planned to watch a play, finally put away his mobile phone at this time, and his IQ instantly returned to his smart head.

Liu Si was a little anxious, after all, he finally got 300 million start-up capital from Gu Chen, but he must not be messed up by someone before he could stand up.

At that time, how can he use such a porous store to deceive Li Jiahao and the Li family?

Therefore, Liu Si directly prepared to open the door from before arriving at this private room.

It's just that because of the hurry, this Liu Si just can't open the door of this private room.

Jiang Min came up to help, and the situation outside the door at this time was not very good.

The younger disciples of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society and a group of outsiders who suddenly broke in seemed to be in a state of imminent outbreak.

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