The moment he opened the door, Gu Chen, who had planned to watch the play, thought that it would be better to pull Jiang Min back.

As a result, as soon as I opened the door, I saw the group of people who were very familiar with the confrontation with Qinghuatang Honghua.

Rao is Gu Chen's calm and water-like character, and he couldn't help but lie down at this time.

"Isn't it!"

Then Gu Chen rushed out of this private room first, leaving Liu Si and Wu Lan with question marks written on their faces.

"Mr. Gu, this is... People have three hurries? Neither

of them knew very well why Gu Chen would suddenly rush out, and why Gu Chen would suddenly stand between the younger brother of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society and the intruder.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Gu Chen seems to know the people who came here to make trouble.

"Why are you here!"

Gu Chen seemed to be a hero at this time, and instantly appeared between the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club and the dog head chao and others.

And Qinghuatang Honghuahui and others, who were confused about the situation, looked directly back at Liu Si and Wu Lan, who were also blinded, as if they were asking what to do.

They were Liu Si's subordinates, who had received information from the private room before, and after performing all the plays, they listened to the news of their boss and returned here.

As a result, he didn't expect to run into the dog head chao and others who came to look for Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

Fortunately, these two sides are afraid of each other, so they did not fight at the first time, otherwise it would really be a big water rushing the Dragon King Temple, and the family did not know the family!

It was because of this situation that Gu Chen's appearance instantly made the fierce expression on the dog's head chao's face instantly unable to hang up.

"Mr. Gu! Are you okay! The

dog's head Chao reacted quickly, and he instantly put away the finger tiger on his hand, and then really looked at Gu Chen with concern.

" Mr. Gu! Where is Mr. Gu! Song Chao, you get out of the way!

After Dog Tou Chao's words were finished, a very anxious voice came from behind him, and then the owner of this voice stretched out a pair of weak little hands and instantly pushed Dog Tou Chao, who was two meters closer, to the side.

Gu Chen saw Tong Zixin's violent side, and he didn't know why he was not only not frightened by her, but even felt that this Tong Zixin's concern for him was like a warm current.

"Mr. Gu! Are you okay! That's great!

At this time, Tong Zixin saw Gu Chen, and finally had no way to suppress the worried mood in his heart, and directly ignored the little brother of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society beside him.

Ignoring the dog head chao and the others, he directly pounced on Gu Chen and hugged Gu Chen fiercely.

And he was also very hard, as if he was worried that he would let Gu Chen go as soon as he let go!

It's just that this situation didn't last long, because Gu Chen really couldn't hold such a person and hugged you with all his strength for three minutes!

It's not because the physical strength can't hold it, but the eyes of the people around him make Gu Chen feel... Well, it's a little too ambiguous.

The most important thing is that Gu Chen is also a man.

Being hugged tightly by a big beauty like Tong Zixin, that is a person will have a slight reaction, Gu Chen is not a stone heart, then no matter how powerful he is, he is also a man.

So, Gu Chen gently patted Tong Zixin's shoulder and said.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, I'm very safe here, but why did you suddenly come!"

Tong Zixin let go of Gu Chen a little reluctantly.

"This matter is a long story, but it's not all to blame for you!"

"Blame us?"

Gu Chen thought about the opportunity for Tong Zixin to say this, and then suddenly realized.

"You mean the phone call before? Sure enough, you called!

Gu Chen shook his head with a wry smile, this expression directly fell in Tong Zixin's eyes, and Tong Zixin thought that he had let this dog head chao call Gu Chen before.

Suddenly, this Tong Zixin became anxious.

"What's wrong, Mr. Gu, could it be that we called Jiang Min's sister before, did something go wrong with you?"

Looking at Tong Zixin's anxious look, Gu Chen hurriedly shook his head and said.

"Of course not, you are not the culprit, it can be said that if I didn't have your phone, I might have been arrested by a guy who couldn't see Tarzan!"

Lang Mingyue suddenly felt that his nose was a little itchy and wanted to sneeze, but although he was listening to Gu Chen, he did not fully realize that some guy Gu Chen said who did not recognize Mount Tai was himself.

Because after Lang Mingyue entered this private room before, his eyes never fell on Gu Chen's body.

Not to mention taking the initiative to observe the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society dragon head badge on this Gu Chen's body.

Therefore, if Lang Mingyue forcibly entered this private room before and found a few more people to control Gu Chen and Jiang Min, I am afraid that it would be a quasi-control! There is simply no need for any unnecessary means to waste time.

But fortunately, in the end, it was Jiang Min's missed call that the people in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club next door noticed the situation.

Otherwise, even if Gu Chen and Jiang Min had the dragon head badge of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, they would be arrested by a man who was blind and could not see the badge at all.

So, to some extent, this makes Tong Zixin who called really a talent!

And Tong Zixin, who let go of Gu Chen, did not completely leave Gu Chen's body, and one arm was still very tough on the crook of Gu Chen's arm.

Her eyes were full of tears, which was very pitiful, and she completely ignored the younger brothers of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society who had almost entered a petrified state because of Tong Zixin's charm.

These little brothers can't help but think in their hearts.

"What for, let this big beauty come out and talk to us earlier, where is the almost fight later!"

In fact, it is not surprising that the younger brothers of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society think so.

Tong Zixin was also ready to take the initiative at the beginning.

But on the way to drive here, Tong Zixin said at the beginning.

"We may be a little dangerous this time, but I can't guarantee what the danger is..."

Just when Tong Zixin just finished saying this, among the several people she brought out this time, the dog head Chao who was still immersed in the final interaction with Mia instantly recovered her IQ.

He said to Tong Zixin.

"Since that's the case, we might need a little weapon!"

After hearing this, Tong Zixin immediately stepped on the brakes and asked.

"Where to get our weapons."

Dog Tou Chao did not have any ambiguity, and directly changed positions with Tong Zixin, and he came to drive to a health club.

"Wait for me for a while!"

After leaving such a sentence, the dog head super went directly to this club.

Then, soon after the dog's head came over, he had an extra cloth bag that looked very heavy.

After arriving in this car, Dog Tou Chao distributed the weapons in these cloth bags to everyone.

The most used is the tiger, this small gadget can be said to be directly placed in the pocket without any problems.

The key is also a stew, killing people, as long as you pay a little attention, even if you knock people unconscious, it is at most a skin injury.

It's just that the weapons were divided into the end, and Tong Zixin actually didn't get any of them, which made Tong Zixin feel a little unhappy.

"If a few of us can't keep you safe, even if you carry a weapon, it won't have any effect, and it will even prevent you from escaping!"

But Tong Zixin was instantly relieved after hearing this dog-headed chao's explanation.

"You're right, if I really need a woman to play in the end, it's almost the same as a complete defeat!"

Tong Zixin glanced at this big man with great wisdom and said.

"If only you could guarantee your intelligence and wisdom in the face of Mia!"

As soon as he said this, the dog head Chao suddenly frowned.

"No, I'm just that, how to say, oh yes! Love Brain!

"I'm just a love brain!" I don't know how to get along with a girl at all, I..." Tong

Zixin just accidentally said Mia, who knew that this dog head chao seemed to have directly opened the chatterbox, and kept complaining with Tong Zixin and others about himself.

But at this critical time, Tong Zixin will definitely not let this dog's head continue to continue.

Of course, it was said directly.

"Okay, okay, get down to business! If President Gu doesn't have anything this time, I'll tell you some information about Mia!" "

Does that shut you up?"

Dog Tou Chao originally wanted to continue to say something, after all, the craziest thing he had now was to indulge in Mia.

Then after Tong Zixin came to such a sentence, Dog Tou Chao suddenly felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

"Great, with you inner ghost gang... Ah no, it's Sister Tong, you super love master.. It's not right, oh, anyway, with the help of my smart and invincible cute child sister! I already feel what Mia's future and I will look like in the hall of marriage! "

Dog Tou Chao was very excited at this time, completely caught in his own fantasy.

At this time, Tong Zixin didn't want to deal with this dog stealer at all, thinking in his heart.

"If Mia can take a fancy to you, I'm afraid it's when either of you is about to hang up!"

Tong Zixin didn't know at that time that such a very simple casual complain would really occur in the same situation a long time later.

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