In short, it was such a team that rescued Gu Chen and Jiang Min, and after obtaining the supply of weapons, they silently rushed to the point where the last Gu Chen's car was located.

"Is this the place?"

After finally finding the parking lot, Tong Zixin looked at the situation of people coming and going around and didn't know what to say.

Dog Tou Chao and Lin Wanxiang and others were also stunned.

"Sister Tong, if we are looking for it, it can be said that we are looking for a needle in a haystack! And the parking lot near here is actually not monitored! Even the immortals probably can't find President Gu!

"Shut up! Just find it for me! "

Directly stunned those a little frustrated words, Tong Zixin's mood at this time is really not very good.

She began to frantically search for the slightest trace of Gu Chen.

"So how did you decide that I arrived at this store?"

Hearing the story from Tong Zixin, Gu Chen asked with interest.

Tong Zixin responded after thinking for a while.

"Maybe there is some kind of telepathic connection between me and President Gu!"

"Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for me to find our Gu Zong directly in this place with such a large flow of people!"

Gu Chen was stunned by Tong Zixin's words.

"So, you're relying on intuition?"

"Yes, that's right, it can be understood that way!"

Tong Zixin silently responded to Gu Chen's words, but soon Tong Zixin remembered it again.

"Intuition? It's not intuition! It was I who gave the security man who was closing the door in the parking lot at that time, close to a huazi in exchange for information about where you went!

"But one thing to say, this old man is really very powerful, and he actually remembers someone's license plate and the general direction of this person's departure in the parking lot where people come and go every day."

Tong Zixin thought of the power of the old man at that time, and couldn't help but praise.

Because Tong Zixin can feel the heart of another person very well.

At this time, Gu Chen's heart should be very moved.

Tong Zixin almost laughed directly when he thought of this.

But in the end, Tong Zixin still resisted his desire.

Calmed his mood, and then continued to answer Gu Chen's question.

"Anyway, the situation was a little bit complicated, and we followed my feelings and came straight here! At that time, we didn't really think so much, Mr. Gu, you are here. "

We're just looking at this 100-year-old signboard with the repetition of the question and the singularity of the eye."

"Therefore, we found that at the noon, when the flow of customers from the outside world was so large, there were actually people who would directly close their stores, even if they were century-old stores, they could not be exempt!"

"So there is only one truth in this case, and that is that this place must have hidden secrets! Combined with my sixth sense intuition, I think there must be something wrong with this century-old store! "It's

just that I didn't expect that the problem had actually been solved by our President Gu!"

"President Gu is really still President Gu, it's just perfect!"

Tong Zixin did not hide the adoration in his eyes at all, and the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society and others who looked at Tong Zixin were dumbfounded.

One of the two is eager to immediately find Tong Zixin to marry on the spot.

But this is all wishful thinking on their part to fart.

Gu Chen looked at Tong Zixin's smile, thinking about what he had experienced during this time.

Immediately found that compared to the fear on his side, in fact, Tong Zixin's side was more frightened and feared. After all, Tong Zixin had to worry that he had destroyed the means of some big people and made Gu Chen's ideas and tricks directly fail after the plan.

But I was worried that Gu Chen really went to a strange place and was controlled by someone.

After this kind of thinking in her head, Tong Zixin still chose the second one, because she knew that she would sail carefully to the 10,000-year ship! Only by honestly meeting with his boss first can he give Tong Zixin more strength.

"Hard work on you!"

Gu Chen brought his thinking into Tong Zixin's body, and after thinking about it, he found that this employee of his own seemed to care about himself very much.

"But Zixin, I am now a husband with a wife, why do you keep hanging me on this tree!"

"Give up on me and the whole forest!"

How Gu Chen wanted to tell Tong Zixin directly what he had in his heart, but looking at Tong Zixin's tired face, the words in Gu Chen's heart became unspeakable.

Before I was still thinking about Tong Zixin's eating, I didn't expect that they actually thought more deeply about themselves.

Because Tong Zixin's attitude has already shown that this person is a person who has absolutely no problems and can be trusted.

Tong Zixin also silently felt the change in Gu Chen's eyes, and she knew that she had finally entered Gu Chen's circle of life this time.

Finally, there is a little room to speak! No, it should be said that he finally occupied a little position in Gu Chen's heart.

This made Tong Zixin feel a little comfort in his heart, and the most important thing was that Tong Zixin's side felt that his efforts had been rewarded.

"But President Gu, what is the situation now."

The boy who came back to his senses asked silently.

Gu Chen also didn't know how to answer.

I just looked at the appearance of a few of them and said.

"So let's go, let's say as we go, the meals are ready."

Saying that, Gu Chen silently pointed at Lang Mingyue.

Lang Mingyue reacted at this time and stepped forward directly and said.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, the meals are ready, will you take them away?"

"Yes, and you don't need to send it, we have someone on our side to send it."

Gu Chen nodded very indifferently and said that he had no problem, then there was no problem on Gu Chen's side, and there was no problem on Tong Zixin's side.

The stout dog's head alone is enough to weigh enough food.

"President Gu."

However, just when Lang Mingyue asked people to pick up the food.

Liu Si said again.

"There is a party tomorrow night, I don't know if President Gu is free."

As soon as they heard the party, Jiang Min and Tong Zixin's gazes fell on Liu Si's body.

When they saw this Liu Si, they all had their own thoughts in their hearts.

Jiang Min thinks that this fourth sister Liu is probably another person who has ideas about Gu Chen, but he is doomed to empty the bamboo basket!

Tong Zixin kept looking at this Liu Si up and down.

"It's not pretty, but the figure is okay, where is this fox that has not yet become fine!?"

I have to say that Tong Zixin's intuition is not very accurate sometimes.

She thought that this Liu Si was another Gu Chen's little fan girl suitor or something, but people didn't have this idea.

Using yourself as a trade in the beginning was just a real deal, and there were no other superfluous ideas.

So far, the banquet that Liu Si said actually had a different purpose.

It's just that she didn't say what her purpose was, just waiting for Gu Chen's response.

Then Gu Chen didn't have any response, just said very indifferently.

"Got it."

Nor did he say yes or refuse.

It was so cold and calm that he responded to Liu Si here.

"Wait, wait!"

And it was at this time that Liu Si also ran over and asked Gu Chen.

"We don't have contact information yet."

As soon as these words were spoken, Tong Zixin stood in front of Gu Chen and said.

"Contact information, use mine, we Gu Zong's mobile phone has limited memory, and there are not too many miscellaneous people."

Saying that, Tong Zixin took out his mobile phone, and suddenly gave this Liu Sidu a little bit uncomfortable.

She looked at Gu Chen and found that Gu Chen nodded directly at herself, then there was no way.

After all, Gu Chen knew his choice between Tong Zixin and this Liu Si, and he must have chosen the former very firmly.

Since Tong Zixin can help himself solve a lot of trouble, why should he waste time to cause trouble again.

"This sister is very beautiful, I don't know where to be tall!"

"If you can see with your naked eyes that you are by President Gu's side, and this sister's figure management is so good, the word Gao should be more suitable for me to use on you!"

You see, isn't the trouble just that you have already come to the door?

Gu Chen shook his head and greeted Jiang Min, who was shivering on the side, and said.

"Let's take the food first."

In this way, Gu Chen allowed Liu Si and Tong Zixin to clash.

In fact, Gu Chen already knew who would have the upper hand when these two people spoke.

After Gu Chen and Jiang Min finished this meal, the dog head Chaolin Wanxiang and the others immediately followed Xiao Transparent and began to help.

At this time, the confrontation between Liu Si and Tong Zixin also ended at this time with Tong Zixin's coquettishness, and Liu Si's strong smile.

Gu Chen almost laughed directly.

"I know that Tong Zixin is powerful, but I didn't expect that this Liu Si would be directly defeated so quickly, which really made me not know what to say."

Tong Zixin saw that Gu Chen and the others had already prepared, and she walked to Gu Chen's side very intimately and gently helped Gu Chen to bring a meal, then of course Gu Chen would not refuse.

Just looking at this Liu Si, who was obviously a lost soul, Gu Chen couldn't help but say.

"Is Liu Si okay?"

Gu Chen's question made this Liu Si directly twitch the corners of his mouth.

"This man definitely did it on purpose!"

But even though he knew that Gu Chen was doing it on purpose, Liu Si didn't say anything more.

Just endured the sadness in his heart and nodded.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

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