Gu Chen looked at this boy Zixin, and judged it very obviously.

"Zixin, did you tell yourself what happened and thoughts?"

"Or do you really have the same thoughts, because this Liu Si really has a way to deal with Li Jiahao, and also has a way to deal with the Li family!"

"You say it's not a coincidence."

Gu Chen told about the plan from Liu Si, the master of the Red Flower Hall of the Blue and Flower Hall.

Tong Zixin began to be shocked again.

"I originally thought that this Qinghuatang Red Flower Society was just a defeated gang, did you expect that they actually had such courage to arrest Li Jiajun?"

"I really admire them, don't these people know that Li Jiajun doesn't seem to have any bodyguards or anything, but that's just not on the surface, in fact, I know!"

She said as she wiggled her fingers as if to count.

"I alone know that there are more than five monitors who follow Li Jiajun, not to mention some bodyguards that even I don't know."

Tong Zixin told the news she knew.

"But fortunately, Liu Si didn't do anything stupid, and the gang of robbers that Qinghuatang Honghua would find were also fools, and they actually went directly... Well, it should be said that they are a bunch of fools with very luck.

"Li Wenquan, the eldest son of the Li family, should be because he has just returned to China, and there are not so many bodyguards around him, and this Li Wenquan never seems to like being secretly watching everything about him."

"Therefore, these robbers attracted by the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society were able to kidnap Li Wenquan so simply."

Tong Zixin's eyes flashed with a dazzling light.

She really can't wait to get out of the car right now to help Liu Siah, and then re-plan this method of sowing discord.

At the same time, it can also be regarded as a wake-up call for this Liu Si and Qinghuatang Honghua, the bodyguards around Li Jiajun are not easy to mess with!

Maintaining this thought, Tong Zixin really told Gu Chen about this.

But Gu Chen frowned and said.

"Now, it's a little too late, or didn't you leave each other's contact information before?" You can now call the other person directly, so that you don't have to run more.

"Moreover, you yourself said that Li Jiajun's side has monitors, so what about your side, you are the future daughter-in-law personally selected by Li Jiahao, are you sure that your every move will not be noticed?"

After Tong Zixin faced Gu Chen's explanation, he also contained his excitement.

"Mr. Gu, you are right, I did feel that someone seemed to be secretly watching me before."

"But the recent period has been much better, I think it should be that Li Jiahao is starting to withdraw his assets continuously, so some of his eyeliner has begun to slowly loosen these times."

"So the surveillance around me should also be much less, but think about it, no matter where a big beauty like me goes, it must be the focus, and it must cause a little sensation caused by a little carelessness."

"It's like I always met a man who was secretly photographing me in front of the pedestrian street before"

I don't know why, Gu Chen always felt that this Tong Zixin was showing off something with himself.

And there is evidence of it yourself.

But the most important thing is that Gu Chen also knows that what this Tong Zixin said is the truth, and there is absolutely no way to refute it.

So what else can Gu Chen say.

Now he sighed and said.

"So, the best situation is that you just call or text this Liu Si."

"This is not only faster, but also more efficient."

After Gu Chen finished saying this, before his voice fell, he was answered by Tong Zixin.

"President Gu is right, I'll call Liu Si now."

Tong Zixin, who said and did it, directly took out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Si before.

Liu Si was still doing his own things well, especially discussing with this Lang Mingyue how to arrange this century-old store or something.

Soon, Liu Si's facial expression changed.

Because her mobile phone has saved a lot of important people's phone calls, once someone calls herself, it must be a very important person.

It is something that needs her to quickly answer and get busy.

Therefore, Liu Si directly interrupted Lang Mingyue's speech and said.

"Wait for me! Hey, hello!

At the same time, Liu Si also looked at the caller ID and found that he didn't know this phone number at all, but he felt a little familiar with it, so it was a quality problem.

"It's me... Tong Zixin, who was just with Gu Zong.

Then Liu Si heard a self-introduction from someone who said he hated it, but he didn't say it.

Immediately, Liu Si found a signal and sat up in a spacious place.

"It's you, what's going on?"

As soon as Liu Si heard this guy's indifferent tone, he immediately thought of the Waterloo in his life that he had encountered before.

"Damn, how can there be such a woman in this world who can speak well!"

Her attitude immediately became cold.

"And the most important thing is that this guy is still the person next to Gu Chen, obviously the same as Jiang Min's sister, but it doesn't look like a type at all, obviously Jiang Min's sister is so cute."

But this boy Zixin is completely the opposite! How abominable!

"But what the hell is this guy looking for me for, it won't be to show off his previous achievements with me!" Well, if this woman opens her mouth and there is nothing good to say, I will hang it up directly to her!

After deciding this, Liu Si directly put his finger on the button to hang up, ready to leave at any time.

However, the next word of this boy made this Liu Si directly put down his finger.

"Are you planning to deal with Li Jiahao and the Li family."

Liu Si instantly understood that this was Gu Chen who had already sold himself.

I was a little angry in my heart, but I thought of Gu Chen's money and Tong Zixin's means.

After pondering for a while, it was absolutely impossible for him to take action against these two people, and after he was killed, he would also affect the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

Therefore, Liu Si directly asked a rhetorical question.

"What do you mean, I don't quite understand what you're talking about."

"No need to pretend, President Gu told me."

Originally, Liu Si wanted to say something, but after Tong Zixin said such a sentence, Liu Si was suddenly honest.

"President Gu really sold me, huh is he there? Can I talk to him?

After saying this, Tong Zixin instantly looked at Gu Chen.

But at this time, Gu Chen shook his head slightly, and his meaning was very clear: He didn't really want to talk to Liu Si.

What if a woman who turns her face and doesn't recognize people when she gets money wants to say something that makes her face look bad.

In order to avoid this embarrassing situation, Gu Chen decided to honestly close his mouth and drive up.

"Ahem, it's not that Mr. Gu sold you... Instead, I took the initiative to ask, because of my own special reasons, Gu Chen thought about it for a while, and then decided to tell me about you. "

Your particular reason?"

Liu Si became a little curious when he heard this, and randomly sent a little brother of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club who wanted to ask about his arrangement.

Liu Si changed hands and places, and was still thinking on the road, and soon Liu Si came to a small private room with several people.

After casually closing and locking the door of the room, and then making sure that there were no monitoring devices in this private room, Liu Si said his guess.

"The question you said is that you, the person, also have a feud with Li Jiahao?"

"Is there some fateful grudge between you?"

After hearing Liu Si say this, Tong Zixin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, because every time Tong Zixin recalled this past, he always had to be sad for a while.

At this time, listening to Liu Si's question, Tong Zixin was not allowed to tell his past, otherwise Tong Zixin would not know how to exchange this Liu Si's trust.

Tong Zixin glanced at Gu Chen and Jiang Min beside him, and found that their sitting postures had been adjusted slightly.

At least it felt more serious, which made Tong Zixin feel a little moved in his heart, and a faint warm current flowed through his chest, which also made Tong Zixin feel a lot better.

"yes, and I think I'm probably a little worse than you."

"What, you're a little worse than me? What joke are you telling? You have already heard about me from President Gu's side, why do you think that you have experienced more hatred than me, is it..."

Liu Si's voice slowed down a little and said.

"Could it be that Mr. Gu didn't tell you much, or didn't he tell me all about my experience?"

When Tong Zixin heard this, he also involuntarily looked at Gu Chen, and after noticing that Gu Chen shook his head slightly, Tong Zixin knew that Gu Chen definitely did not hide anything from him, and only then did he settle down a little in his heart and said.

"Of course, it's over, but the grudges of the previous generation don't really have anything to do with your past, do they?"

"What do you mean by not having a ride?"

Liu Si's brows frowned, feeling that he didn't seem to understand what this Tong Zixin said.

Tong Zixin patiently explained to Liu Si what it meant.

"It's directly related, because we can't decide where we come from, and we can't choose our childhood."

"So you've lost a lot of things since you were born, it's all congenital, so it doesn't matter, but I'm different!" Everything I lost after I got it.

"And I was forcibly deprived of my possessions, not only my possessions, my dreams, even me as a person."

When he said the last sentence, Tong Zixin's voice fell very naturally.

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