Originally, Liu Si

wanted to refute one or two words of what Tong Zixin said, but just after Tong Zixin said that the last person was deprived of him, Liu Si's indifferent mockery disappeared instantly, and instead turned into a kind of gnashing of teeth hatred.

"You, you were also given by Li Jiahao, that old bastard and old slut..."

"Yes ...."

Liu Si said fiercely, but the last few key words just couldn't be spoken, because all this came from the deepest pain in Liu Si's heart.

If his mother hadn't been given by Li Jiahao back then....he wouldn't have had to work so hard today.

I have lived in hatred for most of my life.

Now when he suddenly heard that Tong Zixin was also a victim, the sympathy in Liu Si's heart began to flood.

At the same time, Liu Si also began to choose to forgive Tong Zixin.

"I said why can you say this, it's like a super terrible linguistic master, it turns out that he awakened after being hurt by someone, but the direction of your awakening seems to be a bit opposite to mine."

And in order to keep Tong Zixin from indulging in the painful memories of being Li Jiahao, Liu Si even joked.

Although it is not very funny, Tong Zixin is indeed a little better.

"Yes, in fact, you are also good, my eloquence and my professional direction are all related to this aspect, so you don't have to feel any pressure, after all, I am a professional."

At the same time, Tong Zixin also returned this Liu Siyi mouth, and the two had a feeling of bitter pleasure.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min were relieved to hear this.

Especially Gu Chen, he was still thinking about whether he should stop and let Tong Zixin have a quiet environment to talk to Liu Si.

After all, if you keep driving the car, your heart will unconsciously follow the shaking of the car and take away a little attention.

Now it seems that there should be no problems.

Thinking so, Gu Chen even began to silently speed up.

Because just when Gu Chen slowed down his car, the car of Dog Tou Chao and others also saw that he seemed to be too far ahead, and they couldn't see Gu Chen's car.

Therefore, the dog head chao also slowly slowed down the car.

So I saw two turtles on this big road racing like a turtle.

"This can't work, it's almost two o'clock, and everyone hasn't eaten yet!"

Gu Chen muttered in his heart, opened a little distance again, then observed the direction and began to turn and accelerate.

The dog head chao was about to starve to death in this car, but it was hard to see Gu Chen accelerate up.

Lin Wanxiang immediately shouted and said.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Keep up with President Gu, oh my God, they finally drove up, this is to make us all hungry and lose three pounds! Saying

this, the dog's eyes lit up, and Mia had already said that she was a little hungry.

So at the beginning, the dog head chao drove that was simply to fly, but as a result, Gu Chen's speed slowed down, after all, the dog head chao still respected Gu Chen, but he didn't dare to leave without saying hello.

What is this called, this is called since ancient times loyalty and righteousness can not have both, bah, no! It is that love and career cannot be double-harvested.

Fortunately, now Gu Chen can be regarded as wanting to open, and the dog head Chao Na immediately strengthened his horsepower and rushed to catch up.

The car drove quickly, and countless scenery was left behind by them.

At the same time, there was also the gap between the two strong women between Tong Zixin and Liu Si.

"It really started years ago."

"You say, Sister Tong, I have the patience to listen."

Two people One is willing to talk well, one is willing to be a good listener, and the atmosphere is so harmonious.

It would be better if the topic of the two was not so heavy.

So, in this atmosphere, Liu Si quickly understood why Tong Zixin was told about himself by Gu Chen, and why he called himself immediately after Tong Zixin listened to Gu Chen's words and understood himself.

"It turns out that Li Jiahao has long been a disgusting slut from a small bad to a big one!"

"Sister Tong, are you okay?"

After Liu Si listened to all of Tong Zixin's story, he really couldn't help but say such a sentence.

Because just after Tong Zixin finished speaking, her side fell silent for a while.

Gu Chen saw through the rearview mirror that Tong Zixin's eyes were red, but he was still controlling his tears to prevent him from falling.

After Liu Si finished speaking, he didn't urge anything, just held the phone so indifferently and waited for Tong Zixin's response.

Soon, Tong Zixin did not let Liu Si wait too long.

Because Gu Chen's speed was very fast, coupled with the passage of time or something, they had already arrived at Sun Shulan's company.

Gu Chen sent the dog head Chao and others who wanted to come to him together, so he sat quietly in the car and waited for the conversation between Tong Zixin and Liu Si to end.

I don't know what came to mind, Gu Chen got out of the car directly and opened the door on Jiang Min's side.

After gently beckoning Jiang Min to get out of the car, Gu Chen gave Jiang Min a task.

"Xiaomin, give you a task to find out where there are monitoring and where there are eavesdropping equipment in the place where we lived before."

"Ah Brother Gu Chen, I have already checked this preparation a long time ago, except for this century-old store we suddenly went to, there are no listening devices in other places."

"In this way, then go and help Sun Shulan and them, it is still more reassuring to have you looking at me on the Internet."

"Ah, okay."

Although Gu Chen didn't know that Jiang Min had already done a lot of security work in secret.

He was also a little vague, but he still let Jiang Min leave here.

The main thing is that Gu Chen feels that the relationship of trust between Liu Si and Tong Zixin has finally been established, so what he said next, especially the topic of this kind of war that Tong Zixin gave Liu Si advice, Gu Chen didn't really want Jiang Min, a pure little angel, to understand too much and too deeply.

This is not good for anyone.

Thinking so, Gu Chen watched Jiang Min's departure, and even when he reached the entrance of the building, Jiang Min turned around and greeted himself three times and left.

Waving his hand to let this Jiang Min go at ease, Gu Chen slowly converged his smile and emotions.

He returned to the car, and at this time, Tong Zixin and Liu Si were talking happily because they didn't have any worries.

Liu Si discovered Tong Zixin's wisdom, which is really very high.

Many simple plans have arrived here in Tong Zixin, and they all have a divine effect.

"No wonder at that time, Li Jiahao really wanted to spend all his strength to plan Sister Tong, it seems that he not only fancy the body of Sister Tong, but also the talent of Sister Tong! It seems that I still have a lot to learn.

Liu Si thought silently in his heart, and at the same time, he kept taking out pen and paper to record something in his small book.

Soon, the first page was recorded instantly, followed by the second.

Gu Chen listened with relish on the side, for the first time, Gu Chen really saw such a firepower Tong Zixin for the first time.

It was also the first time that he clearly realized that Tong Zixin's talent was so terrifying.

"I've found a treasure!"

He thought so in his heart, and at the same time, Gu Chen was also very happy that he could see Tong Zixin and Liu Si cooperate so cooperatively.

Gu Chen was also satisfied with the aggressive planning ability that Tong Zixin displayed.

"It is worthy of being the richest woman on Xiangcheng Island that I selected, and the future is promising!" The future is promising!

"Moreover, Liu Si, an assistant selected by me, is not bad, and now the two sides can be regarded as having the first close cooperation." Pretty good, pretty good.

Gu Chen felt that all this seemed to be on the right track in his plan, which made Gu Chen very satisfied.

Because from the beginning, I listened to what happened to Liu Si and listened to the reason why Liu Si asked to let him make money.

Gu Chen found that this Liu Si was a natural Tong Zixin's good subordinate.

"And with three hundred million arrears, it is estimated that this guy must be working very hard, but it may not take thirty years to pay off these three hundred million with Tong Zixin, and it is estimated that it will almost be able to pay it back within ten years."

"But by then, I don't believe that this Liu Si has been working with Tong Zixin for so long, where else can she go?" Unless you retire on the spot, you can honestly stay on Xiangcheng Island as my worker! "

Hahaha! Gu Chen couldn't help but want to laugh out loud just thinking about this corner in the future.

Coupled with the fact that Gu Chen also has endless money and wealth resources as a backer, it can simply allow Tong Zixin to lead his subordinates to stabilize the economic system of the entire Xiangcheng Island in a very short period of time.

"In this way, there is no need to worry about how many years the entire economy of Xiangcheng Island will go back, it is completely the most perfect plan!"

An indifferent smile appeared at the corner of Gu Chen's mouth, because the feeling that everything was in his control was really very good.

Coupled with the enthusiastic discussion between Liu Si and Tong Zixin, it made Gu Chen feel even more refreshed.

"I love this feeling!"

At this moment, Gu Chen finally discovered the source of happiness after he came to Xiangcheng Island.

Isn't it for this to realize his idea of becoming the richest man in the world in the future?

"At that time, Xiangcheng Island will be used as a springboard to directly further expand overseas trade, develop industry, and start my road to global economic hegemony!"

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