Liu Ruhai thought of Li Jiahao's words before, and immediately he became nervous.

"Li Shao, isn't it going back this time!"

Li Jiajun was still frantically packing up his things and putting himself in a busy state, so that he could forget all his troubles and forget that he was still here to clean up his broken dreams.

But Liu Ruhai's words made Li Jiajun have to face reality and face the cruel world that he absolutely did not want to face.

"Yes, if you never go back, then you will never go back!"

Li Jiajun almost said such a sentence with tears in his eyes, and Liu Ruhai was really about to cry.

"No, after playing until now, you actually have to say that you don't play, what do you mean!" Make no mistake!

"It won't be your Li family father and son to play me, I didn't take any mental damage fees from the other car heads!"

"In order to please you Li Jiajun, I gave you all the money, and as a result, you actually have to run away now when you get the money, what do you mean!" I'm going to have to face the other cars alone!

"Then I'm not dead!"

Liu Ruhai really panicked, if the other few car doors who had just done breaking wealth and eliminating disasters found that Li Jiajun, a little brat, actually took the money and ran away, then they would definitely come to test Liu Ruhai again.

At that time, when these heads of the car find out that Li Jiajun, the little blazing star, really left Liu Ruhai and no longer participated in the business of this car club, what will become of Liu Ruhai's situation?

Perhaps at the beginning, Liu Ruhai would not have been in any danger, but some tentative harassment was certainly indispensable.

It's just that this harassment is just to force Li Jiajun to appear, and when they find out that Li Jiajun really won't return, it will be his end to Liu Ruhai.

Thinking of this, Liu Ruhai's whole person felt that his head was about to explode.

Therefore, in order to avoid his own doomsday, Liu Ruhai must fight for a little hope for the future, even if this Li Jiajun really never returns, then he must get a promise or a signboard from Li Jiajun.

Otherwise, if he continues to do business on this Xiangcheng Island without any reason, won't he be directly killed by several other heads in the future?

Therefore, Liu Ruhai stepped forward directly and looked at Li Jiajun, who was frantically packing up his things and preparing to run, and asked.

"Is it really not coming back?"

At this time, Li Jiajun heard Liu Ruhai's formal question, and also involuntarily stopped his movements and looked at Liu Ruhai.

Liu Ruhai's eyes became a little teary at this time, after all, his own business and his life are likely to be lost, which will definitely be touched.

Therefore, Li Jiajun lowered his head and did not want to deceive him and said.

"Yes, I shouldn't be coming back this time."

"But I think the Suilan International Car Club and the Fire International Car Club can continue."

Originally, Liu Ruhai was about to cry and cry, but he heard Li Jiajun suddenly come to such a sentence, which directly killed Liu Ruhai.

"Ah, is that so?"

Liu Ruhai looked at Li Jiajun's very serious look, and suddenly he couldn't get rid of it.

"I haven't opened my mouth to ask for someone, why did you suddenly satisfy me?"

"Me, this is also great!"

Anyway, after hearing Li Jiajun's words, Liu Ruhai's expression changed.

"But is that good? After all, Li Shao, you have gone back..." Liu

Ruhai didn't say that this was okay, as soon as he said this, Li Jiajun suddenly felt a headache.

"Oh, that's annoying!"

"I won't go out to do business when I go back, but so what? Suilan International Car Club and Fireworks International Car Club, this is a good baby for us to make money at the beginning!

"It is also the first brand I personally created, and as the son of Li Jiahao, I also have this awareness, either do it or do the best!"

"Do you know what I mean?"

Li Jiajun's words directly blinded Liu Ruhai's whole person, because all happiness came too suddenly, even if Liu Ruhai had vaguely guessed what Li Jiajun meant, he still reacted.

"No, I didn't understand."

After hearing Liu Ruhai's answer, Li Jiajun sighed silently, and then said in a tone that hated iron but not steel.

"Don't you understand this? How do you seem like a fool! In

an instant, Liu Ruhai, who was disgusted, suddenly didn't know what to say, but it didn't matter, as long as he could continue to dominate the car club market on Xiangcheng Island in the future, even if this man told himself to let himself eat something.

Liu Ruhai would do the same, not to mention that this man didn't have such thoughts at all.

And Li Jiajun continues to explain to him.

"Anyway, I made it clear, I won't give up this place, Sui Lan International Car Club and Fireworks International Car Club, I won't either!"

"Even if I'm gone, you're going to continue to run them for me, so you understand?"

This time, Liu Ruhai heard Li Jiajun's words, and then did not pretend that he did not or did not understand.

Instead, he nodded very seriously to indicate that he understood.

"Very good, anyway, as long as my name is in business, you can use it casually. You remember this, I hope that if I have the opportunity to come back in the future, I will be able to see our car thriving!

"Can it be done?"

As he spoke, Li Jiajun asked such a sentence, and immediately this Liu Ruhai roared madly.

"Don't worry, Li Shao, as long as my old Liu is in one day, our Suilan International Car Club and the Salary International Car Club will definitely burn their strongest light!" I promise you!

As he spoke, Liu Ruhai only felt that his face was red at this time, and he couldn't wait to start doing it right now.

Li Jiajun was very pleased to see this guy so enthusiastic.

"Well, I'm very happy that you have this realization, but there is a problem."

Li Jiajun said and suddenly stopped his movements again.

"What problem?"

Liu Ruhai asked directly with a smile.

"Did you receive instructions from my father from the beginning that you were so kind to me?"

After this question was asked, Liu Ruhai was suddenly stunned, and he felt that the air around him seemed to be solidified.

The whole person has a feeling that his breathing is not smooth.


But Liu Ruhai still said the truth in that truth.

Li Jiajun's expression instantly returned to its original appearance.

"Hahaha, I'll just say ah, Uncle Liu is a very honest person, how could he do things that make me feel very uncomfortable! Okay, okay, it's okay! Liu

Ruhai, who was patted on the shoulder again, felt the pressure.

Because he always felt that things might not end so easily.


In Li Jiahao's private estate, Li Jiahao silently put down his phone, his eyes flashed with a thick wisdom, but the male secretary behind him seemed to have a feeling of wanting to talk and stop.

But after several attempts, the man silently let go of the thoughts in his heart.

Just stood behind Li Jiahao so honestly and didn't bother him.

But Li Jiahao asked as if he was behind his back with his eyes open.

"What's wrong, obviously you have something to say, but you keep your mouth shut, this is not in your style at all."

"Some things will only make people feel that there is no need for that, why should I say it, since it is not necessary, then so be it."

The male secretary did not have the thought to answer him, and directly expressed his heart.

Li Jiahao glanced back at him, but didn't say anything.

"What do you think of my plan?"

Then Li Jiahao silently said another thing.

The male secretary's response this time was very fast, and he kept flipping through the documents in his hand to respond to Li Jiahao.

"From the past data, the focus of the four major families is about sixty percent of our attention, but when Gu Chen appears and you release Li Jiajun, the focus is reduced by thirty percent."

"Recently, the Qinghuatang Red Flower Festival has started to make noise again, so our attention has basically been reduced to about 20%, although it is still very high, but it has bought us a lot of time."

"In general, your plan is still very successful, but..." The

male secretary began to report the results of these data analysis to Li Jiahao, but when it came to this.

The male secretary paused suddenly.

"Just what, you go on."

Of course, Li Jiahao didn't like this kind of situation of shutting up halfway through the words, so he took the initiative to urge.

The male secretary then expressed the hesitation in his heart.

"It's just that I don't think there is any problem with Li Jiajun in this way, anyway, it doesn't matter if Li Jiajun feels a little resentful in the future, anyway, it can be reconciled back, after all, the blood relationship is placed here."

"But Gu Chen's side... I carefully studied Gu Chen's previous achievements, or the history of making a fortune, and I found that the origin of this person is not only very mysterious, but even the means of making a fortune are unheard of. The

male secretary called up all the documents about Gu Chen, which was more than sixty or so documents.

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