Because there were too many documents about Gu Chen, the team behind the male secretary was busy for a while before they sorted out some of the most accurate descriptions of Gu Chen.

"Anyway, I think we all underestimated this man from Huahai City."

"And I always felt that we didn't have enough information about him."

Li Jiahao turned his head to look at the male secretary and said as if he was accountable.

"Did you not find it all?"

"No, it's that Gu Chen hides too deeply, even if we check all the news on the bright side, his reports and some travel trajectories, but we still have no way to dig deeper into his background."

But the male secretary directly denied this Li Jiahao's accountability, and at the same time replied.

Li Jiahao was silent in place.

"Deeper? What does this mean? "


In the face of Li Jiahao's questions, the male secretary directly operated on his tablet, and after entering the password three times and unlocking the facial scanning system twice, he finally opened his ultimate encrypted file library.

The male secretary turned over the information in this ultimate encrypted file vault and showed it to Li Jiahao.

Instantly, Li Jiahao's face became solemn after noticing the information about Gu Chen above.

"Although the origin and feet are all traces to follow, but the history of the origin is full of drama, as if there is an extraordinary power in the underworld to help him, isn't this the chosen son?"

Li Jiahao looked up at the male secretary who was still calm and said.

But the male secretary shook his head and said that he had watched a lot of recent TV series, and this Chosen Child did not exist at all!

"It's just that Gu Chen should be a representative elected by an organization that we can't touch, or that we can't reach."

Li Jiahao returned the tablet to the male secretary, his eyes sparkling, as if he was thinking about something.

"Maybe it's not a non-governmental organization..." The

male secretary took the tablet, in fact, he also had this guess in his heart, and if Gu Chen was not a non-governmental organization behind it, it would be troublesome.

So, in fact, Gu Chen has long known that we are deliberately luring him to Xiangcheng Island, but he will be calculating, or is it behind Gu Chen....mysterious forces are promoting all this and pushing Gu Chen in front of us?"

Li Jiahao turned around, waved his hand silently, and let all his curtains open, revealing the calm but hidden ocean of huge waves outside.

"It is very likely, and we use Gu Chen to attract the attention of the other four major families, then wouldn't others also use Gu Chen to attract our attention, such as the mysterious force behind this Gu Chen."

As soon as this speculation came out, the male secretary's whole body suddenly felt that his spine was chilling.

His eyes began to become a little erratic.

"Impossible... At least it shouldn't..., but it's possible..." Suddenly

, the male secretary's brain began to frantically deduce how big this possibility was that Lee Jiahao said.

Then, the guy hurriedly used his tablet to start probing all the major items and sub-items of Lee's recent transfer of assets.

" I want to check to see if there is anything wrong! I want to know if we're acting in the right direction! I want to be foolproof! I must not fail! My calculations cannot be countercalculated! The

male secretary's whole person is going crazy, his eyes have become crazy, and the most important thing is that his face is getting closer and closer to the tablet, and it seems that the next moment will be directly close to the tablet.

At this moment, Li Jiahao called.

"It's okay, Mistress."

It was such a fluttering sentence that instantly calmed down the male secretary.

He raised his head indifferently, and the madness in his eyes had completely subsided, and there was only an inexplicable meaning in it.

"Didn't you say yes, you won't call me by that name?"

The male secretary's tone was even more indifferent, and even his body exuded a cold smell at this moment, which was simply the best means to keep people thousands of miles away.

But even if the male secretary's attitude was like this, it still didn't make this Li Jiahao change his attitude and thoughts.

He still felt very indifferent talking to this male secretary.

"The third is your name, then you are too cheap."

"Besides, I'm just trying to calm you down, and I don't have much to think about."

It's just that although Li Jiahao's tone is flat, there is no difference from before.

But the coldness of this text was even more cruel than the change in the attitude and tone of the male secretary.

So much so that the male secretary fell into a 30-second silence after hearing this, which was already a very time-wasting and life-wasting act for him.

But he did it anyway, which only shows that there are some things in the heart of this male secretary that are more important than his principles.

So, in the thirty-first second, the male secretary looked up at Li Jiahao very accurately and said.

"I'm sorry, I made a gaffe, I won't do it again next time, I'm just afraid of some things and people that I can't understand, or people and things that I don't expect."

"I'm going to want to catch them and parse them, which is something I can't control, because the unknown makes me fearful, and fear makes me lose my mind... you should know that."

When Li Jiahao heard this, it was inevitable that he would have a little gaffe, especially when he saw the sadness that flashed in the eyes of the male secretary, Li Jiahao couldn't help but sigh.

"I know, I know you've lived....very ... Self, this and I can't get rid of it, I know it, but sometimes you think things too thoroughly, isn't it... Is it a torture?

"I also hope you can be as direct as a normal child... Originally

, Li Jiahao wanted to say something that he suddenly felt and had a feeling, but at this time, the male secretary known as the third man directly interrupted him and said that he did not want to continue listening.

"Okay, let's go here."

Li Jiahao nodded silently to indicate that it was okay, and the two fell into a strange silence.

Finally, the male secretary began to speak.

"I need your permission..."

"Take it, give it to you."


After a simple question and answer, the male secretary walked to Li Jiahao's side and silently handed him the tablet.

After collecting iris information, fingerprint information and even a drop of blood information, this super tablet computer was actually directly connected to the general management database of all Li Jiahao's assets.

The huge flow of wealth was displayed in front of Li Jiahao.

One of them, a jumping number, and a subtractive number, is the income or expense of a family of three for a year.

In a word, Li Jiahao's wealth flow formed a super closed loop on Xiangcheng Island, and countless wealth flowed out of his pocket and then flowed back into another pocket.

In the end, not only is Lee Jiahao's money not less, but he even obtains the value of wealth in the middle by the wealth that is consumed and grown, and they may be more banknotes, more fixed assets.

There are even manpower, and some consumables that can basically satisfy an ordinary person for a lifetime.

In short, Li Jiahao's wealth flow proves that he is still the uncrowned king of this Xiangcheng Island.

Not to mention, there are more dark lines in Li Jiahao's secret place, as long as he wants, he can even use big data to monitor everyone.

For example, this invisible logistics information.

Although the logistics system created by Li Jiahao is not famous in the outside world, in fact, secretly, the logistics companies that have risen on Xiangcheng Island are actually Li Jiahao's pawns.

As long as Li Jiahao wants to, he can locate the location information of anyone who has had online shopping experience.

As long as he wanted to....When

the male secretary looked at this data flow wealth that he couldn't understand at the beginning, he was a little confused, until Li Jiahao taught him little by little, he knew that Li Jiahao was great.

I also know why Li Jiahao can still control his position as the richest man on Xiangcheng Island after the rise of the four major families, when he is suppressed everywhere.

Feelings From the very beginning, all of Li Jiahao's roots were not just a simple real estate industry, he was at most a rooster in Li Jiahao's hands that could lay golden eggs.

Li Jiahao's real wealth capital is actually the flow of wealth in his hands.

He basically mastered the economic lifeline of Xiangcheng Island and the lifeline of the people, because he had too many chess pieces in the secret, so much that Li Jiahao now forgot a little.

That's why there's this super tablet, and the absolutely invincible protection.

Now, the male secretary has seen this huge wealth flow loop for the second time, and he has never been able to feel the shock in his heart.

But after a few deep breaths, the male secretary began to regain his composure.

At the same time, I also began to click on some of the companies in this wealth flow loop and check the information among them.

Li Jiahao did not have any reaction to this, so he let the male secretary watch quietly on the side, and did not make any moves to express any thoughts, just quietly looking at the sea outside the window.

After some time passed, the male secretary seemed to have found something.

"A group of people from the inland smuggled to Xiangcheng Island three days ago."

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