Gu Chen smiled, and the gentle gentleness shone on everyone's faces like a spring breeze.

In that case, Chen Yu and Tong Zixin directly walked forward one step ahead, and the two looked at each other.

"You first?"

The two spoke in unison, both showing a humble smile, and Gu Chen spoke.

" Okay, okay, in this way, you don't know what to do to finish the matter, so that the lady is first, and Tong Zixin comes first."


Tong Zixin nodded directly, and finally stood up and said.

"Mr. Gu, after our previous efforts, we have achieved a trough in the price of Concentric Coin, and the situation at that time has completely lost any so-called initial price, and we have completely broken."

"It was in this situation that we were ready to be counterattacked, but we did not expect that even if we had been frantically waiting to watch our price line, we would not find anyone until the end when we were frantically stockpiling."

"Li Jiahao didn't know what he was doing at this time, as if he had completely disappeared, he didn't care about our actions at all, but let us complete the final wrapping."

"All the concentric coins on the basic listing have been completely harvested by us! Now Concentric Coin will not be a tool for anyone to accumulate money, and I have previously announced that I will permanently close trading of Concentric Coin.

"That's when this statement was issued, even the remaining holders of concentric coins are frantically starting to sell their concentric coins..." At

the beginning, Tong Zixin was still happy when he reported to Gu Chen without any abnormalities, but I don't know why when he said the last sentence, Tong Zixin's attitude began to become a little timid and tactful.

Even after Tong Zixin was simply speechless, which made Gu Chen a little curious.

"What's wrong? Keep talking.

"At this point, it should be to take back all the concentric coins in the hands of these people, right?"

Gu Chen's simple words were fluttering, but it made Tong Zixin's lowered head instantly lift.

"Yes, yes."

"But, Mr. Gu, aren't you angry?"

Tong Zixin asked such a sentence carefully, in fact, Tong Zixin had already made this decision a long time ago.

In the future, we must find a way to recover all the concentric coins, instead of letting them end up harming a group of innocent investors.

It was with this kind of thought that Tong Zixin came to a sudden sneak attack when Gu Chen was asleep, and directly sent out this statement that he had prepared a long time ago.

At the same time, Tong Zixin had long been prepared to be scolded or punished by Gu Chen.

But in the end, Gu Chen's indifferent attitude made Tong Zixin feel that he had heard it wrong, or had Gu Chen just said something wrong?

"Angry? Why should I be angry? I think your behavior is very good.

Gu Chen looked at Tong Zixin, who looked like a primary school student who had done something wrong and was waiting for the class teacher to criticize, and couldn't help but want to use his mobile phone to take pictures of Tong Zixin's cute appearance now.

It's just that in the end, Gu Chen's action turned into a pocket, and he said to Tong Zixin.

"First of all, you are doing this to pay for the mistakes you made before, and secondly, to help yourself make up for bigger mistakes. Why should I blame you? When

Tong Zixin heard this, she felt guilty in her heart, and she hurriedly said.

"However, if you don't blame me, I am really ashamed in my heart, because we now occupy the absolute right to speak in Concentric Coin, and that is to say, we previously issued a statement that this Concentric Coin will no longer issue new currency, nor will it continue to circulate."

"Then this means that soon this concentric coin will become a useless abandoned currency."

"At that time, it doesn't matter if we don't spend money to recycle Concentric Coins from these investors, even if they will become obsolete currency, then there will be no loss for us, and even a sum of money."

"Or just tell the holders of these last concentric coins that the last bit of concentric coins will be recovered at a very low price, and they will definitely be willing, but I... The issue price of Concentric Coin is used.

"Although the issue price is not very high, it also costs a lot to come up in quantity... Mr. Gu, this is all money!

Tong Zixin said that her eyes became more and more determined at the end, because she believed that she had said everything.

Gu Chen would definitely be unable to help but start punishing him, but the final result was completely beyond Tong Zixin's imagination.

Because after Gu Chen heard these words, he still maintained a handsome appearance, and even said a word.

"yes, but how much did it cost to recycle in the end?"

When Tong Zixin heard this, her heart was immediately relieved, and she liked Gu Chen to put these things on the bright side.

Put it on the bright side, solve everything, explain all problems well, the punishment that should be punished, the reward that should be rewarded, then Tong Zixin's heart can also feel better.

Otherwise, if Gu Chen puts everything in his heart, it will be a buried thunder, and who knows when this thunder will suddenly burst out one day.

"In the end, the price recovered is the issue price, and the total number is 30 million, and the total consumption is 7.63 million."

More than seven million ah, can buy a house on Xiangcheng Island, although the price of more than 200,000 square meters can not buy much.

"That's not a lot."

Gu Chen thought that it was astronomical when he heard this, but after Tong Zixin finished speaking, he had a feeling that Tong Zixin was making a fuss.

"This can't work, how can the richest woman on Xiangcheng Island in the future worry about this million-dollar problem for so long."

Gu Chen decided to say it well, and said that this boy was happy.

"Zixin, you need to know what is the most important thing to be a person."

"....what is it."

"It's a big heart, if we don't finally control Concentric Coins and then make a statement that they are not in circulation, and we don't take back their Concentric Coins afterwards, then what will happen in the end?"

Of course, after Tong Zixin knew this choice, there must be some unlucky investors who paid for her choice.

"Of course, it is a loss of money, but some of it loses more, and some loses little."

"So how much time can an ordinary person earn these more than seven million?"

Gu Chen stole a concept here, which directly turned the more than seven million of these many investors into more than seven million of one investor.

And Tong Zixin's attention at this time did not pay attention to this, directly forgetting that these investors combined are more than seven million, not more than seven million alone.

"According to the current average salary on Xiangcheng Island, even if a person's salary of 20,000 yuan per month, I am afraid it will take 360 months, that is, thirty years to earn these more than 7 million, and this is still based on the premise that he does not eat or drink halfway, does not even get sick or has any problems, does not have any work anxiety, does not get married and does not have children..."

Tong Zixin's eyes suddenly darkened.

Gu Chen didn't have the idea that Tong Zixin wanted to indulge in this kind of thinking, and directly continued to ask the next question.

"Then how much time do you think it takes for someone like me to make seven million?"

"Mr. Gu's words..." When

Tong Zixin heard this, he immediately raised his head to look at Gu Chen, in fact, he was not very clear about Gu Chen's ability to make money.

"Ahahaha, I can't think of it!"

"Actually, I don't know, don't ask, ask is that I really have no concept of money, I'll directly let a professional explain it to you."

Saying that, Gu Chen's gaze fell on Chen Yu, who seemed to be brewing on the side how he should report to Gu Chen.

"Chen Yu, tell me, haven't you seen the financial statements of our Longteng Group before?"

"Now is the place for you to behave."

Chen Yu was stunned by the sudden Gu Chen's name, but his instinct in memory began to recall the large numbers of the Longteng Group.

"How to say, our Longteng Group, if it is turned into a month's money, it is completely broken by one billion yuan, and even if all of them are scattered, even some peak seasons are directly left with nearly 50 billion after paying taxes."

When Chen Yu slowly said this paragraph, whether it was Tong Zixin or Sun Shulan, or Mia Jiang Min and others, one and the two were shocked and didn't know what to say, because no one thought that Gu Chen's Longteng Group was actually so profitable.

Even the more impulsive players, such as Doghead Chao, directly pulled Chen Yu and said.

"Are you serious, you can earn so much in a month?"

Chen Yu impatiently slapped the palm of the dog head chao away and said.

"Why are you all so shocked?"

" Isn't this a basic operation, don't you think about it, President Gu still has the ability of Longteng Group to absorb gold, plus all the businesses under Longteng Group are basically a leader right away."

"If a leading company in an industry can't make so much money, then what kind of leading enterprise is it!"

"And our Longteng Group has several types of businesses that seem to be leading enterprises, of course, they can make a lot of money!"

"What is such a fuss about, do I have to tell you about at least 600 million yuan today?"

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