The last sentence Chen Yu has a very obvious meaning of showing off.

However, because Gu Chen earned more than 50 billion a month in front of him, it shocked everyone's hearts.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, their jaws fell to the ground, the dog head was even more shocked and stiff on the spot, there was no idea at all, his mind was full of 50 billion ah 50 billion, a lifetime can not be spent!

At this time, Sun Shulan, Lin Wanxiang and others finally understood what kind of big guy they followed, and what kind of giant thigh they hugged fiercely unintentionally!

Mia's eyes widened as well, from the beginning, she didn't really believe that Gu Chen could take down Li Jiahao, she came here just because there was no good place to go for the time being after freedom, so she thought of coming to Tong Zixin first to see the situation.

As a result, I didn't expect this look, and I could see that this Gu Chen ah, it is estimated that there is really a possibility of bringing down Li Jiahao.

Immediately, this Mia's mentality began to change rapidly.

"Maybe if you follow Gu Chen, maybe you can really take revenge..." With

such thoughts, Mia's eyes began to slowly change when she looked at Gu Chen.

It's just that after obviously feeling the change in the eyes of the surrounding people, Tong Zixin Sun Shulanmia, suddenly Gu Chen felt a little blamed on this Chen Yu.

"I asked you to come out to let you explain to everyone how long it took me to earn these seven million, not to let you show off your wealth!"

"You're telling the truth too quickly."

However, it has already come to this, what else can Gu Chen say, of course, just cough and say.

"That's right, that's it, then Chen Yu, you can calculate according to an average how much time it takes me to earn more than seven million, and round it up to a whole number, eight million."

"Ah, Mr. Gu, does this still work?"

Chen Yu directly asked a very naïve word, but after being met with a look from Gu Chen, Chen Yu immediately converged his spirit and said.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, this will start to calculate, and the good calculation is over!"

Chen Yu's efficiency was very fast and high, and he directly gave Gu Chen and everyone a basically clear answer.

"According to the turnover of our Longteng Group, that is, the gross profit, it should only take close to ten minutes, and if it is completely based on the gross profit, it will take about an hour."

"Well, that's it."

After Tong Zixin heard that she could earn eight million in this hour, she directly lowered her head and fell into silence, as if she understood why Gu Chen suddenly wanted to talk to herself about this.

At the same time, he also clearly understood why Gu Chen didn't care about money or even had no concept of it, because he really had money!

This kind of rich situation Tong Zixin has only seen in one person, that is, Li Jiahao.

At this time, Tong Zixin's confidence in Gu Chen's future overthrow of Li Jiahao was even greater, and Tong Zixin also said to Gu Chen.

"I understand Mr. Gu."

Gu Chen was actually preparing to enlighten this Tong Zixin again, let her understand that these seven million were really nothing to him, and at the same time, it was good to broaden Tong Zixin's sight and boundaries, so that she could put herself in the right position.

At the very least, the pattern of things that troubled her was raised a little higher.

For example, if you worry about what seven or eight billion is in the past, because of a seven or eight million worry, it is really not necessary at all.

Therefore, after Tong Zixin's words were spoken, Gu Chen knew that Tong Zixin understood.

Gu Chen didn't want to say anything more.

"In short, you are my person now, and I will fight for you for your mistakes."

"You are the same, since I am willing to invest in you, it means that I am willing to bear everything you have in the past."

"As long as it's a problem that can be solved with money, it's not a problem."

With a wave of Gu Chen's big hand, Chen Yu took the lead in reacting from the shock of everyone and applauded.

"Long live President Gu!"

Tong Zixin showed a completely relieved look, and also applauded with everyone, and Gu Chen waved his hand to calm them down.

At the same time, Gu Chen looked at Chen Yu, who was eager to try on the side, and said.

" I saw you jumping around here before, let's talk about your record."

A simple sentence made Chen Yu directly stop all his actions, turn his head and take out his record book.

"Mr. Gu, after this stock transaction, we successfully ambushed nearly 20 stocks, and I asked Wang Wei to start the accounts of three investment companies other than Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. to buy shares of these stocks separately."

"It can be said that now that we have one-fifth of the authority of nearly 20 companies, I am confident that we will be able to complete the acquisition of one-third of these companies in the next month, as long as you agree, we can even let other companies that do not want to be acquired fall into a stock crash in minutes!"

Chen Yu said with a very excited face, he seemed to be completely immersed in this fantasy of controlling everything, but Gu Chen poured cold water on him.

"No need, I'm just letting you and Wang Wei grind each other, not so that you can really distract your energy to acquire the company on Xiangcheng Island, besides, what do I want so many companies for?" Can you eat it?

Gu Chen's words immediately calmed Chen Yu's whole person, he seemed to understand something, so he was not frustrated or anything because of what Gu Chen said, but nodded very indifferently and accepted everything and said.

"In this case, I understand President Gu!"

After Chen Yu collected his emotions, he quietly took a step back towards him, and Tong Zixin was almost aware of Chen Yu's thoughts, so he also took a step back.

"Just understand, in short, our main energy now has to be used to deal with this Li Jiahao, and there is not much effort wasted on others."

"Now the day after tomorrow is very likely to have a soil auction for Li Jiahao, our main task is to get this admission ticket first, so ah, Zixin, do you have a way?"

Gu Chen said this after seeing that everyone had regained their calm.

As for the words of praise, Gu Chen didn't say much, saving the gang to feel that they were too dashing and proud.

Tong Zixin, who was named by name, did not answer Gu Chen's words immediately, but held his chin and fell into thought.

"I need to see the list of companies participating in this auction first."

"That's a question."

Gu Chen pondered for a while, then took out his phone, ready to ask Liu Si, but remembered that he did not save Liu Si's number.

"Zixin, this matter is left to you."

Tong Zixin came back to his senses and knew that things had come to this point, and what he needed was to do it quickly.

So there was no ambiguity, just took out his mobile phone and started calling Liu Si, and within a few minutes Tong Zixin came back, and at the same time sent the file he got to a computer.

"This is the company involved in the soil auction, Liu Si seems to know what we are going to do, so it has long been prepared, you see this is the company she gave us a good price that can be borrowed."

Saying that, everyone saw a marked company called Dashi Construction Co., Ltd.

Of course, Gu Chen did not hesitate, and directly asked Tong Zixin to continue to contact this company and then meet.

"Okay, Mr. Gu."

Although Tong Zixin felt that this matter might be a little difficult, but Gu Chen had spoken, then he couldn't refuse.

It's just that at this time, Sun Shulan next to him said.

"No need, I know the owner of this dashi, and our Sun family has shares."

Since there was this relationship, Gu Chen didn't waste much time to let Tong Zixin contact.

In this way, Sun Shulan found the boss of this big stone, and did not say anything, as soon as she heard that it was the young lady of the Sun family, it was a head who kept saying yes, so Gu Chen and others determined the number of places that could enter the day after tomorrow.

At the same time, Liu Si came over again to invite Gu Chen to attend tomorrow night's dinner.

Gu Chen pondered for a while or went to see the situation.

After all, he still wanted to ask Liang Sixing about the situation, so he and Liu Si determined whether Liang Sixing would go to the dinner party that day.

But after learning that Liang Sixing would not go, Gu Chen decided to go to Liang Sixing tonight to ask for clarification.

As for this dinner, it is still necessary to go, but Tong Zixin has the full power to go on his own behalf.

"That's it, let's take a break and go to what they should do."

After dropping such a sentence, Gu Chen left with Jiang Min.

Who let them live in the astronomy club, and they are not a place.

Therefore, Tong Zixin discussed the future development of everything with Sun Shulan and others, while watching Gu Chen leave with Jiang Min with envy.

On the road, Jiang Min still felt a little noisy, but after Gu Chen drove the car up the mountain, she had slowly fallen into half sleep.

"Gu, Brother Gu Chen, I'm so sleepy, I'm so sleepy."

Jiang Min said such a word to Gu Chen in such a step, and then went directly back to his room and began his own sleep.

Gu Chen felt that this time was just right, because he was not sure if he would quarrel with Liang Sixing later.

At this time, Jiang Min's sleep just allowed him to have enough time and energy to negotiate with Liang Sixing.

Thinking of this, Gu Chen and Jiang Min said one last hello, and he also left the same place to look for Liang Sixing.

As a result, he did not expect that he had not found Liang Sixing, but he met Qian Bupei on the road.

"Mr. Gu, I have big news to sell you very cheaply, as long as one million."

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