"I didn't expect Mr. Gu's means to be really admirable!" Seeing that everyone had finished discussing, Chairman Zhou said with a smile at this time;

He is in favor of the cooperation between members of the Chamber of Commerce, which is also one of the original intentions of the Chamber of Commerce.

"Where, where! You still need to learn from your old-timers! Gu Chen said modestly.

For a while, everyone was even happier, now Gu Chen's worth is higher than most of them, but he didn't expect to do things so low-key, not ostentatious, and his evaluation of Gu Chen was even higher.

So everyone ate together and chatted for several hours before dispersing, and they really felt at home.

Gu Chen also walked away with a sense of joy and willingness.

On the road, Gan Yuan also enjoyed the treatment of his son driving for the first time, which really made him happy.

"Mr. Gu! Congratulations! Gan Yuan smiled and congratulated Gu Chen.

Gu Chen squinted his eyes and opened a trace of the window, and the cold wind outside instantly sobered up the slightly drunk Gu Chen, who was at the dining table before, Gu Chen drank the most.

"Mr. Gan, what's the joy?"

"Naturally, congratulations to Mr. Gu for selling his mobile phone and playing the reputation of Longteng!"

Gan Yuan looked at Gu Chen and said with a big smile.

"Tongxi and joy, I wonder if Mr. Gan has any plans to get involved in this industry?"

Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Forget it, the water in this line is too deep, I won't participate, after all, my industry is enough to enjoy a few lifetimes!"

I thought Gan Yuan would agree, but he didn't even think about refusing.

Gan Le, who was driving in front, felt sour in his heart when he heard this, but he did not speak.

"Indeed! I didn't expect that Mr. Gan really understood it! Gu Chen was slightly surprised, he didn't expect Gan Yuan to see so thoroughly.

"That is! But they didn't know that they opened Pandora's box with their own hands and brought a Big Mac in!

Finally, Gan Yuan looked far-reaching and said with a look of embarrassment.

"Mr. Gan said and laughed, I am at most a shrimp rice." When Gu Chen heard this, he didn't expect Gan Yuan to take himself so seriously.

Gan Yuan just smiled and didn't speak.

Finally, after sending Gu Chen home, the father and son took the same car back.

The night was silent, and time passed quickly.

When Gu Chen was still at home, he received a call from Wang Wei, the general manager of Longteng Group.

"Mr. Gu, I just received calls from several groups here, saying that they want to cooperate with us, or did you personally agree? What's going on? Without

waiting for Gu Chen to speak, an eager voice came from the other end of the phone.

Gu Chen was stunned: "Are they so fast?" "

Huh? Mr. Gu? What do you say? Wang Wei obviously didn't know what it meant, and asked suspiciously.

"Nothing! They are all the cooperation I am looking for! Wait for me to come to the company!

Gu Chen replied and hung up the phone, went out directly, and did not wait for Gan Le, took a taxi and went straight to the company.

An hour later.

Inside Gu Chen's office.

"So President Gu means to find them to help us publicize, and we will cooperate with each other?"

After listening to Gu Chen's general meaning, Wang Wei thought for a moment and said slowly.

"That's right!" Gu Chen nodded: "In this way, our reputation will cover all kinds of people, and the brand's reputation will also be greatly improved!" Wang

Wei's eyes flashed when he heard this, so many large groups helped them publicize, and their popularity would skyrocket.

"Then I'll call them back now?" After figuring it out, Wang Wei said excitedly.

Gu Chen's head: "Uh-huh, it's all handed over to you, tell President Qin, so that he can expand production, and the propaganda on our own side can't stop, we must give me all-round, bombarding advertising coverage without dead ends!" "


In the end, Wang Wei went to do things with all his energy, he felt that he had come to the right place, this Gu always looked very young, but he was very decisive in doing things, and he would also delegate power, allowing him to experience a feeling that he had never had before.

Then China entered the world of Longteng, no matter where you go, you can see the four big characters of Longteng Group, as well as the Shenzhou brand mobile phone they are about to sell.

Several major groups have made efforts, coupled with Longteng's advertising at any cost, so that Longteng Group suddenly entered the world of Chinese people.

Countless netizens are looking forward to this mobile phone, and they are very curious to know from the introduction that this mobile phone will explode any mobile phone on the market.

A week later.

"Mr. Gu, there are currently more than 100 million browsing records on the official website, and our Longteng is now popular enough!" It depends on whether you can keep it next!

General Manager Wang Wei reported.

"Mr. Gu, at present, we have 300,000 units of Shenzhou series mobile phone inventory, and Shenzhou chips have increased ten production lines according to your requirements, and now produce 50,000 chips per day, and currently stock 120,000 pieces!"

Father Qin also began to report.

"Mr. Gu, at present, due to time factors, we have only opened two more direct sales stores in various cities in Jiang Province! In other provinces, only the capital city has established three direct stores! The

head of marketing also began to report.

After understanding the news, Gu Chen nodded, according to the summary of the news, he was thinking about when to start selling!

According to his previous layout, coupled with his long-range group, his current transportation system can reach all parts of the country, of course, rural areas and remote areas naturally cannot be delivered.

So he can open a courier company himself.

Thinking of this, he suddenly came to the spirit, with the background of the transportation group, he can quickly establish a framework.

"Hmm! Phone sales start after seven days! It's time to post it! Increase the establishment of direct sales stores these days! Gu

Chen watched the executives under him issue orders!


Although everyone didn't understand why Gu Chen had to wait a week, they must know that according to the current level of advertising, the daily cost is real money!

But still agreed.

After the meeting, Gu Chen rushed directly to the remote group.

The current remote group can be described as reborn.

I directly bought all the surrounding land and used it as a headquarters.

"Manager He, how is the current development of the group?"

Gu Chen looked at the recent business situation and found that it was quite good, and immediately asked with satisfaction.

"Mr. Gu, at present, the group is developing steadily, the group has resumed the previous transportation channels, and I plan to go deeper at the beginning and directly expand the transportation scope to the county level."

Manager He heard this, introduced some information, and then said the goal for the next stage.

Gu Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly asked, "Then how are you preparing now?"

Although Manager He didn't know why Gu Chen was so interested, he still answered honestly: "It's ready, I'll report to you!"

"Good! Manager He, you did a really good job! Gu Chen praised directly.

"That's right! Manager He, I plan to take the group's transportation channels as the foundation, establish a courier company, and set up stations across the country, so that it is not only convenient to develop transportation, but also can kill multiple birds with one stone, how do you see? Manager

He immediately pondered for a long time when he heard this, and then he looked excited.

"Mr. Gu, yes! According to our transportation group as the foundation, we can really quickly establish a courier company all over the country, and we can also make better use of the group, which is simply a very good idea! Looking

at Gu Chen said with admiration.

"Good! Since Manager He also feels very good, this matter will be left to you! After seven days, I want you to set everything up, and then I hope that our remote delivery will reach all parts of the country!

Gu Chen also ordered excitedly.

"Yes!" Then Manager He began to arrange.

"Brother Dust, in this way, I feel that your company can soon form an industrial park!"

Gan Le, who was sitting silently on the sofa, looked at Gu Chen and sighed.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Hearing this, Gu Chen's heart moved, yes, if I draw a few more companies, then my business empire will have no weakness, and no one can threaten me at that time!

After that, Gu Chen secretly inquired about the industries lacking in his business empire, and was ready to start secretly layout.

At that time, even if the state wants to move me, it will have to be afraid of my identity!

A week passed in a flash.

This day is the day when Gu Chen Longteng Group sells mobile phones.

So, he looked at the background data very nervously.

As the pointer rotated to time, the company opened its official website for online sales.

After all, the time of Longteng Group is too short this time, and direct sales stores cannot be spread all over the country, and can only be sold online.

Suddenly, the official website collapsed directly.

"What's going on?" Gu Chen was taken aback.

"Mr. Gu, there should be too many people, so the server can't withstand the crash!" I will arrange a technician to fix it right away! Wang

Wei next to Gu Chen was overjoyed, he guessed the reason, and then explained.

"Really!" Gu Chen is also a joy, which shows that many people browse their official website.

Tens of seconds later, the website returned to normal, Gu Chen nodded secretly, Wang Wei was still ready.

He looked at the interface and refreshed it, and his eyes suddenly froze, and he was overjoyed.

It turned out that he saw nearly 100,000 people placing orders! You know, this is just a minute!

"President Gu, stabilize! This time our dragon is famous! Wang

Wei is also very happy, although 100,000 is not much, but they have no new products before, all because of the overwhelming advertising in the past few days.

Gu Chen's anxious mood instantly calmed down, he had not been in this mood for too long.

The next day, in the conference room, everyone's mood was anxious and full of expectation.

Gu Chen looked at everyone with a smile, and he felt that everyone's expressions made him very interesting.

"President Gu, how are the grades?"

Father Qin couldn't wait at first, and asked directly;

"yes! Mr. Gu, just say it quickly!

The others looked at Gu Chen blankly.

Only Gu Chen and Wang Wei knew about last night's sales.

"All right! Don't hide from you, yesterday we bought more than 5 million units online!

As soon as Gu Chen's words fell, an excited voice sounded in the conference room in an instant.

Gu Chen did not stop it, after all, everyone's hard work for so many days was in his eyes.

"Due to lack of time, the direct sales store only covers the province, so a total of 15,362 units have been sold!"

When everyone quieted down, Gu Chen said the situation of the physical store.

The crowd was excited again.

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