And many electronic groups on the Internet, especially several major mobile phone brands, are extremely curious about the first day data of Longteng.

Until Longteng Group was just updated in the management and perfection, the major groups looked over.

All of a sudden, they all gasped for air.

Hiss! Terrifying!

The story of the wolf coming instantly sounded in their hearts.

Longteng Group looks like this and is not just a wolf, it is simply a dragon!

The major groups were greatly shocked by Gu Chen's chips.

They all wanted to cooperate with Longteng Group, but it was too late.

The major groups cooperated by Huahai Chamber of Commerce and Longteng Group are even more excited, after all, the more popular the chip, the greater the profit they get.

Three days after the sale of Longteng Group's Shenzhou brand mobile phones, their respective electronic products also carried the power of chips.

For a while, the chips of the Shenzhou series became a popular thing in China.

As everyone used the mobile phone of Longteng Group, they felt that the performance was better than the introduction and publicity, and they immediately began to promote it spontaneously.

As a result, Longteng Group's sales soared.

You must know that the price of Gu Chending's mobile phone is 6888 units!

This price exceeds 80% of the world's mobile phones, and it is still sought after, which is enough to show the excellence of Shenzhou brand mobile phones.

In addition, mobile phones are not consumables, and some people will only change them once a year or even a few years, resulting in a plummeting decline in the sales of mobile phones from other mobile phone brands.

For a while, the gloom was bleak and condensed in the heart of the boss of the mobile phone group.

They also bought a Shenzhou brand mobile phone.

This is not a capital enemy, but a knowing oneself and knowing that the other is victorious in a hundred battles.

The performance form factor was found to be much better than theirs.

For a while, they made up their minds that they must cooperate with Longteng Group, otherwise if this continues, the mobile phone market will have no place for them.

Compared with the mobile phone industry, the pressure of other industries is much less than that of the mobile phone industry, but as Gu Chen sells chips, they are also under double pressure.

So many electronic groups have begun to look for Longteng Group and look for cooperation.

So domestic chips will start a reform.

For a while, the official phone of Longteng Group was burst.

"Mr. Gu, now domestic electronics groups want to cooperate with us!"

Wang Wei reported excitedly.

It really made his heart very cool!

"Wait a minute!" Gu Chen didn't have much excitement, he had long known that there would be such a day!

"But there are many group managers who say they want to come and meet in person! Especially those big mobile phone bosses, they are really anxious, they all said that they want to come and visit you in person!

Wang Weizi was very happy, but he still said worriedly.

If it goes on like this, it is estimated that it will lead to resistance and suppression by the whole industry, and even if they have a brand new chip, it will be useless!

"Oh? Then you talk to them! As for those mobile phone groups, you tell them directly, I don't want to talk to them for a month! I'm going to stabilize the market first!

Gu Chen thought about it and said with a smile.

"Yes!" Wang handed over the negotiation to himself in order to see Gu Chen, and suddenly he was excited, and went down to convey the news with a smile.

On the other side, it was the same conference room as before.

The atmosphere at this time is very solemn.

"Oh my God! Our chip orders in Huaxia have recently decreased by a full 30%! And it continues to decrease! If we continue like this, we will lose that huge piece of cake in Huaxia!

One of the white men said in shock.

"We have already got that chip, and the performance is indeed more than a thousand times better than ours!" And we couldn't even imitate it, its protection technology is very tight, our technicians have no way!

"Good! It seems that Huaxia chips are about to rise, maybe it will threaten our status!

"Yes! The task given to us by politics has also failed! It's all that damn Dragon Teng Group! The people we sent were kicked out without seeing the chairman of the other side! It seems that something has to be done! Others

also spoke.

The white boss at the head is also gloomy, and they have never encountered such a thing as the hegemon of the chip industry, which is simply a shame.

"Don't worry, Huaxia is not here, let's directly use the company's name to talk to them first, see if we can buy the technology!" If no other means can be used. This is for them Huaxia, it is a salute before a soldier! The white boss said directly.

Several other people agreed when they heard this!

As time slowly passed, Longteng Group tore a piece of cake in the mobile phone market so hard, but several other mobile phone groups were suffering.

They can only watch as the Longteng Group squeezes out their interests.

On this day, Gu Chen was still handling affairs in the office.

Until the assistant came over.

"Mr. Gu, I just received an email from abroad! Microsoft Group said to come to us to talk about cooperation!

Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, put down the document in his hand, and looked at the assistant.

He knew about Microsoft.

Microsoft, once the world's number one electronics group, its chips and mobile phone systems are famous all over the world.

"What cooperation did he talk to us about?" Gu Chen asked.

"This... They didn't say! The assistant shook his head a little embarrassed.

"When are they coming?"

"Say it's seven days later!"

"Okay! I know! You reply to them! "

Gu Chen wants to see what they are looking for themselves for!


Then the assistant withdrew, and Gu Chen didn't have the heart to deal with affairs.

Discerning people knew at a glance that they had bad intentions, not to mention that Gu Chen had robbed their market.

But Gu Chen didn't have anything to worry about! Although they are giants, it is impossible for foreign capital to deal with him at home.

Then he stopped paying attention.

Got up directly and went to the remote group.

During this period, not only Longteng Group has developed rapidly, but even the remote express under Remote Group has also grown a lot!

"Mr. Gu! At present, our group's business is many old customers, plus your Longteng Group's bundled sales, the rest are poor business!

Manager He said with a worried look.

Before, he only thought that the establishment of the express delivery site was very fast, but he did not expect to establish it without orders, which was very embarrassing.

"No rush! Take your time, none of us have a little fame, and it's already very good to have this result! At least it won't lose money! Gu

Chen didn't care at all.

After all, other express delivery companies have been established for so long, netizens naturally believe that they are a little more, but Gu Chen is confident that remote express delivery will definitely not be worse than other express delivery companies in the future!

Manager He was very moved when he heard this, and he thought that Gu Chen was comforting him, so he said so.

After dealing with the affairs, it was already late, and Gu Chen went back without saying anything.

When I entered the door, the hall was full of people.

"Huh? What day is it? Dad, why are you back? Gu

Chen immediately quipped when he saw Father Gu.

"Go, go, go! Can't I come back? Father Gu immediately retorted when he heard this;

Directly sat in an empty position, I don't know if they did it on purpose or, anyway, next to Gu Chen was Chu Xinyi.

"That's right! I heard that your mobile phone is selling well! Congratulations! Chu

Xinyi congratulated with a smile.

Gu Chen glanced at the mobile phone she put on the table, and immediately said with disgust: "I didn't see that you supported it!"

"What to support, mobile phones are so expensive, who will be willing to buy them!"

Chu Xinyi didn't speak, but Gu's mother said unceremoniously.

"Eh!" Gu Chen was speechless, because this price was booked by him!

"Mom, it's not interesting for you to say that! My mobile phone is so expensive, naturally there is a reason why it is expensive! Besides, which of the current mobile phones does not cost thousands?

Gu Chen then began to fight back.

"Auntie, Gu Chen is right, his Shenzhou brand mobile phone is indeed better than the current mobile phone! Very good value for money! The price is naturally more expensive, and naturally there is a certain reason! Chu Xinyi also looked at Gu's mother at this time and explained with a smile.

"Hmph! Xinyi! Speak for that smelly boy now!

Gu's mother immediately joked with a smile.

Instantly made Chu Xinyi blush like a persimmon, and lowered her head embarrassed.

"Mom, what do you say! People are telling the truth! Gu Chen was very helpless when he heard this, and couldn't help but roll his eyes!

"Since it's so good, I didn't see you sending us one to use?" I see? You're also a pickpocket now! Only in but not out!

Gu's mother said with strong fighting power.

"Exactly! We don't ask you, you really don't give it! "

Father Gu naturally wants to follow Gu's mother's pace at this time and cut Gu Chen together.

made Chu Xinyi laugh out loud.

Ling Gu Chen was very depressed, what did I say? Where am I?

Obviously I said about buying a mobile phone, but now you want me to send it?

"Good, good, good! Tomorrow I'll give one to each person, and this will always work! There was no way, Gu Chen could only helplessly agree.

"That's pretty much it!" Mother Gu looked at her son's expression and said proudly;

Then several people listened to Gu Chen say many things about Longteng Group, and they were all interested in knowing that Gu Chen directly stirred up the storm in the electronics industry, even Chu Xinyi was the same, and the adoration in his eyes directly overflowed.

Gu Chen's mouth was dry, but looking at the adoring eyes of his relatives, especially Chu Xinyi, it was really sour!

Finally, I took a shower and went back to my room.

Took out his mobile phone and brushed the video for a while, Gu Chen directly turned into an LSP, and after enjoying it for a while, he turned it off reluctantly.

Open Taobao, light car familiar road click.

During this period, I don't know if it was bad luck or something, he didn't draw anything good, so that he almost went to the temple to worship the bodhisattva.

Looking at the familiar interface, a sense of intimacy came to me.


"Congratulations to the host for winning..."

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