
"Congratulations to the host for drawing a set of operating systems from the future!"

Two voices sounded in succession, making Gu Chen puzzled.

"System? What system? Soon

an explanation of the system was sent in a text message.

"The system is a set of operational operating systems at some point in the future, mainly for mobile devices."

Seeing this, Gu Chen was stunned, isn't this equivalent to the current Android and Apple systems?

So I now have the third system in the world?

Thinking of this, Gu Chen's heart moved, this is of great use.

Not only can Longteng Group's products be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but also bundle them at that time, so that Longteng Group will become a leader in the domestic mobile phone industry, which is really far-reaching and of great significance!

Then he saw a USB flash drive quietly placed on the cabinet, and Gu Chen studied it for a long time before putting it down to sleep.


Gu Chen went to a research room under the Longteng Group early in the morning.

After finding the person in charge of this research room and giving him the USB flash drive, he secretly ordered him to study, not to make a noise, and quietly left.

Gu Chen was not afraid of the other party's exposure, after all, it was also good for him, not to mention signing a contract with him for up to thirty years.

In the following days, Gu Chen has been wandering around the various groups to deal with company affairs.

He already has Taiyu Group, Remote Group, Tianchen Group, Longteng Group, plus a five-star hotel and an office building.

He believes that as time goes by, there will be more and more, so this will cause him to not have as much time and energy to deal with things.

During this time, he has been thinking about how to solve this problem, and now he has a general idea.

That is, he directly set up an offshore company, and all the groups he owns are under this offshore company, and then he only needs to control the overall situation, then there is no need to be so distracted and waste time, and it can also be taken into account, and the groups complement each other.

It is equivalent to the major groups being the departments of the company, and the use of resources can be maximized.

Just do what he says, and he began to apply with the information in the past few days.

Looking at the company information in his hand, he immediately showed his aunt's smile, and then called the heads of various groups together, met each other, and got acquainted with each other.

As for some shareholders of those groups, the shares remain unchanged and remain as they are.

Then his cell phone rang.


"President Gu, it can be considered through."

Hearing this, Gu Chen saw that he had several missed calls, which should have been silent before he didn't hear it.

"Huh? Can I help you?

"Mr. Gu, the people from Microsoft have arrived, and they said they want to see you?"

The assistant's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Gu Chen was stunned: "Have they arrived?" "

He has been busy these days, and he has forgotten the time.

"Good! Said to meet you right away! The assistant quickly explained.

"Good! Tell them to wait, I'll be right there! Gu Chen thought about it, anyway, now that the matter has been done, he will see what they want to do.

After speaking, Gu Chen hung up the phone and directly got into the car and asked Gan Le to drive back to the company.

An hour later, in the reception room of the group, the two parties were clearly separated.

"Hello Mr. Gu! Nice to see you! Among

them, Microsoft's representative is a middle-aged white man with the position of vice president of the company.

Hearing this, there was a translator on Gu Chen's side who was preparing to translate.

"Is it! Mr. Pete, I'm glad to meet you! Gu

Chen's direct fluency in English surprised the other party.

Then the two chatted a little, and the other party said the purpose of this time.

"Mr. Gu, the purpose of my coming this time is to cooperate with your company!"

Mr. Pitt then showed the fox's tail.

Gu Chen smiled slightly: "Oh? I don't know how to cooperate?

Mr. Pitt said in a proud tone: "Naturally, Mr. Gu joined us at Microsoft!" I think Mr. Gu should have heard of our daimyo!

"Of course! But what are the conditions on which I join you?

"I heard that Mr. Gu has researched a new generation of chips in his hands, and just take out this technology, then I can propose that the board of directors make Mr. Gu the president of Huaxia District!"

Mr. Pitt said confidently.

In his opinion, Gu Chen will definitely agree, you know how many people in the world want to join them Microsoft!

Hearing the other party's words, several group executives on Gu Chen's side immediately showed a mocking smile.

"Mr. Pete, this joke is not funny at all!" Gu Chen was also stunned when he heard this, he didn't expect that the other party sent this strange thing.

The smile on Pete's face froze suddenly, he didn't expect Gu Chen to refuse without thinking about it.

"Mr. Gu, think well!"

Suddenly spoke up.

He had been working in other regions before, and those companies all offered him a guest, so after receiving the order from the head office, he came directly to Huaxia.

Unexpectedly, it was deflated.

"Naturally! Mr. Pete, if nothing happens, I will not accompany you!

After saying that, Gu Chen didn't bother to say anything, and left the reception room directly, leaving Mr. Pete with an ugly face.

When Longteng Group saw that Gu Chen was gone, they also left one after another, and only Microsoft and his group were left in the huge living room.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

Among them, Pete's assistant looked at Pete at a loss and asked.

The muscles in Pete's face were trembling at this time, which clearly made him angry.

"Shett! It's so out of our eyes that Microsoft is not taken seriously! I'll make them pay!

Pete immediately cursed a few words, but they had no choice but to leave.

Gu Chen's office.

"President Gu, they are gone, I wonder if this will cause them to retaliate?" Wang Wei looked at Gu Chen with slight worry.

Gu Chen shook his head and said indifferently: "Since we developed the Shenzhou chip, it has become a thorn in their eyes, so no matter how I treat it, they will take action!" However, our current business is in China, and they can't help us in a short time.

Gu Chen pointed out the core of the problem, which made Wang Wei suddenly realize.

After all, the Microsoft giant left a far-reaching influence in his heart, and he was naturally afraid of the consequences of offending the other party for a while.

"Got it! So now should we strive to develop the domestic market, accumulate strength, and enter the international market in the next hundred years?

Wang Wei then replied.

"That's right!" Gu Chen nodded.

In the following days, with the fermentation of Shenzhou chips, it has been accepted and loved by more and more people.

The consequence is that the domestic chip market is gradually eroded by Longteng Group, and major foreign chip groups have encountered Waterloo.

For a while, the stock market of their group was bleak, and Longteng Group was more and more well-known to everyone.

The Imperial Hall of Huatian Hotel, as the most noble and luxurious big brother box in the hotel, has always been closed to the public.

At this time, a table was full of people.

Gu Chen was in the first place, next to the heads of the major groups under him, plus some shareholders.

People like Chu Xinyi of Taiyu Group, Jiang Dongqiang and others are listed, Gu Father, Bai Yansong, Qin Father, Wang Wei, He Fan, Liu Ying, etc. are also here.

"Guys, there is no other meaning in calling everyone over today, just to know each other, by the way, to say something!"

Gu Chen said to everyone with a smile.

Everyone looked over, some people had already guessed, and some people were puzzled.

"Everyone here is a shareholder or principal of my company, so I will say bluntly, I plan to put my company under one subsidiary, so that we can effectively use various resources and better development, so everyone must get to know each other today, and we will all be colleagues in the future!"

After Gu Chen said with a smile, everyone in the underground suddenly had different expressions.

"Gu... Mr. Gu, these are your companies?

After a few minutes, Manager He still asked incredulously;

He only knew that Taiyu Group was Gu Chen's, but he didn't expect that the Longteng Group that is hot search today was also Gu Chen's, plus several others were no worse than long-range, and the shock in his heart could be imagined.

Ordinary people who have one family can be said to be the pride of heaven.

"That's right!"

Gu Chen nodded with a smile.

"Brother Dust! I didn't expect that Canghai Office and Huatian Hotel are also yours! You're hiding too deep, aren't you?

At this time, Gan Le on the side also opened his eyes wide and was shocked.

"You didn't ask!" Gu Chen glanced at the faint reply.

Chu Xinyi's gaze was on Liu Ying, she didn't expect that there was a beautiful woman under Gu Chen.

Liu Ying also noticed at this time, saw Chu Xinyi's eyes glanced at each other, and then smiled and nodded as a greeting.

After that, under Gu Chen's introduction, everyone recognized each other and added their contact information.

So the atmosphere at the wine table was very warm, after all, the people present were all high-caliber students or top talents in a certain industry, and naturally they talked happily.

Gu Chen is very satisfied with all this, the leaders of the various groups are familiar with each other, and it is estimated that the various businesses will be more integrated and convenient by then.

After the end, Gu Chen and Gu's father, Chu Xinyi went all the way.

"You boy, I really didn't expect that you already have so many companies in Huahai!"

Father Gu's face was very happy, and he sat on the co-pilot and scolded with a smile.

"It's fine!" Gu Chen smiled.

"But that Manager Liu is quite beautiful?" At this time, Chu Xinyi suddenly said resentfully.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the car was cold.

"Yes?" Gu Chen pretended to be stupid.

Father Gu naturally helped Chu Xinyi: "I can tell you!" Boy, if you dare to mess around outside, I'll peel your skin when you come back!"

Gu Chen suddenly fell silent, while Chu Xinyi next to him smiled happily and did not speak.

So a few people soon arrived at home, and after talking for a while at home, Gu Chen went back to the room.

"Congratulations to the host for winning 100% Grandview Group!"

Suddenly, the mobile phone prompt sounded.

"Grandview Group, one of the famous ten shopping mall owners in China, Grandview Mall! It used to have assets of nearly 100 billion yuan, nearly 100 squares and more than 100 shopping malls in China. "

Gu Chen's eyes flickered!

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