"Hello boss!"

Suddenly, a high voice came.

"Hello everyone!" Gu Chen immediately greeted with a smile.

The huge movement naturally attracted tourists in the mall, and they all paid attention to it.

Afterwards, Mei Jiale began to introduce the big and small issues within the group.

After visiting the mall, I returned to the group's building.

Inside the conference room.

All the large and small managers of the group except for business trips are here.

"Ahem! Everyone, my name is Gu Chen! From now on, it will be a family!

Looking at the people below, Gu Chen cleared his throat and introduced himself very concisely and clearly.

This short and weak introduction stunned everyone, but then reacted and broke into a huge applause.

"But the general manager of the group is not me! As everyone must have guessed, it was the lady next to me, and now I have invited her to speak!

Gu Chen then turned his words, gave up his position, and took the lead in clapping his palm.

The subordinates below were naturally also very eye-catching and puffed out their palms.

Chu Xinyi was not prepared, glared at Gu Chen fiercely, no way, she could only walk up, fortunately, she was experienced, so she didn't make a mistake.

Gu Chen, who saw it, laughed loudly.

"Hello everyone! My name is Chu Xinyi, I used to work in Taiyu, and now I am honored to cooperate with you, so please cooperate sincerely in the future to create brilliance again! Chu

Xin spoke freely for dozens of minutes, and everyone in the audience was immediately admired.

Gu Chen also clapped his palms happily, and was very satisfied with Chu Xinyi's direct prestige.

After that, the crowd held one meeting after another.

Chu Xinyi listened very seriously, while Gu Chen was very bored.

When Grandview Group was meeting, Yangcheng's Internet was also very uncalm.

When all the leaders of Grandview Group went to the airport today, the reporter smelled the hot spot of the news, so he waited there early.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for three young men to walk out.

The interim general manager of Grandview Group greeted them with respect, and knew that these should be the bosses of Grandview Group!

So after taking a few photos, I began to edit the article and post it.

Instantly on the hot search, not only the strength of Grandview Group, everyone's eyes pay more attention, but also Gu Chen's appearance is simply better than the stars.

"Little brother is so handsome!"

"Wow? Which idol?

"You're afraid you're mentally retarded upstairs, right? The title makes it clear, this is the new chairman of Grandview Group! Does Grandview Group know?

"Exactly! People's assets are nearly 100 billion, please don't compare those dramas!

"Just did I find those two young ladies very beautiful?"

"You're not alone upstairs!"

"Plus one!"

"Is this the male protagonist in the novel? Rich and good-looking! Sorry, I fell! At

this time, online comments became more and more popular, so that more people began to discuss it.

Not only netizens knew that the boss of Grandview Group was coming, but the bosses of several other shopping malls also knew that Grandview Group had changed bosses, and immediately held emergency meetings one by one.

At the same time, Gu Chen's identity was also dug up by them, and they were suddenly even more alarmed.

How did Nima mix in a Tyrannosaurus rex!

Looking at the long introduction behind Gu Chen.

Gu Chen, male, 24 years old, graduated from the Department of Finance of Huahai University, currently has several large groups such as Taiyu, Remote, Longteng, Tiansheng and so on!

Currently ranked 15th on the Hurun Wealth List (since most of the companies are not listed, many fortunes are not recorded!).

Several bosses are afraid in their hearts, they are young and in charge of such a huge wealth, and now they have come into contact with the mall industry, they naturally can't sit still.

One by one, they gathered think tanks and began to think of countermeasures.

All this Gu Chen naturally did not know.

Finally, near five o'clock, all the meetings finally ended, Chu Xinyi also understood all the news, at this time she was extremely excited in her heart, and Yan Qing, at this time she also felt that she had found her value.

After refusing Mei Jiale's reception banquet, the three went directly back to the hotel.

After Chu Xinyi and Yan Qing went directly to the room to study the affairs of the group, Gu Chen also returned to the room a little bored.

After eating dinner directly at the hotel, I played with my mobile phone directly in bed.

After brushing the hot search on the Internet, I can't help but be happy, when did I become a hot search regular?

Then I looked at it again, and found that everyone was discussing that they were rich and good-looking, and they were very proud, and they saw many young ladies saying that they wanted to give birth to monkeys for themselves, "When did I become so popular?" "

There was no time for the lottery all day today, so Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and opened Taobao directly after reading it.


"Congratulations to the host for winning..." A

prompt sounded instantly.

"Congratulations to the host for winning the 100% holding of the pharmaceutical group!"

Suddenly, a message appeared on the screen.

Gu Chen was stunned, and then he was overjoyed, this is another group drawn!

After half a year's experience, he has almost figured out the urine nature of this Taobao.

Every once in a while he draws a good thing, but it's rare to win a good thing in a row.

Then I read about the Group.

Huaxia Pharmaceutical Group, one of the top ten private pharmaceutical groups, has strong strength, all kinds of medical devices, all kinds of drugs are involved, and there are chain pharmacies in the country, and there are several large and small hospitals in each province.

"Another 100 billion group!"

Gu Chen's mood at this time can be regarded as beautiful, and his assets have increased by hundreds of billions a day! Just ask if you envy or not?

After reading the information for a while, I fell into a dream.

In his dream, he became the richest man in the world, and he was fascinated by the fact that he could talk to a country on an equal footing, just when he went to Eastern Europe to meet the royal family of a certain country.

The alarm clock of the mobile phone instantly pulled him back to reality, making him stunned and wanted to drop the phone directly!

"Lean! Just one night? "

I was very depressed all of a sudden, and I couldn't help but accept reality.

So he got up full of resentment to solve personal hygiene.

Walking to the hotel restaurant, Chu Xinyi and Yan Qing had already arrived at the restaurant to eat.

"President Gu, here!" Yan Qing quickly shouted.

Gu Chen heard this and walked over.

"Why are you up so early!"

After sitting directly next to Chu Xinyi, he asked with a smile.

"I'll go to the company later!" Chu Xinyi explained.

Yan Qing had already known that Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi were together, so she could only bury her inner feelings secretly in her heart.

After that, the three went straight to the company.

After that, Chu Xinyi soon entered the working state and directly began the development strategy of resoluteness!

The day is all spent in meetings.

It's the same as yesterday, it's a meeting, but yesterday it's about understanding group affairs, and today it's calling the shots.

Some executives did not want to change, so they disobeyed Chu Xinyi's words.

Since this person was a group elder, the previous boss turned a blind eye to his behavior.

His confidence swelled, so he became a cancer in the group, and now he does not follow orders.

He also thought that the new boss would not move a veteran like him in order to appease the employees' uneasy emotions.

But after Gu Chen knew it, he directly issued the first order, which was to fire the executive.

And the group re-investigated this cancer, and for a while a wave of investigation was set off within the group, which greatly changed the internal atmosphere of the group.

This was also the only thing Gu Chen did all day today, which made him very bored.

Return to hotel in the evening.

"That's right! I see that now the group is also on the right track, I will go back first, and the affairs of several groups still need me to deal with! Gu Chen said to Chu Xinyi in the restaurant.

As soon as the words fell, Chu Xinyi's hand holding the chopsticks shook, and then said casually: "Hmm! Go ahead! Work matters! It should be a while on my side! "

Hmm! Thank you! Xinyi!

Gu Chen said when he heard this.

Later, after eating a sweet couple meal, the two went back to their rooms.

The next day, Gu Chen went directly to the airport by car, while Chu Xinyi went to the company.

In the office, she stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the distant plane across the sky, through the clouds, and quickly disappeared in front of her, silent for a long time.

An hour later, Gu Chen returned to Huahai, went to deal with the affairs of the group, and met a group representative who wanted to cooperate with Longteng Group.

After negotiating the cooperation, Gu Chen directly invited the other party to eat at the Huatian Hotel in order to show his importance.

After some intermingling, we had a good conversation and felt at home.

After instructing the hotel staff to send several drunk guests to the guest room, Gu Chen left the hotel.

Since his physique changed, his alcohol consumption has increased even more.

As soon as the breeze blew, he sobered up and prepared to take a taxi home.

"Mr. Gu!"

A voice came.

When Gu Chen heard this, he turned to look, but it was a woman in a down jacket with a camera on her chest and frowned.

"You are?"

It felt a little familiar, but after thinking about it, I still didn't remember it.

"Mr. Gu! My name is Fan Yuxi, I am a reporter from the TV station, I still asked you questions? Remember? When

Fan Yuxi heard this, he was not angry, after all, people are real bosses, where will they remember this little reporter.

"Oh? It's you! Reporter Fan, why are you here?

Gu Chen suddenly realized after hearing this, and immediately remembered, looked at her, and asked with a smile.

"Just came back from outside today, and invited some people to dinner in the stage!"

When Fan Yuxi said this, he was immediately blessed, and a pair of black eyes glowed with bright starlight.

"Hmm! This way! That reporter Fan, I'll go first! So late! Gu Chen nodded after listening, and then planned to leave.

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