
Seeing Gu Chen turn around, Fan Yuxi was anxious.

"Huh?" Gu Chen turned his head and wondered, "Is there anything else going on with reporter Fan?"

"Mr. Gu, this matter is a long story."

"Then long story short!" Gu Chen interrupted directly.

"Eh!" Fan Yuxi was stunned.

"That's right! Mr. Gu should also know about the earthquake that occurred the day before yesterday, right?

Gu Chen nodded, indicating that he knew.

"I just came back from there today."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Chen was a little surprised at Fan Yuxi, he didn't expect that this reporter could risk his life to go to the earthquake area, which made him admire slightly, so he motioned for her to continue.

Fan Yuxi stomped her foot, held her hands and said, "It's really miserable there!" Coupled with this weather, many victims were not killed by the earthquake, but were cold to death by this weather! Hearing

this, Gu Chen was stunned, he could imagine that kind of scene.

"Although the country moves quickly, the supply of materials cannot keep up, and there is a lot of things missing, so that our rescue heroes' hands are frozen, and the medical environment cannot keep up, and many injured people can only choose to amputate their limbs in order to survive."

Fan Yuxi said hoarsely.

Gu Chen didn't expect the earthquake to be so tragic, he looked around and found that there was a Starbucks on the opposite side.

"Let's go! Go and say it on the other side! It's so cold here!

Then Gu Chen took the lead and walked away with long legs.

Fan Yuxi was stunned, sniffed twice, and followed.

As soon as they entered, the warm air conditioner made the two tremble instantly.

"All right! Go ahead! Gu Chen ordered two cups of hot drinks and motioned for the other party to continue.

"This is the photo I took after I went, Mr. Gu, you can take a look!"

After speaking, he handed over the camera in his hand.

"So today, the official conveniently called for earthquake relief assistance activities across the country, and we are inviting several transportation group bosses and bosses of other industries to dinner in Taili today, and we want to ask them to take the lead in speaking out and helping, and lead by example in the city's donations in tomorrow's citywide cultural hall!"

Looking at Gu Chen flipping through the photos in the camera, Fan Yuxi continued.

Although Gu Chen was prepared in his heart, he was still shocked when he saw that it was all ruins, and most of the rescued people could only lie in the open space and wail, in such cold weather, he couldn't imagine, and he saw that many rescue officers and soldiers were also single-clothed and thin-pants, still looking for the masses in the ruins, and were immediately shocked.

He also saw a video saying that there was a lack of supplies, everything, food, medicine, winter clothing and so on.

The more he looked, the more silent he became.

"Did those bosses agree?"

Then looked up at Fan Yuxi and asked;

Fan Yuxi first nodded when she heard this, and then shook her head bitterly.

Gu Chen's brows frowned, what does this mean?

"They agreed to take the lead in donating tomorrow, but only in cash!" Fan Yuxi quickly explained.

Hearing this, Gu Chen was stunned, in this case, is cash useful? Useful, but not very useful!

"What is lacking is transport vehicles and medical supplies, where the snow is frozen, the roads are damaged, and only the kind of large trucks can drive in, but now there is a lack of such trucks!"

Fan Yuxi saw Gu Chen silent and continued to explain.

"Therefore, I want to invite Mr. Gu tomorrow to also take the lead in the donation activity!"

At this time, Fan Yuxi took a sip of the hot drink in the cup and looked at Gu Chen expectantly.

"Huh? I didn't get an invitation! When Gu Chen heard this, he shook his head.

"How is that possible?" Fan Yuxi's eyes widened, and her face was full of disbelief.

In her opinion, how could a big person like Gu Chen not have received an invitation!

"Really!" Gu Chen said truthfully.

It is estimated that he went to Yangcheng before, and everyone did not know that he had returned.

"Hmph! Since Mr. Gu doesn't want to take the lead, just say it bluntly, there's no need to lie to me!

Suddenly, Fan Yuxi thought that Gu Chen was the same, and did not want to take the lead, so he directly snatched the camera in his hand and left angrily.

Gu Chen made her very disappointed, she thought that Gu Chen was different from others, but she didn't expect that businessmen were pursuing profits, in this case, they still cared about their own interests!

Gu Chen suddenly touched his nose, was this misunderstood?

"This niko is too excited, right?" Gu Chen couldn't help but shake his head.

However, he also understood that she had just returned from there today, and naturally wanted to change after seeing more miserable situations.

But huh? Gu Chen also did not plan to go to the city's donation activities, after all, it is very rare for real disaster relief materials to reach those who need them.

He didn't want his love to be cut off, so this time, he wanted to organize a rescue team by himself.

Thinking of this, he instantly had a general direction in his heart.

So he checked out and went home.

Xu Shishi had already returned home.

Seeing Gu Chen come back, she was pleasantly surprised: "Brother, when did you come back?"

"I'm back today!" Gu Chen explained with a smile.

Then the two chatted a little.

"That's right! Brother, tomorrow the city organized an earthquake relief donation activity, originally wanted to send you a copy, but you didn't come back, you didn't send it, now you're back, are you going to go tomorrow?

Xu Shishi remembered something and spoke.

Gu Chen shook his head when he heard this.

"Eh? Brother, don't you go to those reporters to know..." Xu Shishi was stunned, and then said worriedly.

Now these disaster relief activities have become a duty! If others donate and you don't donate, you are a black-hearted businessman, you will be scolded and sprayed!

"Whatever they say! Besides, if I don't go, it doesn't mean I won't donate!

Gu Chen said without care.

"Huh? So what do you want? Xu Shishi was stunned, a little puzzled.

Gu Chen smiled: "I want to create a charity fund myself!" I donated my own support for this earthquake relief!

"Brother, then I also want to go to the charity fund!" Xu Shishi suddenly looked at Gu Chen with adoration.

"Don't worry! I will hand over the finances of the charity fund to you, but every bill needs to be transparent and fair!

Gu Chen nodded, and then looked at Xu Shishi seriously and said seriously.

"Don't worry! Elder brother! Xu Shishi was overjoyed when she heard this, and immediately assured.

Gu Chen was very satisfied.

"Okay! Rest early! Tomorrow I need you to be my assistant!"

Gu Chen then looked at the time, waved his hand and went back to his room to sleep.

Of course, daily phone calls between couples are essential.

Gu Chen told Chu Xinyi all about what happened today, and also said his next thoughts.

"Gu Chen! Go for it! I'm sticking with you! "

Chu Xinyi naturally trusts Gu Chen very much, and is even proud, this is my boyfriend! A caring and socially responsible entrepreneur!

"Good!" When Gu Chen heard Chu Xinyi's words of support, he was even more motivated!

So the two talked for a while and hung up the phone, after all, both of them have something to do tomorrow!

The next day, the sky was not beautiful, the dark clouds covered the sun, and the black clouds pressed the city and wanted to destroy.

Early in the morning foreshadowed that today's events were destined for twists and turns.

At this time, a huge banner was erected in the Cultural Square.

"Give your heart to love! If one side is in difficulty, the eight sides support! Huahai Earthquake Relief Donation Center! "

It attracted most of the attention for a while, and the entertainment venues of the past were ordered to stop and rectify early!

Most citizens are compassionate!

Therefore, as soon as the donation channel was opened, countless people poured in, and the police had long been guarded by the authorities, and journalists had long been in place.

For this positive energy campaign, you can't miss it!

At this time, Fan Yuxi from last night was impressively listed, with big dark circles and pale cheeks that exposed the fact that she did not sleep well last night.

"Or are we the masses of the people full of love! Unlike those capitalists! It's really inhumane! At this time, it is necessary to make the country difficult to make money!

Looking at this scene, Fan Yuxi complained to the camera uncle next to him.

"Xiao Xi! Those capitalists are hateful! But in the past, most of these donors were to them! And they are not like these ordinary people, who say donate and donate! Fan

Yuxi originally said that the meaning of this sentence was that he wanted the camera uncle to follow her words, but he didn't expect it to be a direct rebuttal.

"Uncle! In any case, as entrepreneurs, since they have obtained great returns, they should also contribute more to society! Fan Yuxi retorted.

The camera uncle smiled and said nothing, so Fan Yuxi didn't have the heart to say anything more.

Soon, the interior of the Cultural Square had already been built into a conference room at this time.

The seats below slowly filled up over time.

Soon the time came to nine o'clock, and the earthquake relief and relief committee officially began, and the meeting was very important, and the mayor was directly sent to preside over the speech.

The object of the meeting is naturally not an ordinary person, basically all the rich class in Huahai City have come!

"It's great that you can take a little time out of your busy schedule to attend this special meeting today! On behalf of the official and the people in the central part of the country, I would like to express my sincere thanks!

After speaking, the mayor bowed slightly.

Enthusiastic applause broke out below.

Everyone below had solemn faces at this time, and the official attitude began to indicate a hint, in which the camera slowly swept over everyone's faces, including Gan Yuan, Ye Qinglong, who was familiar with Gu Chen, as well as the presidents of various chambers of commerce, group bosses, business celebrities, and so on.

After that, the mayor spoke a lot, and from time to time there was applause.

"Finally, to reflect our entrepreneurial spirit! As well as the spiritual outlook of our Huahai City, I announce the official start of the Protest Disaster Relief Donation Ceremony!

"As the initiator and representative of the action, I set an example first!" On behalf of all the officials of Huahai City, I would like to donate 1 million yuan in cash, as well as 1,000 kilograms of rice, and 2,000 kilograms of various meat and vegetables to the central disaster area!

The mayor finally said seriously.

After speaking, there was another round of warm applause.

Then everyone started the donation drive.

Many businesses have begun to send representatives, some donating money! When there were donations, all kinds of materials began to be assembled.

To the mayor's satisfaction, today's event is in line with his expectations.

Although Gu Chen did not come, the representative he sent came.

Directly waved his hand and donated five million!

He doesn't even rank in the top 10 in this donation ranking, but for him he doesn't care at all, after all, his aid activities do not rely on official activities.

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