Gu Chenlin introduced for more than ten minutes, and asked the founding team to say hello to everyone, and the excitement and flush on Lao Meng's face have not stopped since he took the stage.

"The above is all the information of this system, if you don't understand it, you can leave a message on the official website, we will have a special customer explanation, and the name of this system I also destined for Shenzhou!" God bless me Huaxia, God bless me Shenzhou!

Gu Chen looked at the excited reporter and pressed it, and replied with a smile.

At this time, the reporters are already crazy, this news is expected to shock the world, at this time they frantically press the shutter, trying to record this historical moment.

At this time, netizens were even more excited.

"Mighty my dragon!"

"Support Dragon Teng!"

"God bless me Shenzhou!"

All the barrages were brushed all at once.

The major platforms were stuttered, which made all the people in charge very excited, and directly said viciously: "Give me a bigger server!" Be sure to give me a steady hold!

Then there was applause from nowhere, from sparse to enthusiastic, from reality to the Internet, and major netizens also applauded.

Some people who were in class or on the way to work forgot the location, followed by applause, and suddenly everyone's eyes gathered to react, and suddenly their faces were very embarrassed, and they were even scolded and deducted wages.

But they thought it was worth it! No regrets.

After all, this is a domestic system! Created with Chinese characters as the core! It represents national self-confidence and a sense of identity!

After the applause, all the reporters were also full of respect and admiration when they saw Gu Chen at this time!

No wonder people are not panicked at all, this is the bottom line!

Having demonstrated it to them several times before, they naturally had no doubt about the authenticity of the system.

At this time, the Intel Company, which had not left to watch over Gu Chen's joke, was in the branch of the Huaxia region at this time.

Peter's face at this time is no longer enough to describe in words, how can it be a black word.

He looked at Gu Chen's confident face and suddenly lost his spirit.

Not only him, but also the bosses of several big mobile phones who were secretly expecting Longteng to go bankrupt, also had a bitter face at this time, they knew that after this time, Longteng had completely risen, and it was not something they could stop!

After all, with the country and the nation as the center, it is really an absolute killer.

At the press conference, it was finally time for the question session.

At this time, the reporters rubbed their fists and were eager to try.

At the same time, he is extremely jealous of his companions, after all, he is next to competitors!

"Now you can have three opportunities to ask questions!"

As soon as Gu Chen's words fell, the reporter below suddenly raised his little arm.

This is a rare opportunity! It's a chance to appear all over the world!

Gu Chen looked at it with a smile and nodded casually: "Yes!" Just you! The most excited reporter. The

reporter selected on the left was short, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of the tall reporters around her, and she didn't believe it after hearing Gu Chen's voice

, until everyone's eyes came over, her face was full of excitement.

"Hello Mr. Gu! I am a reporter from the Haicheng platform, I want to ask Mr. Gu who has studied it a long time ago, why did he take it out now?

After the short reporter calmed his mood, he immediately showed the reporter's sharp speech skills and directly asked the point.

"Nice job!"

This was the common voice of all reporters, so they all looked at Gu Chen to see how he answered.

Gu Chen suddenly laughed bitterly, he really lifted a stone and smashed it on his feet.

I didn't expect that a petite reporter could ask this question.

"Can I ask another reporter?"

Gu Chen did not answer the question immediately.


Then everyone burst into laughter, feeling that this person did not look like the rumors.

"I said before about this reporter."

Then Gu Chen intervened in the topic, watching the reporters try to recall Gu Chen's previous words.

"If it weren't for Google pressing me step by step, I wouldn't have taken it out so early!"

Gu Chen explained directly.

"Does that mean that there are still some problems with this Shenzhou system, so I haven't taken it out for a long time, and now I have no choice but to take it out?"

The short reporter immediately caught the leak in Gu Chen's words and asked sharply.

All of a sudden, all the reporters looked at Gu Chen intently, wanting to hear how he explained.

Not only them, but also netizens on the Internet are very curious about this issue.

Those rival groups also showed a glimmer of hope.

Gu Chen was depressed in his heart at this time, how could he make the most classic mistake! Knowing people by their appearance, they felt that the other party's petite would definitely not ask any problems, but they did not expect that the problems were more tricky every time.

"This is the second question! So no right to comment! Gu Chen smiled at the short, and then directly rejected in her expectant gaze.


Suddenly, everyone was deflated.

"Now the second question, this reporter, please ask?"

Gu Chen glanced around, and his eyes stopped on the last male reporter, because Gu Chen looked like this man had a kind face.

"Thank you Mr. Gu for your love, I am a reporter from China Entertainment, and my question is the question of the previous reporter!"

The reporter thanked Gu Chen, and then revealed his true face.

All of a sudden, all the reporters burst into laughter.

It's the same online.

"Haha! I want to beg Mr. Gu's inner thoughts!

"That's right! Unexpectedly, these reporters are also broken!

"Pity Mr. Gu for three seconds!"

Gu Chen was the same, he didn't expect these reporters to unite at this time, but he quickly explained, otherwise I don't know how this group of reporters will report tomorrow.

Don't look at the grin on their faces now, turn around and give you a knife.

"The Shenzhou system is more natural without the slightest problem, this is a mature and perfect system, as for why not take it out directly, it is naturally because I plan to take it out when Longteng Group enters the international market, but I didn't expect that this time it came out in advance for this reason!"

But fortunately, I believe that after today, I estimate that Longteng Group will also have a greater reputation in the world!

Gu Chen directly said the group's future development strategy.


As Gu Chen finished speaking, there was another round of applause below, regardless of whether what Gu Chen said was true or not, but it was worthy of respect at this time.

With the completion of the second question, the last question Gu Chen is much more cautious, who knows what questions these dog thieves will ask.

The reporters below are also very excited and looking forward to it, and they all want Gu Chen to find themselves.

After all, this is the last question! And this Mr. Gu's interview is more difficult than the richest man! I don't accept any interviews at all, and if I follow people secretly, I will serve them directly by lawyer letter.

Suddenly, Gu Chen saw a familiar face below, that is, Fan Yuxi, who had misunderstood him before, and after not seeing Gu Chen for a long time, he directly left the problem to her.

And Fan Yuxi at the bottom stood in the middle and did not raise his hand with the others, but his face was a little embarrassed, after all, he had scolded others before.

It's good not to trouble yourself, and want to ask questions? Dream it!

It's just that sometimes fate is so wonderful, what you don't specifically pursue, fate is more ignorant of you.

"The third question is then... That Fan reporter!

Gu Chen deliberately paused, and then said to Fan Yuxi in the middle with a smile;

"Ugh!" Fan Yuxi was stunned when she heard this, she never expected that Gu Chen not only saw herself, but also gave the problem to herself.

"Hello Mr. Gu! I am a local reporter from Huahai!

Fan Yuxi was stunned for a moment, but the professional reporter's skills quickly reacted.

"My third question is when will the Shenzhou system be available?"

All the reporters were a little disappointed in this question, but they still looked at Gu Chen and waited for him to explain.

Gu Chen was very satisfied in his heart, and this question was what he would say in the end.

"Reporter Fan's question is very good! At present, the debugging of the Shenzhou system has been completed and can be launched and used at any time, so after the conference, there will be corresponding installation packages and installers on our official website.

Gu Chen looked at everyone and explained: "In addition to our own Shenzhou mobile phones that can be downloaded and installed, other mobile phones are a little more troublesome, and you need to download a plug-in, otherwise you can't download the Shenzhou system."

Then Gu Chen said a few more words and ended the press conference.

Everyone left, and the Dragon Teng Group broke out into cheerful calls, after all, they didn't know that their boss had a system before.

However, the subsequent development of this matter is not so easy to end.

At this time, the top ten hot searches on the Internet are all news of Longteng Group, not only domestically, but also abroad, all thanks to Google.

After all, Google's volume is full of weight abroad! For Google's sudden cancellation of the system access to an electronics group for the first time, many foreign journalists are naturally extremely curious.

So Longteng Group developed the world's third system, and the news was very exciting.

So this time Google still helped Long Teng advertise for free, or the world, it is really a chicken stealing rice.

"Mr. Gu, this time our Longteng Group has not only gained a firm foothold, but also entered the international market!"

At this time, returning to the high-level conference room, Wang Wei looked at Gu Chen very excitedly, and his face was very adoring.

At this time, the other executives also looked at Gu Chen eagerly.

"No rush! This matter has to wait! Our Longteng products are still too few, notify the R&D department, give me full research and development, and use the funds casually!

Gu Chen directly refused Wang Wei's request and gave the next direction of Longteng's development.


Hearing Gu Chen's words, everyone, including Wang Wei, all stood up and agreed.

After that, Gu Chen returned to his office and looked at the comments on the official website.

At this time, the comments have all been reversed, all of them are praised by the dragon and tengniu, and Gu Chen is embarrassed to say it.

I can't help but sigh that everyone on the Internet is talented, and they talk well, no wonder so many people like to surf the Internet!

At this time, his phone rang, and he smiled when he clicked it on.

"Hello? ......"

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