Looking at the familiar notes on the phone, Gu Chen directly connected the call.

"Hey, Academician Chen, what are you doing here?"

"Mr. Gu, do you really have an independent and perfect system in your hands?"

Academician Chen's speech speed at this time was very eager and serious!

Gu Chen was stunned, and then replied with a smile: "That's right! Nature is true!

As soon as the words fell, Gu Chen faintly heard the other party's rapid breathing.

"Good, good! Mr. Gu, I will come to you right away!" There are big things to discuss!

Then Academician Chen hurriedly ran out of the office and rushed to Huahai.

Hearing the beeps in his ears, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Gu Chen could guess something in his heart about what he was looking for.

It is nothing more than that the big guy behind him also looks at this system and wants to introduce it for his own use.

However, this is also what Gu Chen is happy to see, anyway, the deeper the other party is involved with himself, the safer it is for himself.

Therefore, Gu Chen didn't care about dealing with affairs.

After outside netizens logged in to the official website to start downloading the installation package, they also began to install the Shenzhou system.

After using it, it really felt extremely smooth, and they were hyped on the Internet, and everyone who was still watching for a while also became curious, so the download volume of the Shenzhou system rose tremblingly, and at the same time received countless praise.

To the shock of the staff who were maintaining the security of the system, and then the great joy that they finally survived this crisis.

A day later, a private tea house, at the box on the second floor.

It's tranquil and winding.

The two men sat opposite each other.

"Mr. Gu, it's really a plot!"

Among them, the middle-aged man took a small sip of the teacup, and there were teeth flowing to the throat first bitter and then sweet, with a faint smell of grass, rushing to the stomach, looking at the young man in front of him with a look of enjoyment;

That's right, the two were none other than Gu Chen and Academician Chen who arrived from afar.

Gu Chen also did not speak, looking at a bamboo forest outside the window, a pair of birds in his eyes were clinging to each other's branches, the breeze was gently blowing, and a dull and sweet breath appeared in Gu Chen's mind.

"Academician Chen, don't you think the silk bamboo here is pleasant?" Gu Chen did not answer, but asked a strange question.

Academician Chen put down the teacup in his hand, looked at the green bamboo swaying in the wind outside the window, and there was a trace of fragrance in his nose, looking at Gu Chen on the side and couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect Mr. Gu to have such a Yaxing at a young age, it's really promising!"

He knew that Gu Chen showed that he had the integrity and purity of bamboo, and at the same time had a kind of upright persistence.

Thinking of this, his thoughts turned a thousand times, and he couldn't help but smile when he looked at Gu Chen: "Don't worry, Mr. Gu, I have great admiration for Mr. Gu, and I won't let Mr. Gu suffer losses."

Only then did Gu Chen turn his head and smile slightly when he saw Academician Chen's square face: "Naturally!" I am sure that the country will not let us down! He

knew that when the other party knew that the Shenzhou system was indeed extremely perfect, he would definitely use his system, but there were two methods.

One is to directly imprison Gu Chen by force, and the other is to still maintain cooperation and authorize the other party.

Fortunately, Academician Chen brought the second one.

Academician Chen is also a smart person, and the two of them know a little bit of themselves.

"Our research institute also has great respect for Mr. Gu's Shenzhou system, I really didn't expect Mr. Gu to have already developed this far-reaching system!"

Academician Chen said with a smile.

"Where, this is just a coincidence, I didn't expect Expert Meng to give me such a big surprise." Gu Chen smiled, also extremely happy.

"That's right! Academician Chen, I still have a condition!

Then Gu Chen seemed to remember something and stared at Academician Chen.

"Mr. Gu, please say?" Academician Chen is not surprised at all, he knows Gu Chen the best, this kid is the master who does not see interests and does not let go.

"Hehe, or Academician Chen understands me, then I will say bluntly, I want all the country to use the Shenzhou system!" Permissions will naturally be given to you to grasp by yourself, and I only have one request, that is, to let Google lose its market in Huaxia!

Gu Chen first smiled, and then his eyes were even more cold.

He was not untargeted at the press conference before.

The first step is to let Google lose its backers in the official, and then step by step to encroach on the entire domestic market, making him completely lose the domestic market.

He Gu Chen will repay himself, let him plant such a big head before, he naturally will not forget it like this.

"This... I have to report to the above! Academician

Chen was silent for a moment when he heard this, and then his face showed bitterness, he naturally had no power to decide on such a big matter.

"Good! Academician Chen is not in a hurry, it's a good place to come here..."

After that, Gu Chen smiled and began to chat casually with Academician Chen.

After talking about business, he believed that he would agree to this request, and he was completely sure.

For a while, the two began to laugh and talk about the world.

After leaving, Academician Chen quickly told his superiors about Gu Chen's request, and as expected, the other party agreed without thinking.

For them, since there are people in China who can research the operating system, they are naturally extremely supportive, not to mention Gu Chen? Today's Gu Chen is already a big business, and his influence in society is unparalleled.

Not to mention the Shenzhou chip, it is those large groups, which have solved tens of thousands of jobs!

So in the next few days, Longteng Group has become a giant industry on the domestic Internet, and users have downloaded more than 10 million times.

And it is still rising at an explosive rate, and I believe it will reach 100 million times in a short time.

Somewhere in a foreign country, a conference room at the headquarters of the Google Group.

"BOSS, our market share in Huaxia has continued to decline, and their official has canceled cooperation with us and turned to Longteng Group to cooperate."

Later in the meeting, one of the executives reported to the crowd with the documents of the investigation.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, they did not expect the Dragon Teng Group to move so quickly, and they did not expect that the other party would be able to convince the official.

In this way, it will not be long before their users and influence in Huaxia disappear, which is a huge loss for them!

Everyone is not a fool, naturally knows this truth, for a while they all looked at the boss above, the helmsman of the group

, at this time this boss also has bitter words, Huaxia is not a small country, naturally will not listen to him.

Originally, he still had some use for Huaxia, but now, it is estimated that it is good not to restrict his side!

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt extremely angry about what Intel had persuaded him to target the Longteng Group before.

If it weren't for them, how could they be in this situation now, and they have nothing to lose, and on their own side, the loss is too great.

"I have long said that I don't agree to do this, and now that such a big thing has happened, who will be responsible?"

"That's right! If it weren't for the benefits that some people received, how could they have lost such a big benefit! Must be responsible!

Among them, several shareholders who had previously disagreed with it spoke at this time.

They really found an excuse and directly attacked.

The faces of the shareholders who strongly agreed to the previous meeting were very ugly, but they could not say anything to refute in the face of several people.

"Okay! Now is not the time to shirk responsibility, but how to solve this matter? The

group boss raised his voice at this time and said in a cold tone.

In an instant, several people stopped arguing, but they couldn't solve this matter, and they were stalemated there for a while.

"This matter was done by Intel's group of despicable people, so they must give us an explanation!" Fell, I'll leave this to you! "

The old nature of the group also wants to find a back pot, so after sweeping around, he directly found a person who agreed before.

The man named Fair's face changed greatly when he heard this, but seeing the boss's undoubted eyes, he could only helplessly agree.


There is no way, he can only agree, but he is also very unhappy with Intel's group of people.

Gu Chen naturally didn't know that Atmani had begun to eat dog, and he was in a particularly smooth mood at this time.

As the New Year draws to a close, the streets are already beginning to smell of festivity, and the whole city is becoming happy.

At this time, the office of the chairman of Taiyu Group.

This time is generally the busiest time for the group, but it has nothing to do with Gu Chen.

He was the most laid-back guy, sitting in a chair playing with his phone.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

At first glance, it was Old Master Zhou, the president of the Huahai Chamber of Commerce who had a relationship with him before.

A hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he didn't seem to have any friendship with him.

But it was still connected.

"Hello? President Zhou? With

a polite and puzzled voice.

"Mr. Gu, didn't bother you?"

Suddenly, there was Chairman Zhou's round voice.

"No, no, Chairman Zhou said and smiled." Where Gu Chen will be big, he quickly explained.

For him, Gu Chen is a little admirable, highly respected, otherwise he would not be able to do the position of president of the Chamber of Commerce.

Then after waiting for a while, he found that the other party seemed to have something unspeakable and did not speak.

"I wonder what happened to President Zhou?"

Gu Chen asked in his place.

Then Gu Chen heard a deep sigh from the other end.

"Mr. Gu, it's not a secret, I called you this time to ask you for a favor!"

Suddenly, President Zhou's old and bleak voice came over the phone.

As soon as these words came out, Gu Chen was interested, and President Zhou couldn't solve anything, you must know that the other party is the president of the Chamber of Commerce, not to mention social status, it is said that the identity of the other party is not a simple person, it is deeply rooted in Huahai.

Now listening to his tone can't solve it, Gu Chen is naturally a little curious.

"This matter is a long story, I don't know if Mr. Gu has time, I want to invite Mr. Gu to a meal!"

Chairman Zhou hesitated, and then spoke the request.

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