Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 16 Communication Between Schools, Three To One! (Seeking Comments)

Yang Mei was also dumbfounded looking at the Swift Panther who was sleeping like a kitten. It's only been a few days since I saw him. How did this kid become so strong?

A Tier 2 beast has no resistance in his hands. It is easy to kill a Tier 2 beast, but it is not so difficult to capture a complete Tier 2 beast!

Just like just now, a group of third-level supernatural beings had nothing to do around this second-level strange beast.

"What is your current supernatural realm? Don't tell me you have reached the second level!"

Yang Mei grabbed Su Ming's collar and asked, her eyes shone with an inexplicable brilliance, and there was a faint fanaticism.

"Ahem! Director Yang, can you get in without relying on me, you are suppressing me..."

Ignoring the envious eyes of the commissioners around, Su Ming pointed to his chest and said, I have to admit that this woman's figure is really amazing!

"You tell me your realm first!"

"First-level intermediate, I also want to become second-level, it's not that I don't have resources!"

While talking, Su Ming moved his position. Although the feeling was wonderful, it was embarrassing that there were so many people watching.

"Damn it! It's fake! A first-level supernatural being? A second-level supernatural beast has no resistance at all in his hands!"

"To be so strong, at least it's an A-level ability, right? No wonder Director Yang values ​​him so much."

"I remembered what you said. Didn't Xingcheng Middle School have an A-level unknown ability? Could it be him!"

Hearing that Su Ming was only at the first level, the surrounding alliance commissioners couldn't sit still.

They all saw Su Ming's understatement when he picked up the alien beast just now, and they didn't take it seriously at all!

"This is the intermediate level? Your improvement speed... is too exaggerated. Is this the advantage of high-level abilities?"

Yang Mei said in a daze, it has only been half a month since she was awakened, and others are still proficient in supernatural powers, so Su Ming has already advanced to a small level.

Back at the research institute, Su Ming naturally had to go through a checkup. When he saw that the improvement of this guy's qi and blood was even more terrifying than the improvement of his abilities, even Yang Mei couldn't accept it.

This kind of improvement speed is simply open!

You must know that at a stage like Su Ming, there is no allocation of cultivation resources, and some students who can improve a small level at the beginning of school are excellent talents.

Like Su Ming, not to mention that there will be no one in the future, anyway, there will be no one before.

"So you chose Modu University, right? If you say that, I'm going to apply for a transfer order from the higher-ups."

After learning about Su Ming's recent situation, Yang Mei frowned slightly and said, it seems that she is going to go to the magic capital together.

"Are you going to the magic capital too?"

"Nonsense! It's so hard for me to meet you as a research object. How can I just let go! I still want to rely on you to become famous in the world! By the way, this is for you, it is your reward for helping me capture strange beasts gone."

As she said that, Yang Mei took out a piece of blue-purple crystal from the drawer beside her. Just by looking at it, she could feel that it contained a huge alien element.

"This is... the power stone?"

Su Ming seemed to think of something, and asked with doubts.

"That's right, this is the power stone. In addition to capturing the strange beast this time, it is also to compensate you for your cooperation in the research. Since you have already killed the strange beast outside, you must have absorbed the crystal nucleus. Pay attention What's more, the alien molecules in the alien beast crystal nucleus are refined by alien beasts and can be absorbed at will."

"But the power stone is different, because the purity is different. When using those power stones with a lot of impurities, you must pay attention to refining before absorbing, so as not to destroy your own power."

Yang Mei reminded that Su Ming has already sensed this point. Compared with the crystal nucleus, the total number of molecules of this power stone is indeed much higher, but there are many indescribable things in it besides the alien molecules. .


"Phew! I live in a small home, but this stability and warmth can't be changed. It's still comfortable in my own nest!"

After returning home, Su Ming took a shower and fell on the bed. Although meditation will restore physical strength and spirit, it is not sleep after all.

After so long of high-intensity training outside, he also wanted to relax completely. Only by combining work and rest can we get twice the result with half the effort.

As soon as he lay down, the phone started to vibrate. When he picked it up, he saw that it was Zhao Peng calling.

The predecessor had a good relationship with this classmate, and he took good care of himself in school. Although he was very angry, it was not easy to explode directly.

"Brother Ming, you finally answered the phone, what have you been doing during this time!"

As soon as the connection was made, the other party's thankful voice sounded, and Su Ming was completely baffled, even if he hadn't seen each other for a few days, there was no need to do so!

"There is something wrong with the research institute, maybe the signal has been blocked! What's the matter?"

Su Ming lied, because of the strange beast, there is no mobile phone signal in the wild, and you can only make calls when you are close to the city, unless you use satellite communication.

"It's a big trouble! Don't you know that since the supernatural universities from all over the country came to our school that day, the supernatural people from the surrounding high schools have come one by one. I'm following you..."

Zhao Pengyi explained the matter clearly in a few words, the so-called unique beauty in the forest, the wind will destroy it!

There are so many high schools in Star City, but Su Ming has an A-level ability. No matter what the purpose is, everyone wants to come and experience it.

The so-called communication, in this day and age, naturally cannot be an academic exchange, it is about going to the ring to fight.

From Zhao Peng's emotions, it is not difficult to see that Xingcheng Middle School is probably at a disadvantage.

"Wait for me, I just got home and I'm going to school right away."

"Okay! When you come over, you must kill their arrogance. These days, they are almost judging people with their nostrils."

Fortunately, my residence is not far from the school, and it usually takes about ten minutes to walk, but I can get there in a few minutes by using space teleportation.

There is no need to find someone to ask about the situation, as soon as they see Su Ming, people who know him will take the initiative to lead the way.

People from other schools are arrogant in their own school, who can bear it! Especially high school students are high-spirited age.

"What's going on these days?"

It was a classmate in the class who led Su Ming, probably arranged by Zhao Peng, after all, he had just spoken on the phone.

"Don't talk about it, these three schools, Chengnan Middle School, Sports High School and Vocational High School, come here once a day. They all awakened good C-level abilities this year. Liu Yi and the others were able to parry at the beginning, but they were suppressed and beaten later. , Sometimes the abilities consumed yesterday have not been recovered, and they have to go on stage to continue to communicate, and the three schools are clearly bullying people."

"Oh! This is an imbalance in my heart, I want to step on our school's face!"

If one school challenges and communicates with three schools, it will be hell if it doesn't suffer.

"Who says it's not! But they have a lot of families, and every time they change people to challenge, the principal and the others have no excuse to shirk, after all, there have been such exchanges in previous years."

During the conversation, Su Ming had already arrived at the school's stadium. Because the battle of supernatural beings spread far and wide, the arena for communication had to be in a place with a large space.

PS: I would like to ask, what do you think of this rhythm, if you think it is slow, then I will speed it up.

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