Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 17 Let's Go Together! I'm In A Hurry...

"Bastard! Don't run away if you have the ability, and fight me for real!"

In a divided area of ​​the stadium, Li Ming was sweating profusely, looked at a student not far away with an ugly expression and shouted.

Li Ming's awakened talent is D-level, so it stands to reason that this kind of communication between students has no chance to play.

But the problem is that the people in Xingcheng Middle School have gone through a few days of wheel battles, and all the people with C-level abilities can't stand it anymore.

In addition, Li Ming's qi and blood training has reached the peak of the first level. After all, his family has money, so the resources for qi and blood training can still be provided.

He was fighting against students from the sports school with C-level sealed elemental abilities, and the people who came out of the sports school had blood levels that were not comparable to other schools.

Although it is only a first-level intermediate cultivator, but adding a C-level first-level low-level supernatural power, the actual combat ability is not as simple as one plus one.

Although Li Ming has the strength of a first-order advanced cultivator, but because he has no supernatural powers, he is played around by the opponent, and he can't touch the corner of the opponent's clothes at all.

"Hey! I don't want to be punched by your first-level advanced cultivation strength. Besides, speed is part of my strength. Is it my fault that you can't keep up?"

The other party smiled and raised his hand to shoot a light blue wind blade. The alliance can provide free of charge such a combat skill that transforms it into a physical attack based on the supernatural attribute.

Like the wind blade of the wind system, the fireball of the fire system, and the high-pressure water flow of the water system, the skills contained in these combat skills are not high, and the essence is to maximize the attributes of the supernatural power. , which can be used as a means of attack, and can also speed up the familiarity of abilities.

But for Li Ming, this kind of wind blade can't be ignored. Before the cultivator crosses the Qi and blood and unleashes the slash, he can only use his own body whether it is attacking or defending.

No matter how weak the power of the wind blade is, it is also a supernatural combat skill. If you are hit, not to mention missing arms or legs, seeing red is inevitable.

After all, before the fourth level, the superhumans had an innate advantage over the cultivators. Facing the attacks of the first and second level supernatural beings, the third-level cultivators couldn't ignore them.

This is not to say that the supernatural beings will always overwhelm the practitioners, it's just that in the early stage, the supernatural beings have a great advantage, and it's actually the same later on.

"Oh, Principal Zhao, is there no one in your school? Letting a practitioner with D-level abilities come on stage, isn't that making him a sandbag?"

In the stands of the gymnasium, the teacher of the sports school said with a smile, but Principal Zhao beside him was full of helplessness.

The three high schools teamed up to target Xingcheng Middle School. When the teachers couldn't intervene, the students would be damned if they could stand it.

If Su Ming was there, the situation might be better, after all, it is an A-level ability, but this guy can't be contacted for some reason.

"Principal Zhao, don't worry, we have ordered the boys below, we won't do anything to death, at most it's a skin trauma, just rest for a few days and you'll be fine."

The teacher of the vocational high school also joked that this year Star City High School has an A-level ability, and it is impossible to say that it is not envious, especially before the four famous schools came to recruit students, which made Star City High School’s statement soar, one can imagine the enrollment in the second half of the year, Star City High School is overcrowded.

The three high schools joined forces to target Xingcheng High School, just to suppress Xingcheng's momentum. They have never won a game in the school exchanges, and even if they have A-level abilities, they will be disgraced. By then, how many students will come? It's hard to say.

"Sun Sansi, don't dawdle, end the battle quickly, the people in the south of the city can't wait."

Wang Qi, the leader of the sports school, said lightly that both have C-level abilities, and there are differences in their strengths and weaknesses. Being able to become the leader, and even give orders to Sun Sansi, who has elemental abilities, this person's abilities are absolutely extraordinary .

"Okay! I still want to play more! I thought how good your Star City High School is, but it turned out to be nothing but boring!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Sansi began to exert his strength, and in an instant, a strong wind blew up on the ring, and the wind blades changed their trajectories as they rotated, hitting Li Ming in all directions.

"My day!"

Li Ming couldn't help but let out a strange cry, it was such a pain in his heart! This is the case with elemental abilities. If you can't resist it, you basically can't avoid it completely.

There are wind blades in all directions, and there is no retreat at all.

"Go home and rest! Don't even think about going out for a stroll before school starts..."

Sun Sansi said with a cheeky smile, "Sixty days of recuperation can also be referred to as a few days of recuperation!"

But soon the smile on his face froze, because Li Ming's figure suddenly disappeared from the ring, and several wind blades slashed together, canceling each other out.

"This is... Su Ming is here!"

"No mistake, this hand space teleportation is really too familiar."

"It's all right now, I can finally shut up those guys, let's see how arrogant they are."

"You can't say that! Su Ming's ability is strong, but there are so many opponents! After the wheel battle, Su Ming will not be able to handle it..."

The sudden change made everyone stunned for a moment. After the people of Star City High School realized it, they cheered immediately.

As for the people from the three schools, after learning about the situation, they couldn't help but look serious.

Although they have been belittling Star City High School and Su Ming by the way, no one would underestimate the A-level ability.

"Don't look, I will help him admit defeat, and I will fight you next."

Just when everyone was looking for Su Ming, he appeared on the ring. This method of coming and going without a trace immediately made Sun Sansi feel the pressure.

His wind ability is fast, but compared with others, it is simply incomparable.

"Is he Su Ming? The feeling is really extraordinary! As soon as he appeared on the stage, he felt oppressive."

"Cut! There is nothing to be afraid of. Even if it is an A-level ability, it has only been awakened for a few days! They are all first-level ability users, so I can't go anywhere!"

"That's right, we've been here for a few days, and we haven't seen this guy come out. He's been a turtle for so long, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

The students from the three schools whispered that some people are taking Su Ming seriously, but some people don't take Su Ming seriously. I don't know if the belittling of the past few days has made them believe what they said.

"Hehe, you're Su Ming, right? You just fought once in March and Fourth, and your powers are almost exhausted. As a celebrity in Star City, you shouldn't take advantage of others' danger, right?"

Wang Qi stepped forward and said, ready to signal Sun Sansi to come down and go up by himself.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if he doesn't get down, you three from the school come together! I'm in a hurry, I don't have time to come with so many of you one by one."

Su Ming pointed in the direction of the three schools and said in a flat tone.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience, no matter whether it was Star City High School or the three schools, no one could sit still.

PS: Thank you, Big Brother Dead Fish, for your reward of one thousand! Add more code words for you

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