Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 26 Can't Do It, I'm Born Weak! (Ask For Evaluation Votes)

"Fuck! Who did it! Who the hell did this!"

As soon as the villa fell, a figure flew over out of thin air, swearing.

From this person, Su Ming felt a great sense of oppression. Even the admissions teacher of the four famous schools did not feel so strong to him.

"Boy, did you do it! Do you know how much manpower and material resources this villa will consume?"

The man looked around and found that Su Ming was alone, so he immediately flew up to him and questioned him.

"Eh... developing combat skills, there was an accident..."

Su Ming touched his head in embarrassment and said, thinking he is the king of destruction? How to destroy things everywhere!

The test crystal ball and quiet room in the research institute, this house was demolished just after arriving at Shanghai University...

"You just brag! You just destroyed the house like this with your development warfare skills? You think you are a sixth-level supernatural user! By the way... you are actually a second-level, freshman?"

After speaking, this person noticed that Su Ming is a second-level supernatural user, and he should be a freshman at his age, so he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Well, I just reported it today, so I don't need compensation for it?"

Su Ming nodded, then whispered.

"Then you have to be able to afford the compensation! Let me tell you, to build such a house, not counting the simulated combat equipment on the second floor, at least 200 million, plus the facilities on the second floor, such a house House, 500 million may not be able to get it down."

The middle-aged man sneered and said that Su Ming's eyes twitched. He didn't have 100 million in total. If he wanted to pay compensation, he might have to go out and sell himself.

"Scared! Hurry up and tell me what's going on. You said that you were caused by the development of combat skills. If this is the case, it will be damaged by cultivation. It's nothing to do with you. If you do something else, don't even think about leaving school."

The middle-aged man went on to say that since those functional rooms are equipped inside, they are ready to be destroyed.

If it is because normal cultivation has been destroyed, then this is the responsibility of the school, and it will not trouble the students.

"It's really about developing combat skills, you know it when you think about it! I just arrived at the school, so you won't suspect that I'm here to blow up the school!"

Su Ming said helplessly.

"Really? Then show me the combat skills you have developed. At your level, it is impossible to exceed the upper limit of the development room!"

The middle-aged man said with disbelief, and asked Su Ming to perform a combat skill in front of him.

Su Ming didn't hesitate either, a dimension was created by him in an instant, the silver brilliance flowed, and the scalp of the middle-aged man couldn't help but tingle.

Although these rays of light were not strong, they vaguely gave him a sense of danger.

"Uncle, go away, I can't control it!"

Repeating the previous operation, after the dimensional strength reached a certain level, it became unstable again. Su Ming quickly reminded the other party, and then went to the other side with a whimper.

"Damn! The brat runs really fast..."

Because of the sense of danger, the middle-aged man didn't hold back, and pulled away after hearing Su Ming's voice.

As for the location where the dimension was just now, there is no change in other places, but the turf on the ground has suffered, and a large hole has been cut out of the ground.

"My god! The ability transmission cable...broken...broken!"

Looking at the pipes in the big pit, the middle-aged man almost fainted. At the same time, there were some yelling voices from the villa area.

These supernatural cables provide the equipment of each villa with alien elements, so that the people living in the villa can absorb enough alien elements when they meditate.

The cable here was cut off, and the alien elements could not be transported there. Not only did the students in the villa absorb less alien elements, but even some auxiliary equipment stopped working. Of course they didn't do it.

"You you you... you prodigal son! It's not a good place to choose, but here you choose. You are here to shake the foundation of our school!"

The middle-aged man yelled and cursed at Su Ming, which made him feel very embarrassed.

But you can't blame yourself for this! I have just arrived at school, how would I know that this thing is underneath!

"Damn! You are really my disaster star! But you can even cut the winning cable, so I can understand why the development room can't bear it. This cable is made of high-purity alien metal, mom Yes, another large sum of money..."

The middle-aged man calmed down and said, thinking about it, he was very angry, and the dirty words came out when he opened his mouth.

"So that means... I'm fine?"

Hearing this, Su Ming couldn't help being overjoyed, it wasn't that he didn't want to bear the compensation, the key was that he couldn't afford it!

"Hmph! Think too much, you don't need to pay for things, but this house will be built by you. The school will not wipe your ass like this. Of course, I will find someone for the construction, but you still have to do it yourself. bring it on!"

The middle-aged man sneered and said, he is upset just looking at Su Ming now, how can he let him be at ease!

"Don't! I'm born weak! I can't do physical work..."

"Go away! You are still weak from birth, I think you have plenty of energy and blood! How weak are you?"

"I'm really weak, I can't do it, you see!"

Su Ming put the school badge on the chip, and the school badge immediately projected a light screen, which displayed Su Ming's information, and the column on the body said congenitally weak.

"Damn it! Is this the alliance's certification? Tier 2 practitioners are weak, is the alliance crazy?"

The middle-aged man's face was strange for a while, and he didn't understand why this was the case.

The alliance has regulations on people with supernatural abilities. If a person with supernatural abilities is not fit enough, they cannot undertake physical work, in order to preserve the potential of the person with supernatural abilities.

In the case of Su Ming, even the school cannot force him to do strenuous things.

"In this case, then you should find a way to find someone to help you! The school will not help you find coolies. Before the dormitory is built, you can just find a place to stay! The dormitories for your special enrollment are all assigned , I won’t give you a temporary arrangement.”

There is nothing the middle-aged man can do, if Su Ming can't come out, let him bleed!

"Hey! What is this called! I still have to find someone to do coolies... By the way, those guys before... I haven't settled accounts with them yet..."

Su Ming smiled wryly, and turned his attention to the six clubs. They were all busy blocking people at the school gate. Why don't they pull them over to do coolies?

It's such a bargain!

"Hey! A-level unknown ability, this little guy is a suspected S-level ability in the rumors! No wonder the destructive power is so strong. It seems that this year, our Magic City University is expected to hit the first place in the exchange of prestigious schools!"

After walking away, the middle-aged man said with a smile on his face, just now he saw Su Ming's message, which said A-level, but the ability to cut off the power cable at the second level is obviously not something that A-level can do , then this is the only possibility.

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