Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 27: Hitting The Wall With Ghosts To Recruit Coolies (Seeking Data)

Each of the six existing associations is eager for others to know their existence, and it is not difficult to find them.

Soon, Su Ming came to the location of the club named Tiger Soul. The reason why he found them was because Su Ming had observed before that most of the clubs were Qi and blood practitioners, and most of them had reached the second level.

Different from the special moves of the supernatural beings, due to the rapid improvement of Qi and blood cultivation in the early stage, if you want to be specially recruited by the supernatural university, the second level is the most basic.

The reason is very simple. Qi and blood cultivation does not need to be awakened like supernatural powers. Those who have the conditions can even start in the mother's womb. The starting point of the second level is not very high.

You must know that among the peers, when the supernatural beings were still hovering at the first level, some practitioners had reached the third level of energy and blood.

The reason why the second-level positioning standard is based on the data from the research institute. Although it is said that the cultivation of qi and blood depends on the accumulation of resources, there are also talents.

Under the accumulation of saturated resources, the body can quickly absorb foreign molecules, and there is no problem at all with the third order.

Under the same circumstances, if there is no way to reach the second level, it means that this person's body does not absorb molecules from other worlds satisfactorily, so there is no need to cultivate them.

After arriving at Tiger Soul, Su Ming didn't talk nonsense, swiped a few space blades down, and the door was already opened.

"What do you want to do? Is it easy to be bullied when we Tiger Soul? Don't think that you left from the siege of our six clubs, that we are afraid of you!"

Han Jun glared at Su Ming and asked, he had seen him at the school gate before, so there was no such thing as polite words.

"I don't have that idea, mainly because I said before that I want to settle the bill with you, and now I'm here to collect the bill, and I want you to do me a favor."

The most notable feature of Qi and blood cultivators is that as their Qi and blood become stronger, their strength becomes stronger. They are very good at moving bricks!

"It's okay to help. If you join my club, the brothers will naturally help you. Your strength as a Tier 2 cultivator just meets our standards."

Han Jun clasped his hands in front of his body, the tendons on his arms were full of explosive power. From the resonance of Qi and blood coming from his body, it was not difficult to guess that he was a third-level cultivator, and it was very likely that he had realized the release of Qi and blood. , otherwise it would be impossible to compete with the other five supernatural beings.

"Tigers are solitary, only flocks of sheep will huddle together for warmth, I will not join the club, and you have to be clear, I am asking you for help, I am polite, I am not here to discuss with you."

Smiling slightly, Su Ming often pressed down before stretching out his hand, and the sense of oppression in the space suddenly fell on the members of the Tiger Soul Club. Except for Han Jun, most of them were a little stooped.

"How courageous! Our Amber is not something you can challenge alone!"

Han Jun roared furiously, with a strong bloody aura erupting from his body, and rushed towards Su Ming against the pressure of space.

He knew that the attack method with action trajectory was useless to Su Ming, so he chose to fight in close quarters.

"As expected of a Tier 3 cultivator, with such explosive power, even a space confinement is a bit overwhelming!"

Looking at Han Jun, who was not affected much by the space squeeze, Su Ming shook his head, and pushed forward with his left hand, stretching the space between himself and Han Jun, and coordinating with the space shifting. Under the control of the space, theoretically, he can never get close to him.

Soon, Han Jun also discovered that it was only a few meters away, and at his own speed, he could cross it in a second or two, but now that he had taken several steps, the distance between the two swords had not changed at all .

What's happening here?

"Close-to-hand combat is indeed a good idea, but the premise is that you can get close to me, otherwise your strength is meaningless in front of me."

Su Ming said with an unchanged face, the killing effect of the third-level qi and blood cultivators who have realized the release of qi and blood is indeed very strong, but in the face of space abilities, the degree of threat is not even as good as that of the first-level abilities.

With Su Ming's current ability control, it may not be able to exert much effect on it, but it is still very simple to change his relative position.

And space stretching is operated in the parent space, without any connection with it, he just entered the stretched space.

"Bastard! What did you do? What kind of sorcery is this?"

Exhaling Qi and blood doesn't work for him, and he can't get close to the opponent in close combat, this damn is too aggrieved!

"Demon law? An interesting ranking. In fact, I would like to call this a ghost hitting the wall. It is really effective against practitioners."

Hearing this, Su Ming was happy and made a joke, but as far as Han Jun is concerned, there is nothing wrong with saying that he was beaten by a ghost. As long as Su Ming doesn't want to let him go, he can run here for the rest of his life.

"Boss, we are here to help you!"

Seeing this, other members of the club attacked Su Ming under pressure.

"You guys just stay here honestly! You will need to contribute later..."

He is not sure about the third-tier cultivators, but the spatial confinement of a group of second-tier cultivators can still be eaten. These are labor forces! What if there is a collision and the construction period is delayed?

Anyway, it will take time to transport the materials over there, Su Ming is not in a hurry, he has a lot of time to spend here, and there is an alien molecular device in the villa, so he is not in a hurry to meditate for a while.

"It's best not to provoke him until you figure out the characteristics of his abilities, it will be very difficult!"

Tiger Soul was blocked by Su Ming at the door and bullied, and the other clubs naturally knew about it. After watching from a distance, Su Ming's invulnerability skyrocketed.

His ability is too weird. As an elemental ability user, their existing means can't threaten him at all, and there is no need to fight him.

Before finding a way to break through, no one dared to fight Su Ming. The broken portal of Amber Soul told them that Su Ming's ability was not only weird, but also powerful.

"Why bother? I'll just collect the bill and let you carry things and exercise your physical body by the way. Why are you reacting so much?"

Looking at the members of the Tiger Soul Club who were out of breath, Su Ming said with regret, Han Jun's face turned green.

Damn! Is it our reaction? You let me out!

Could it be possible for me to agree to your request under such circumstances? Can my boss still do it? How can I mess around in school?

"Okay, it's been more than three hours. If you don't agree to a word, you can use something to make up for blocking my way today."

"You let me out first!"

Han Jun said aggrievedly, this feeling of not being able to fight and not being able to retreat is really too helpless and aggrieved.

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