Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 52: The Dabidou That Deserves To Be Endured Is Still To Be Endured! (Ask For Flowers)


Seeing the person coming, Su Ming showed a strange look, not because Li Ming came to find fault with him, but was found fault by others.

But this person who came here not only reached the second-level advanced level of supernatural powers, but also reached the second-level advanced level in Qi and blood cultivation.

Speaking of it, it is somewhat consistent with Su Ming's own practice line, and most seeks two-way development.

"Yan Tao! What are you doing here? I don't have time to fight with you today!"

Li Ming said with a bad look, it seems that there seems to be some story between these two people.

"Of course I'm here to observe the geniuses of Shanghai Metropolitan University! By the way, let's see what kind of person this townsman who rejected Imperial Capital University is, but it's really disappointing!"

The man named Yan Tao looked at Su Ming and said sarcastically that he does not have the passive mental perception like Su Ming, and Su Ming's ability is space, even if it is not working, there will be subtle space folds around him, which makes people feel uncomfortable. I can feel his aura intuitively. If he is not too high-level, it is difficult to feel the fluctuation of his abilities.

So in Su Ming's eyes at this time, except for some not too weak power fluctuations, he has no other feelings at all.

"Well, I have no problem with you saying that Li Ming is not very good, but you don't need to get involved with me! I didn't mess with you..."

Su Ming spread his hands. Although he gave Li Ming the opportunity to avenge his personal revenge when he was in Xingcheng Middle School, it doesn't mean that he can be friendly to Li Ming.

Public is public, private is private, this should not be confused. Li Ming was given a chance at the beginning because that guy didn't give Xingcheng Middle School face, and it wasn't because Li Ming was bullied.

"Yo yo yo! Are you still not convinced? Look at you, you look a bit A-level, even if you don't have literature for unknown abilities, you are too sorry for your abilities at this level! Have you reached the second level yet? You’re not still wandering around the first level! People from this Star City are really different!”

Yan Tao said mockingly, and the other students of Imperial University also laughed when they heard it.

"Shunzi, do you think this group of people is sick? The freshman contest is held jointly by the four schools. Didn't they know the situation of other schools before? They don't even know about Boss Su's deeds!"

Seeing this group of people like this, not to mention Su Ming, Fatty and Shunzi were a little baffled.

Among other things, although Su Ming doesn't show up in school very often, everyone knows about the incident with the old student! Three old students of the third rank were pressed and beaten by Su Ming. How dare this group of students who did not reach the third rank!

"I don't know, maybe... I want to be beaten! We don't care, just watch..."

Shunzi thought about many possibilities, and finally came up with a reason that he thought was reasonable. Apart from the itching of this group of people, there seemed to be no other possibility.

"Hey! What kind of people are there in the Imperial Capital University! What you said... I'm a bit confused..."

Su Ming said with a speechless face, if other schools are full of people who don't even know the opponent's situation first, he will be very disappointed in this freshman competition.

"Yan Tao, the grievances between us should not be related to the region! If you want to fight, I will accompany you at any time!"

Li Ming took a step forward and said, his body was filled with energy and blood, which made Su Ming behind him startled.

Although there was some disagreement with Li Ming, the other party's behavior made him have to admit that he was still very talented in the cultivation of qi and blood, and he had already mastered the release of qi and blood.

Although Su Ming is already a third-level cultivator, he has not mastered such an ability. Of course, it is also possible that he has not focused his energy on it.

After all, at the beginning, he was just using the energy and blood to fight against the mysterious pressure. Although he later realized the connection between the energy and the blood, he didn't put too much energy on it.

"Fight? Can you beat me? Don't talk about using abilities, even if you don't use abilities, how many times have you won? Besides, am I wrong? Look at yourself, and look at that guy. You're so weak that you can't be any weaker, and this is the genius of your Star City, which is really surprising!"

Hearing this, Yan Tao said with a look of disdain, which made Su Ming feel very uncomfortable.

Although it sounds like it has little to do with him, and his sense of belonging to Star City is the same, but it is the place where he lived after all!

Thinking, a glove appeared on Su Ming's right hand, exuding a hot breath.

Seeing this, the fat man at the back couldn't help laughing, and pulled Shunzi back half a step.

"I didn't say that, you guys..."

Yan Tao continued to speak, but before he finished speaking, a blunt sound came out, and Yan Tao, who was still high-spirited just now, took off on the spot, with a flame rising from his left cheek, and a series of blasting sounds made people feel Scalp tingling.

"This person's facial muscles can't move, so don't force them to move, or the expression on his face is easy to be beaten!"

Su Ming shook his hands and said, the strength of the third-level cultivator was pulled out. Although an unsuspecting second-tier cultivator could hold it, it was not easy to get up.

Although Su Ming likes to greet people with a big bidou, the main reason is for fun, but the face is one of the sensitive parts of the human body, and attacking it here has a significant effect.

"Yan Tao! Are you okay?"

Seeing this, the people in the same company hurried over to help Yan Tao up. When they saw Yan Tao's left face was covered with blisters, they took a deep breath. It hurts just looking at it!

"You... you actually engaged in a sneak attack! Is this the quality of the students of Shanghai University?"

Another student from Imperial University asked sharply, although he didn't see Su Ming make a move, but the other party's actions already showed everything.

"Sneak attack? That eye of yours saw me sneak attack? Is the supernatural effect also a sneak attack? I'm telling you now that I'm going to whip you, can you stop it?"

Su Ming said nonchalantly that the special effects of the spatial ability meant that he would suffer a lot of misunderstandings, so he didn't bother to explain.

"You're making excuses! How can there be such a supernatural effect, you have the ability..."


Before the man finished speaking, he followed in Yan Tao's footsteps.

"Look, it's useless to remind you, isn't it? You still have to suffer what you deserve. Why don't you listen to what I told you?"

Su Ming said with an annoyed face, as if he felt sorry for the student who didn't believe him just now.

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of a large number of people. For a while, students from Imperial University surrounded them. Although they didn't know what happened, this was Imperial University and their home stadium.

How could it be possible to watch people from other schools doing evil in their own school!

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