Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 53 General Research Institute, Not Just Yang Mei! (Ask For Flowers)

"Why, want to bully others? There are quite a few people from our side!"

Seeing this, the fat man took a step forward and said, at the same time, the students of Shanghai University who noticed the situation here also leaned over.

Although this is Imperial University, it is only an area, and it is impossible for everyone to be here.

In comparison, all the freshmen from Shanghai University came together, overwhelming each other in terms of numbers.

"Stop! What are you bastards trying to do? And everyone from Shanghai, it's inappropriate for guests to do this!"

Teacher Liu and the others watched from the sidelines, and didn't intend to stop them. They also knew that if they wanted to live comfortably in Imperial University, they had to do some things.

But the teachers of Imperial University don't think so. Although they also have the idea of ​​competition, this is their campus after all. If there is a fight, no matter whether they win or lose, they will not look good.

"Ms. Wang, they are all a group of students. When they are in high spirits, they will inevitably lose their temper. Isn't that a problem? Besides, there were so many people watching here just now, and your school also has surveillance. It seems that you started the incident first. oh!"

Teacher Liu appeared in front of Su Ming and said with a smile on his face.

Although their teachers didn't pay attention to this matter, it doesn't mean they won't pay attention, especially Liu Ruyue, as the management teacher of special enrollment, has been staring at this side all the time.

Although she doesn't know the ins and outs, but this is the Imperial University's initiative to find fault, which she can still be sure of.

"is that so?"

The teacher at Imperial University looked at the students around him. Although no one answered him, the expressions of the students could already explain a lot of questions.

"Since this is the case, you have taught me a lesson, so let's stop here! If you want to make a distinction and enter the lost world, you can do whatever you want!"

It's not good for Mr. Wang to hold on to his own faults. Anyway, Shanghai University is a guest here, so even if he is upset, he can only bear with it.

"Hi! What's your name?"

The teacher had spoken, and the students naturally had no choice but to retreat one after another, but someone asked Su Ming's name before leaving.

"Su Ming, do you have an opinion?"

Su Ming frowned, and said his name without saying a word. Anyway, he is worthy of the group of guys in the imperial capital.

"Su Ming, right? Okay, I remember you, I will take special care of you when you enter another world, and the two of you!"

The man pointed at Su Ming, and then pointed at Fatty and Shunzi, and turned away with a tugging attitude.

"It's over, it's over, why did you get in for yourself, this is miserable!"

The fat man's expression changed immediately, and he said with a mournful face.

"What are you afraid of! It's not like you haven't read the materials for this year's freshmen at Imperial University, so there's nothing to worry about!"

Su Ming said speechlessly for a while, Fatty is good at everything, but he is too cowardly.

"Boss Su, of course you are not afraid, Shunzi and I can't do it! After entering the foreign world, our position is randomly assigned. You know us. If they are targeted by them, we will feel that our life will be sad!"

The fat man explained that if they can act together, there is nothing to worry about if they are with Su Ming, but the problem is that they may not be able to form a team successfully!

"Eh...then you all wish yourselves good luck!"

Su Ming was stunned for a moment, and said to the two with sympathetic eyes, he can't solve this problem either! After all, I am only a third-order supernatural being, not a god!

After Liu Ruyue came over to inquire about the situation, she rolled her eyes and left.

The Freshman Competition is jointly organized by the four schools. The University of Shanghai has already come, but the ancient capital and the southern capital still need some time, so it will officially start tomorrow.

Although the school arranges accommodation, the students are basically allowed to move freely. After all, if you come to the imperial capital once, you must see the city.

"One thing to say, although the capital is also a metropolis, the imperial capital always makes me feel a kind of pressure. In terms of city defense strength, the imperial capital must be much stronger than the magical capital."

In the suburbs, Su Ming, Fatty and others strolled through it, looking for something while chatting.

"Nonsense! The headquarters of the Asia-Pacific Alliance is in the imperial capital, and the defense force is of course strong. Otherwise, how can this amount of attention be enough?"

"Don't talk, hurry up and find the place I'm looking for, what kind of piss is this research institute! Other places are fine, it's all in the alliance headquarters, and it's hidden underground..."

Su Ming said angrily, he received a call from Yang Mei during the day, asking him to take some time to go to the main courtyard of the research institute.

Tomorrow is the opening of the contest. At the beginning, I didn't know how long I would stay in the alien world, so Su Ming simply came over at night, because the location of the research institute was hard to find.

"Who is it! This is a restricted area, no entry is allowed!"

Suddenly, several red dots appeared on the foreheads of Su Ming and others, and a group of people in standard uniforms came out, all holding supernatural guns in their hands.

"Affiliated to the research institute, come here to handle business."

Su Ming threw the communication device that Yang Mei gave him to the leader of the other party. The device has the certification of the research institute. If there is no accident, these people should be the defense force of the research institute's main courtyard, and they should be able to confirm the uniqueness of the device. .

"Hello, you can enter the main courtyard, but the two of them can't, they can only wait in our camp."

After comparing the data, the man returned the device to Su Ming and said.

Su Ming nodded, signaled Fatty and the others to be calm, and then followed into the General Research Institute.

"Damn! Sister Mei, what's going on with you! Why are you here at the General Hospital? Are you not afraid of being expelled if you move around like this?"

After entering, Su Ming immediately saw the blond mature woman with her hands folded in front of her body, but still unable to stop the choppy waves.

"Hmph! Elder sister is not as useless as you think! The general hospital is no different from the hospital. I can't go out to pick you up. I can only let you find it yourself. It's a great thing for you to come here this time. I met you, let's go in and talk!"

Yang Mei winked and said, as Su Ming expected, this woman also has a considerable status in the General Institute, and all researchers who bump into her will greet her politely.

"Do you still remember the body of the alien beast that I asked you to take back? After I collected the data last time, I immediately got the attention of the General Academy, but at that time, your Magic City University was hunting down the stronger alien beast, so always The hospital put this matter down first, but now the alien beast has escaped the pursuit of the alliance. Apart from the data I submitted, there are no other research clues, and the evolution of alien beasts is too serious, so· ···”

"So the research institute wants the body in my hand for further research!"

Su Ming frowned, and immediately understood the meaning.

"That's right, if you don't figure out the evolution of the alien beast, the top management of the alliance will not be able to survive for a day. You may not know that the evolved alien beast that escaped abruptly penetrated the eastern defense line. It is a first-order alien beast, but its combat power is higher than that of the king beast, and Shi En meets the certification standards of the ancestor alien beast."

Yang Mei introduced to Su Ming, and Su Ming grinned. No wonder Shangguanxiong couldn't do anything with that guy, even the Dean's ninth-level shot couldn't kill him. Such fighting power is really unbelievable!

"Then there's no need for me to come here! I'll give you something different when I return to the capital, so why go all the way here?"

Immediately, Su Ming said with a speechless face, it's no problem to walk a few steps, but the key is that this place is hard to find!

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