Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 54: Which Onion Does The Research Institute Count? (Seeking Data)

"Things are not what you think. If I can, I don't want to come to the imperial capital from the devil's capital, but this is also something that can't be helped. Besides, if I want that body, it's not good for you." What a good thing."

Yang Mei sighed and said, compared to the research institute in the magic capital, the general institute here in the imperial capital is obviously not so easy, not only in a large scale, but also with many rules.

Moreover, the researchers here are all top-notch, not to mention the fierce competition, and the introversion is very serious. This is not friendly to Yang Mei, who has devoted herself to research since she started her research.

"The academy has arrangements for our researchers. Each special-level researcher can only have one special-level research project in his hands. The main reason is to allow us to discover as many new things as possible in this research. I am your research specialist now. In other words, your suspected S-level ability is a special-level research project in my hands right now."

"As for the evolutionary beast, after passing the review of the academy, it was also listed as a special research project, so I was called in to carry out the project handover."

Yang Mei explained that although she felt helpless and couldn't see anything else on her expression, Su Ming couldn't help frowning.

"Sister Mei, have you ever been to the library of Shanghai Metropolitan University? There is a book in it, which introduces the various institutions of the alliance, and also mentions the title of special researcher. If I remember correctly, special researcher can conduct research at the same time. The research of multiple projects, the so-called special-level research projects, the average special-level researcher can have up to three in his hands."

Su Ming said, looking at Yang Mei as if to say: You are taking me for a fool!

"I can't tell, you're still the kind of person who goes to the library..."

Yang Mei was stunned for a moment, and said with some embarrassment, only then did she realize that the school Su Ming attended was one of the four famous schools, and the knowledge about the alliance of supernatural powers in it was absolutely comprehensive.

"Don't change the subject, is there someone in the General Academy who wants you to give up this research project?"

After thinking for a while, Su Ming asked, where there are so-called people, there are rivers and lakes, and there is competition in the research institute.

Although it is not the kind of competition of fighting and killing, even if they are both special projects, there are gaps in them.

The existence of evolutionary beasts is very likely to be related to the survival of the Human Alliance. For researchers, the significance of winning this project is huge once the results are obtained.

"Little guy, you're not very young, but your mind is quite flexible. This kind of thing can be seen at once... Although my sister is a special researcher, it may be rare in other places, but here in the General Academy As a member, the courtyard makes such a decision, and I can't help it..."

"However, for you, this matter is not a bad thing. The body samples of evolutionary beasts are very rare. It is very likely that the one in your hand is the only one that is controlled. The degree of cherishment can be imagined. You can use this Make a deal with the academy, there are a lot of things in the academy, you must be able to use them, as for a special research project, one less will be less!"

Seeing that she couldn't hide it from Su Ming, Yang Mei had no choice but to tell the truth.

Although Yang Mei's status is not low, she already has a project with an S-level ability in her hand, and now she has another project with an ability that is no less than an S-level ability, which will definitely make other researchers unhappy ah!

Moreover, winning the position of Su Ming researcher was originally the result of the high-level game of the research institute. Yang Mei was the beneficiary, and she got a little bit of a bargain. It is a last resort to give up the current evolutionary beast project.

"One less project! Sister Mei, since you know that I have a flexible mind, don't use such cover-up words to perfuse me. Although I am not a researcher, I know that research projects are to you what supernatural powers are to supernatural powers." Those who can do it are as important!"

"This body of a strange beast is my gift for you to come to Shanghai. How can you just let it go out like this? Anyway, I don't want it, and no one can take it away!"

Su Ming said immediately, he killed the beast, he kept the body, and it was still in his hands.

You can give it to whoever your research institute says, have I agreed? Your research institute counts that onion?

"You...don't be so extreme, I said you can..."

"Sister Mei, it's not that I look down on the research institute! It's that I really despise the things that the research institute has!"

Before Yang Mei could finish speaking, Su Ming blocked her with one sentence, although Su Ming said it very casually.

But after Yang Mei thought about it carefully, she found that she really couldn't think of a reason to refute.

The reason is simple, because Su Ming's ability is something that the research institute has never touched before, which means that the research institute does not have any training methods and products related to spatial abilities.

If I really want to say, the person in the research institute who has a deep understanding of spatial abilities is Yang Mei herself.

While talking, the two had already arrived at a door. After Yang Mei swiped her ID card, the door slowly opened, and it could be seen that many people were already waiting inside.

There are young people like Yang Mei, and there are also old people with white hair. Without exception, these people all wear the same identity badges as Yang Mei. They are all special researchers.

"You finally came here with your research subject. Did you decide to call someone after struggling for a long time for us to wait here?"

As soon as he entered, a gloating voice rang out. Xun Sheng seemed to be a tall woman with big waves, about the same age as Yang Mei.

However, the tone of this speech made it easy for people to perceive that there was a wrong relationship between her and Yang Mei.

Thinking about it, I understand that the two have almost the same appearance, and they are also special researchers in the research institute, women!

For people who are of the same kind as themselves, they are born with a sense of competition. The relationship between the two is not very good, which is also normal.

But Su Ming will not be used to this kind of person who calls himself a research object. You must know that Yang Mei, her own exclusive researcher, does not call herself that. You, a person who met for the first time, really treat me like a guinea pig. Yes!

Immediately, Su Ming's eyes fell on her, and the surrounding space immediately moved closer to her. The heavy pressure directly broke the high heels on Da Bolang's feet, and the posture he was playing was also compressed into a curled up shape.

"Study subject, do you still want to slice and sample my body?"

Su Ming said coldly, although the pressure exerted by the space was mainly on Da Bo, but besides Yang Mei, Su Ming also took care of the others.

The atmosphere in the room fell silent as his voice fell.

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