Today’s R country, the major media, are overwhelming reports on their own economy.

Asahi Shimbun: “Half a month! In just half a month! The direct losses of country R exceed hundreds of billions of dollars! Indirect losses, at least trillion dollars, our economy has been hit hard…”

Yomiuri Shimbun: “Because of the collapse of the foreign exchange market, more than 5,000 people have committed suicide as a result, once again setting a record since the last property crash!” ”

“Daily News”: “International speculators, at least 50 billion US dollars of wealth have been plundered in our R country!” Damn it! We should take revenge! ”


Seeing the contents of these newspapers, Nie Fei’s face was full of calm.

Now he’s thinking about a problem.

That is, there are no good investment projects in country R?

Speculative projects are also fine!

It is worth mentioning that now Nie Bank is also targeted by R country.

It’s just that they didn’t mean to do it.

No way!

The main thing is that the current situation in country R has made them take care of themselves.

Also eyeing Nie Bank are international speculators.

By now, how could they not understand.

All along, it was Nie Bank that was taking food under their noses.

Especially in country R this time, it is even more ruthless.

Directly swept away a fifth of their victory fruit!

Therefore, now they really hate Nie Bank.

More, but helpless.

The main reason is because Nie Bank has no intention of going public at all.

They don’t even know who the shareholders are.

In addition, now Nie Bank can be described as rich.

They’re really okay!

Can a large group of them divide tens of billions of dollars, and a bank swallows tens of billions of dollars alone?

Similarly, during this period, the world’s major media were also overwhelmed with reports about Nie Bank.

Its assets are growing so fast that it’s hard not to attract attention.

One of the largest banks in the world!

This is the evaluation of Nie Bank by major banks.

In fact, it stands to reason that the assets of Nie Bank’s simple tens of billions of dollars are still a little inadequate.

After all, there are quite a few big banks in the world.

The problem is that it is fundamentally different from other banks.

Other banks are listed.

However, Nie Bank is not listed at all.

Once it goes public, discerning people can see that the market value will probably be hundreds of billions of dollars or more.

So, it’s understandable that it’s rated as one of the largest banks in the world.

On February 18, Nie Fei received a call from his lawyer.

On his face, he couldn’t help but show a smile.

There is a man who is tragic!


In country M, he was indicted and convicted on multiple charges.

Ben, too, was sent directly in.

“Why provoke me?”

Hanging up the phone and talking to himself, Nie Fei pouted.

Country M, among a villa.

At this moment, Downey’s face was very ugly.

He didn’t expect that he would let Ben find Nie Fei’s trouble by the way.

As a result, now, even Ben has been put in.

Nie Fei’s legal team is actually a gold medal lawyer from country M!

Unlike many lawyers, they are well versed in the laws of various countries.

So, Ben is tragic.

In fact, Downey did not think about fishing out.

The problem is that now he himself is too busy to take care of himself.

His investment in country R is now a heavy loss.

“Nie Fei!”

Coldly snorted, and Donny’s face was full of displeasure.

Seeing the news on TV, Nie Feng and Zhang Fei were stunned.

Nie Bank’s assets skyrocketed by tens of billions of dollars?

Straight to become one of the largest banks in the world?

It seems that all these riches come from the plunder of country R?


Unconsciously, the two looked at each other.

“Husband, isn’t our son a little too devilish?”

Gasping for air, Zhang Fei said.

“I also think that he has only been in country R for more than half a month, right? This makes money faster than printing money! ”

Nodding thoughtfully, Nie Feng said with a shocked face.

“Our son is too rich!”

Exhaling, Zhang Fei said with emotion on his face.

In her eyes, she was also proud.

In her opinion, among the younger generation, no one is better than her son.

Old man Nie, who also saw the news, was also stunned.

Then, with a wry smile on his face.

His old man found that he was becoming less and less able to understand his precious grandson.

At a young age, you are worth tens of billions of dollars?

And, basically based on cash flow?

He had reason to believe that as long as Nie Fei was willing, he could enter the top ten of the world’s rich list at any time.

Just show your identity!

Moreover, the wealth of cash flow is much higher than that of other rich people.

(Ask for flowers!) Ask for review votes! )

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