After the trip to Country R, Nie Fei returned to Yangcheng again.

To be precise, back to the Guangdong Provincial Experimental Middle School.

With him back, there was also a team.

A team of sixteen people in total!

Eight lawyers!

Eight bodyguards!

Lawyer, is a gold medal lawyer in Asia, proficient in the laws of Asian countries.

Bodyguards, is a group of retired special forces SEALs.

It is worth mentioning that under Nie Fei’s signal, Eliza also bought him a large villa.

Usually, these bodyguards and lawyers live in houses in the courtyard of the villa.

Of course, at any time, Nie Fei will also be followed by two bodyguards.


And deal with all kinds of trouble!

Now that he is back at school, his two bodyguards are on standby near the school.

Seeing Nie Fei come back, everyone in the school was stunned.

“Xueba is back? I thought he was going to take a long vacation! ”

“Shhh! In fact, it’s the same if he can’t come back! Anyway, he escorted Jinghua University! ”

“Makes sense!”

“Alas! People are more popular than people! ”

“You say, how long will he stay when he comes back this time?”

“Who knows?”


Hearing these discussions, Nie Fei couldn’t help but laugh.

However, he didn’t bother either.

After thinking about it, he came to the principal’s office.

Seeing Nie Fei’s figure, Zhang Wei couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Classmate Nie Fei, what wind is blowing today? You actually went back to school? ”

Looking at Nie Fei, Zhang Wei couldn’t help but ridicule.

“I kind of miss school!”

Blinking, Nie Fei said matter-of-factly.


Hearing Nie Fei’s words, Zhang Wei couldn’t help but be speechless for a while.

If it’s someone else, that’s it!

Nie Fei, this kid?

He really didn’t believe this!

You know, taking a long vacation can be said to be a common occurrence for Nie Fei.

In this way, will miss school?

“Well, actually, I’m mostly idle and bored!”

Seeing Zhang Wei’s expression, Nie Fei shrugged and said.

“I’ll just say it!”

Hearing Nie Fei’s words, Zhang Wei said funny.

“By the way, don’t you plan to go to the imperial capital first?”

Looking at Nie Fei, Zhang Wei couldn’t help but ask curiously.

For Nie Fei’s background, he still knows a little about it.

That’s why he said that.

“No hurry!”

Shaking his head, Nie Fei replied.


After chatting for a while, Nie Fei returned to the classroom.

After greeting his classmates, he returned to his seat.

When Nie Fei returned to school, Country R was not calm at all.

Now, for example, international speculators, and agents of country R.

They are all investigating one thing.

That is, who is the behind-the-scenes boss of Nie Bank?

In fact, they also found Nie Fei.

It’s just that they don’t believe that Nie Fei is the boss of Nie’s Bank.

Very simple!

This guy is so young!

It’s a bit too young!

Nie Fei is only 19 years old now, a 19-year-old boy, can he grab tens of billions of dollars under the noses of a group of financial giants?

Before and after, it is about 20 billion US dollars!

Think about it, they all think it’s impossible!

Because, finance, you can’t play with talent alone.

Forex, even more so!

There is an essential difference between speculation and investment.

Nie Bank’s accumulation of wealth before and after is considered speculation.

Country R, Agent Headquarters, in a secret conference room.

Agent One, a balding middle-aged man, glanced at those present.

“Now that so much time has passed, you still can’t find out who the boss behind Nie Bank is?”

Speaking of this, Agent One’s face was full of dissatisfaction.

Hearing his words, everyone bowed their heads in shame.

In fact, they also wanted to say that Nie Fei was very suspicious.

Because this guy, who appeared in country T before, appeared in country R this time.

This is really a bit of a coincidence!

It’s just that if Nie Fei is the behind-the-scenes boss of Nie’s Bank, they themselves don’t believe it.

Still that sentence!

This guy is a little too young!

So, how is that possible?



“Can’t you do this little thing?”

“Do you know the situation in Country R during this time?”

“How much pressure has been put on us from above and the people?”

“Hmph! Give me the investigation to continue! Still can’t find out, you guys break your belly and commit suicide! ”


At the same time, international speculators are also investigating this matter.

Their situation is very similar.

The difference is that the reason for their anger is because of Nie Bank’s predatory behavior.

This is simply hitting them in the face!

If they knew that the behind-the-scenes boss of Nie Bank was Nie Fei, I don’t know how they would feel?

(Ask for flowers!) Ask for review votes! )

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