It was late at night again. Fang Hao was lying in bed, but he found that he was always nervous about insomnia recently. He would never have happened before.

Fang Hao also does not know where the problem is, turn on the mobile phone, watch Penguin number flicker constantly, there are many people on the message, but Fang Hao is not interested in to see.

After replying to some messages from Nanning, Mo Wenya and housi, she left her mobile phone, held his head in his hands and leaned against the bed.

Even in China, Fang Hao's development has begun to take shape, but it is still a different way from his big goal. It seems that the journey of ten thousand miles has just begun.

Fang Hao never thought of being able to eat a fat man in one breath, and of course he didn't think that he was a man with a down-to-earth attitude.

At Hushi, a sudden ring of telephone rang, and the ring tone was the song of two phone cards on his mobile phone, one of which was not external.

The number of this phone card, only he and his close talents have, Fang Hao immediately realized that there is something, and quickly took the lost far away mobile phone, and looked at the familiar phone number on the display, and the two obvious words.

Fang Hao's face almost instantly showed a nervous look. Yes, the Ming king of the hall, in the hall of the underworld, was regarded as a god like existence, and actually saw a phone number and was nervous. It was said that no one believed it.

Hurriedly press down the palpitation in my heart, connect it instantly, quickly put the receiver in your ear, and show a smile as soft as possible: "my wife, you are going out for months, and I will call for the first time."

"Seriously, I have important things to ask you." The voice of cloud Fei is still cold, but it makes Fang Hao listen to a little bit of relaxed and happy dog blood feeling!

Fang Hao can not help but despise himself a few times, this is mother-in-law of Laozi, with this excitement plus tension.

Hearing the words of yunfeifei, Fang Hao always likes to have no serious, but at this time, Fang Hao still looks right, and he says seriously: "I am always serious, I am not serious."

But Fang Hao's heart is more and more nervous, cloud Fei Fei's tone is so serious, let Fang Hao can not help but guess, this woman should not ask him the cloud group of things? But Temo, he has not asked the cloud group for a long time, and he gave them to Liu Xuan and housi with ease and boldness. He is busy with his own affairs, and of course, is busy with other people's affairs!

For example, the latest show without a camera.

But when Fang Hao was thinking about excuses, yunfeifei asked seriously: "now you don't ask anything. You just need people to take their conscience and answer some of my questions. OK. Let's say a long story. The first question, what if someone wants to rob your old lady?"

After Fang Hao listened, his face was congealed, and a sense of uneasiness spread all over the body, even let him cool all over the body.

"Face a cold, low drink:" made, I abandoned the girl! Who dare?! "

"The second question, if someone blocks your wife and you from living, and the other side is so powerful that you can't imagine, what do you do?"

"What can I do! I led the soldiers to kill ya, and then the cattle forced, there is Laozi's gun pole, the ox comparison Fang Hao noticed that he was not right. His anger was surging. He told the truth. Fang Hao's hall was not plain. The good news was mercenaries. If he did make a mistake, he would be a group of bandits who killed people without blinking!

"The third question, if I want to divorce, will you agree?" After finishing this sentence, yunfeifei was silent, as if waiting for the answer quietly.

And Fang Hao on the phone, even can hear the opposite cloud Fei rapid breath sound, seems each other is very nervous.

At this moment, Fang Hao's face changed very ugly. An idea immediately hit his brain, hitting his soul. If it was before, yunfeifei dared to say this, he would have to leave, and would not have been waiting.

But since the wedding, everything has changed!

Apart from the original several women, Fang Hao, although still not in the right way all day, and also flirt with good family women when they are free, but Fang Hao has always kept a degree.

I thought that Fang Hao had been keeping a line in his subconscious mind, and never crossed it until now.

At this time, Fang Hao suddenly started a nameless fire, perhaps because yunfeifei didn't come back for months, or because of the coldness of Yunfei, or because of his own oppression!

The voice of shouting at the phone was almost loud: "do your spring and autumn dream, yunfeifei, I clearly tell you, no way! Besides, roll back to me immediately, or I will I sold your cloud group, and then I took someone to tie you back! I said to do it! "

Anger has made Fang Hao a little bit incoherent. At this moment, Fang Hao himself seems to be the second time since his life, his body trembles. The first is fear and excitement when killing people. This time is anger you can't suppress!

But the breath on the other end of the phone changed a bit choking. Maybe she was crying, but Fang Hao thought it was Laozi who was right.Is that true?

Fang Hao eyes red, slightly closed eyes, seems to be covering up the expression of the emotions.

But at this time, a word of cloud Fei, let Fang Hao suddenly open his eyes, staring at it very much!

"Fang Hao, remember all you have today, if you can't do it, the president will fire you!" yunfeifei choked

"You..." Fang Hao has some brains that can't turn around.

But in a moment, a strange woman came out of the phone, which was extremely angry: "Fang Hao, I tell you, you can't deserve Fifi, you are not qualified to be her man, so you'd better divorce her!"

"Damn, who are you! I can't divorce my daughter-in-law, do your shit. There is a kind of name you say you are, where, believe me to take someone to smoke you! "

Fang Hao was furious, did not know from that pimple to emerge such a disgusting woman! Face their daughter-in-law of course need to endure, but for others, Fang Hao dictionary, still really can not bear this word!

"You!" The strange woman on the other side of the phone, with a sluggish tone, seemed to be unable to find words to deal with Fang Hao.

But after a while, the woman over the phone took a deep breath, as if in a calm mood, after a while, the voice was extremely cold and calm: "then I will tell you, who I am! I used to have a man named yuntianhong, a daughter, called yunfeifei! I am GLH executive president. You should bring someone to try if you have the ability! "No measure!"

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