The other party's words, almost instantly let Fang Hao stand on the spot, thinking a little confused, yunfeifei didn't have his mother since he was a child, his mother didn't die.

Oh, by the way, Fang Hao remembers the fact that he once investigated the reality of his wife's identity and background, but he was missing. At this moment, Fang Hao's face was extremely embarrassed. How could he say that he was his mother-in-law? How could he scold him like this!

Of course, in giving him a chance to come back again, Fang Hao will still roar at each other and scold him.

, "mother-in-law, ah, you are Fei Fei's mother, but our marriage is not that you can decide, ah, I has the final say with cloud Feifei, and ah, you say you are a mother, in the past more than 20 years, have done the responsibility of mother, you now jump out of the child, we must decide this, decide that, do you not feel very boring? What's more, don't compare yourself with me. What if you are the CEO of GLH consortium? Even if I'm a small person, I don't want to get divorced, and I don't want to be forced by the emperor. You'd better die as soon as possible. In addition, mother-in-law, you'd better send back my daughter-in-law full-length photos as soon as possible, otherwise... "

Fang Haoyue said more angry, thinking of the past few months of frustration, and finally understand why yunfeifei stayed for a few months, it must be his mother-in-law who obstructed Fang Hao. It's strange that Fang Hao doesn't get angry!

"Or how about you?" The other side's voice was cold and cold.

"Laozi leads the army to rob!" Fang Hao did not hesitate to shout.

"Ha ha For many years, no one dares to talk to me like this. Even if someone says so, he has already died. However, with the two or three thousand people in the hell hall, it's not enough to see. Boy, life is precious. Don't cause irreparable consequences because of your own impulse! " Opposite the woman's voice with a bit of disdain, with aloof indifference.

"Life is precious, love is more expensive! Mother in law... " Fang Hao didn't finish talking about love.

The other side yelled: "who is your mother-in-law, you are not qualified to be my son-in-law!"

Fang Hao's face turned black: "it's one thing to be qualified or not. It's another thing. I'll say it again. I'll send back my daughter-in-law's full-length photos. Otherwise, I can do what I say!"

"Asshole!" An angry voice came from the opposite side, and then hung up.

Before hanging up the phone, Fang Hao heard yunfeifei's happy laughter: "ha ha, I advise you to give up your heart. You don't want to reason with him. My husband has no brain and can't reason with him."

Fang Hao heard such a sentence, immediately a black line in the brain, especially? When did I have no brain!

However, in an instant, Fang Hao did everything he had just done. In an instant, his face was ugly. GLH is an international consortium. How powerful he is, he is not very clear about the lake. But just now he was not too much. After all, he was his mother-in-law!

But on second thought, the mother-in-law doesn't recognize Lao Tzu as a son-in-law, but I still want to recognize him. In case the other party really refuses to let Yun Feifei go, Laozi My mother-in-law is going to see her!

At the same time, in M country, GLH international investment company's top floor, spacious and luxurious office, yunfeifei's face with tears, but it is from the heart of happiness.

Because Fang Hao was angry and scolded her, which was the most beautiful love words she had ever heard in her life. She already knew that, no matter how hard it was, Fang Hao would not yield or give up!

And she Never thought about it! Even if the person stopped is his mother!

As the CEO of GLH, few people know how much energy there is, because it seems that no one is worthy of GLH's all-out efforts.

As the controller of such a super consortium, Chen Yanzhi is the first time that she has been in control of the Consortium for so many years.

Staring at yunfeifei's crying and smiling face, Chen Rouge turned blue. He pinched the mobile phone in his hand and took a few deep breaths. Then he suppressed the almost uncontrollable anger in his heart: "given you a few months, this is the answer you want to give me?"

"Yes, I like Fang Hao. I was in front of thousands of people at the wedding ceremony. I said that I was the daughter-in-law of the Fang family in my life and the ghost of the Fang family when I died." Yunfeifei spoke very firmly.

Suddenly, standing in front of yunfeifei, Chen Yanzhi, a middle-aged woman who is very similar to yunfeifei, looks very ugly, and then suddenly realizes: "I understand that you think about it for so long, just to delay me. I want to move his meaning. Well, my daughter has really grown up and is no longer the little girl who was babbling and hugging."

However, as soon as the voice fell, Chen Rouge's face suddenly became iron green: "I'm for you. Do you know your identity now? You're my daughter of Chen rouge. Do you only know what it means? This huge empire of money will one day fall into your hands and be completely at your disposal. "

Chen Yanzhi seems to be tempting her daughter. She turns her head slightly and looks out of the window. Her eyes are bright and her voice is impassioned: "do you know, if I want to, I can subvert a country at any time. If I want to, I can even interfere in the political situation of m country. Do you know what height we stand at? You think about the pyramid, and we are standing at the top of the pyramid. Our will can determine everything. This is power, great power. "Yunfeifei's eyes did not change because of Chen Yanzhi's impassioned words. Even if Chen Yanzhi described a high scene in front of her that she could only look up to or even could not see, her heart would not waver.

"Your will can't decide everything. At least I won't agree."

"Stubborn, confused, women in this life, just for men to live!" Chen Yanzhi is very angry because her daughter has not been moved by her at all.

"A woman lives for herself, but if she can't find a man who is willing to fight for herself, what's the point of living? You abandoned me and my dad. Are you for these ridiculous powers, ridiculous forces? If that's the case, then I think you're pathetic Yunfeifei looks cold and bright in the eyes.

"That's the ridiculous thing between me and your father. You don't need to ask! Well, since you have decided in this way, I have said that I will not let Fang Hao go! " Chen Yanzhi said, angrily turned away.

But at this time, yunfeifei said again: "if Fang Hao is dead, I will go down to atone for my sins."

Hearing this, Chen Yanzhi's body suddenly stagnated. After a moment, she left the luxury office without looking back.

At the moment, only yunfeifei is standing in front of the landing window. Yaoyao is looking at the Oriental one, because he has been in the East for several months.

"I've been thinking about you, but I'm afraid I'll hurt you!" Yun Feifei's cold and beautiful face, but there is little tenderness in his eyes. His voice changed: "but since you are not afraid, what am I afraid of?"

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