"What do you mean, you don't talk about business like this, samples?" Fang Hao looked at his big teeth and frowned. His face was extremely uncomfortable.

If some small lists, big teeth listen to this sentence, it is estimated that immediately angry, who he is, it is one of the budding leaders, that is, in other words, it is the bandit!

However, looking at the face of 100 million yuan, Da Ya thought twice in his heart, but he still tolerated it. He said with a smile: "this kind of product is on the ridge, and he will come back soon."

It seems that Hao Fang's face is not only angry but also angry when he talks.

Soon, there were diamond samples on gengzi's body, and they were put on the table. Fang Hao picked up the plastic bag and looked at the three diamonds of one carat, five and eight. He frowned and looked at his big teeth. His expression was very fierce and said: "what are you doing? The section, the purity, the color, at most, it's also special. It's just that you give inferior products Do you want to bring it out? "

Fang Hao's eyes were rather strange. Even he was sweating for Fang Hao. He was not a good boss. He once saw that when he was negotiating with a person, he would use a knife and gun to kill the other party.

But unexpectedly, after hearing this, Da Ya was not angry. Instead, he burst into laughter: "I didn't expect that general manager Dong is an expert. Of course, these are just some things that are not very popular. Then you can have a look at this. "

immediately, Da Ya took out a plastic bag from his pocket and put it in front of Fang Hao.

Fang Hao picked it up and looked at it for a while.

And shangguanyue and others nearby also stare at Fang Hao's diamonds curiously. In fact, they all know nothing about diamonds, so they can't see whether it is good or bad. They only know that the diamonds in Fang Hao's hands are brighter and bigger than those in the previous bag.

After a long time, Fang Haocai took back his eyes and showed a faint smile: "although it is still not perfect, but this quality is OK, so you open a price?"

"Well, since you are satisfied, I'll give you a real price of 80000." Big teeth erect three fingers, the expression looks like the event is very sincere.

However, Fang Hao's face suddenly turned black, and his face became cold: "you're cajoling children. I can buy this price in regular stores. The quality is very good. Do I need to come here?"

"This kind of diamond is of high quality, you..." Big tooth is depressed and feels that it will take a lot of effort on the price.

"Don't tell me about the quality, just you. Except for the purity, the rest are not so good. For a one of this size, I'll pay 30000 yuan." Fang Hao did not hesitate to interrupt big tooth's words.

This time, it's the turn of big teeth and black face, with a bit of anger on his face: "30000, this thing can be sold anywhere more than 30000! I'll give you five, seventy-five thousand at the most

"Just let 5000, you think I'm a fool. It's too expensive. Although I bought it for others, I have to trust my friends. I can't pit my friends too much! Of course, "Fang Hao shakes his head and looks firm.

But with this sentence, Da Ya heard the implication. Originally, big Ya's face appeared with a smile, and he murmured cooperation in his heart. This guy said this, but he wanted to pit his friend's rhythm!

Da Ya said with a smile, "that's still a good price to discuss. I don't think it's too early. If you don't join us, we'll eat and talk."

Fang Hao has been holding a straight face and seems very serious. However, hearing Da Ya's words, he immediately softened up and said with a light smile: "it seems that brother Daya can do business."

"Yes, go. This is Yunshan century, the fifth floor hotel, please!" Big teeth boldly extended his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

But this guy's long sharp mouth, deliberately bold appearance, quite a bit funny feeling.

Fang Hao smiles and nods, and takes shangguanyue and others to follow in the past.

Zhou Huixian has never said anything, but looking at her appearance, she has been looking at Fang Hao all the time. Even when Da Ya is furious, she still looks at the other party with a big look. It seems that Fang Hao's negotiation method is too fierce.

However, Fang Hao didn't mean to change his way of negotiation. He came to the hotel area on the fifth floor. In a luxurious private room, big teeth put the menu in front of Fang Hao with a smile: "Mr. Dong, please do as you like."

Fang Hao took it over: "then I'm not polite. My little baby Rowling needs to keep saying that her skin is not very dry. She has to come to some bird's nest to moisten it. Well, this nest of red swallow's nest, oh, by the way, do you want it?"

At the moment, Fang Hao looked up at the three people on the opposite side. His facial muscles trembled a few times, but he said with a smile: "that thing is not very delicious. We don't need it. You can do it at will, Mr. Dong."

"Then I'll be really rude." Fang Hao is serious.Big tooth has a bad feeling, but now, he is embarrassed to break his promise. Besides, he still wants to have a good relationship with this guy and talk about a "good price"!

He is a wise man, from Fang Hao's words just now: Although he bought it for his friend, he should not pit his friend too much!

Big tooth understood the meaning contained in it, that is, he bought it for his friend, not too much, and was acceptable.

Then, big tooth heard Fang Hao point to the waiter and ordered a few menus. He said, "well, this is the red swallow nest. We have four people here, one for two cups."

After hearing this, Da Ya almost didn't vomit blood. He didn't understand why he wanted two cups.

Immediately, Fang Hao looked calm and explained to big tooth: "big tooth elder brother, you may not know, I have always had a habit, a bowl gargles, a bowl is to eat, that what, if big tooth elder brother does not think suitable, I think even if."

"Well, No. It's a small thing. It's all small money! " In fact, when he said this, big tooth heart all tangled up, NIMA's can't order white bird's nest, but it's especially important to order blood swallow.

"Well, that's good. More of this, this, and this..."

Fang Hao is a little bit more. He looks at his big teeth and is scared. He thinks that Fang Hao, the rich people, can spend money. It is estimated that he will have to eat tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of yuan for a meal. However, he is not so heartbroken when he thinks that he can earn millions or even tens of millions from Fang Hao.

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