At the moment, what Fang Hao didn't realize was that Tang Lin's look at Fang Hao was almost moved to death. It was estimated that she was too involved in acting and really regarded her as Fang Hao's woman.

Fang Hao suddenly looked up, looked at the waiter and asked, "do you have bear's paws here?"

Hearing this sentence, the people at the scene were momentarily dull, and big tooth's heart leaped.

However, the waiter said, "I'm sorry, sir. There is no national animal protection in our hotel."

After listening to this sentence, big tooth took a breath. Let alone him, other people in the private room were shocked. The rarity of bear paw is not how delicious it is, but because of scarcity. Nowadays, except some hunters who are not afraid of death, who dares to go there.

And, even if there are, they are sold in the underground world.

Fang Hao slightly regretted to the way: "Alas, your hotel is really not so good ah, so rare dishes are not, forget it, and then a few bowls of Buddha jumping over the wall, just like this."

The waiter's careful liver was also severely shocked by Fang Hao. However, after looking at Fang Hao for several times, his eyes were not very good. Maybe he wanted to remember this cruel guy who wanted to eat bear's paws.

At the moment, Fang Hao said: "ha ha, in fact, this bear's paw is really delicious. You should try it if you have a chance."

Although Fang Hao said that, in fact, this guy has never eaten, but he is Dong Yunhao now. How can he pretend to be arrogant and charming.

"Well, you must try it if you have a chance." Da Ya is a bit out of his wits. I don't know if he is calculating how much food Fang Hao ordered.

Next, Fang Hao ordered two bottles of high-end red wine, both in case of bottles, plus two bottles of expensive white wine.

It seems to be to see the tangle of big tooth, Fang Hao quite a bit arrogant way: "if big tooth elder brother hand is not rich, otherwise I come to pay the bill."

Even if he is not happy with his heart, he is still a man of status and status. Naturally, he will not lose his face. He pretends not to care and says, "this is a small thing. Ha ha, Dong Zong is at will."

During the meal, Fang Hao has been avoiding the diamond price issue raised by Daya. Instead, Fang Hao always makes a family routine with Daya, and then drinks Baijiu and Daya one cup at a time.

He also secretly gave Tang Lin and shangguanyue a few winks. The two girls were not stupid. They knew Fang Hao's intention, so the two women also began to toast Da Ya's ridge frequently. Only the two women drank red wine and the two of them drank white wine.

In fact, the most bitter is Liu Yun, who plays the real bodyguard of Dong Yunhao, so even if his mouth is flowing, he can only stand on the wall behind Fang Hao and stare at him.

As for Tang Lin, although also a bodyguard, but also played a lover's identity, the status is naturally much higher than Liu Yun.

Zhou Hui occasionally put in a few words. Originally, this woman was quite able to speak. However, facing Fang Hao's way of communication with Ma XingKong that day, she felt more subdued than rhythmic.

Now, for example, Fang Hao seems to be a little drunk. He looks at his big tooth who is also drunk: "you say that your group is very competitive. I admit that, but you have to be careful. I heard that the police want to do something to you recently."

"Ha ha, the police want to do something to us? You think highly of the police. How can those guys who eat dry meals tell us how we sprout? To tell you the truth, the police don't dare to investigate because our alliance leader's background is terrible. The reason why we keep a low profile recently is that last time we and the police Well, don't say it! " Big tooth is drunk and a bit arrogant. He talks and behaves, but he doesn't pay any attention to the police.

But this curtain falls in Shangguan Yue's eyes, in the heart is angry, because this big tooth is really too contemptuous of the police organization, and naturally also despises her, the people's police.

However, shangguanyue did not speak at last.

Soon, they saw that Fang Hao was drunk, and Da Ya seemed to be drunk. After drinking, a man can really enhance friendship. At least now, Fang Hao and Da Ya are like good brothers who have been friends for many years. They talk and laugh together.

After that, they went to the bathroom directly. Although there was a bathroom in the private room, they obviously had something else to talk to.

When they came to the bathroom on the corridor outside, they went in and took a piss. Then they stood in the bathroom, lit a cigarette, and had a grand conversation.

"Brother, I'll tell you, this time, let's calculate it according to the price of 751. I'll only offer up to 60000, and the remaining one is 15000. We'll share half of them, OK? Anyway, it's not a brother. You're paying. How about we make money together? " Big tooth finally said his heart, spent so much energy, is bleeding, please Fang Hao and others to eat, for the natural is this thing.

Fang Hao didn't deny or promise. He took two puffs of smoke. Suddenly, a lighter in his hand fell on the floor of the room, and Fang Hao quickly squatted down.

At this moment, Fang Hao's hand gently moved on his shoes, and then picked up the lighter. His face was a little drunk and his smile was very bright: "ha ha, man, you can do business, but I have to think about it. I have to think about it. I have to think about it. I have to think about it."Hearing Fang Hao's words, Da Ya is a bit drunk, but he feels like a mirror in his heart. He thinks that Fang Hao is not a good bird and wants to earn some money. In his eyes, as long as Fang Hao agrees, it should be eight or nine.

Thinking of the success of this business, he calculated that even if half of it was given to Fang Hao, it would be nearly 10 million yuan in income, which was also a huge sum of money for him.

After seeing Fang Hao, who was drunk, he sneered at him. When he was done, he gave this guy tens of thousands of yuan to send him away. The rest of the money ran into his own pocket. If he was killed, he would not be big teeth!

After the banquet, Fang Hao, shangguanyue and others have left. Da Ya is still immersed in the dream of making a lot of money, so that a meal costs $1.2 million and doesn't feel distressed.

Although he was a budding leader, he didn't earn too much money. Most of them were handed in. However, even if he had money, he could earn extra money. Who would think that money was too much!

After leaving Yunshan century, he sat on a card banquet. Fang Hao, who had been "drunk", suddenly disappeared from his face and said in a serious voice, "start monitoring."

Shangguanyue immediately took out a set of instruments, tuned to a specific frequency, and soon came the conversation between the two people.

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