"Boss, if the business is negotiated well, the leader will certainly look up to you. You have solved the urgent need for our budding group."

"Hum, if it wasn't for the news that the group didn't dare to make a big deal recently, otherwise, the group would not be able to make capital turnover. Because last time we made too much noise on the side of Jiangsu Province, although the police were suppressed, the alliance leader still asked us to keep a low profile. Gengzi, you should restrain the brothers below, and it's better not to cause trouble recently."

"Well, boss, who is the leader? I've been here for such a long time, and I haven't seen it once."

"Why do you ask so many questions? This is what you should ask?"

"Pa" a sound, obviously is big tooth hit ridge son.

Ridge son dry smile way: "boss, this I am curious."

"Damn it, it doesn't matter if you know something. To tell you the truth, I'm in the bud. I haven't seen the true face of the alliance leader, because the alliance leader has always contacted us by telephone."

"Ah? So mysterious? Isn't that to say that no one has seen the leader since we sprouted? "

"That's not true. Qingmiao has the closest relationship with the alliance leader. She should have seen it. But Qingmiao is also mysterious and tight Big teeth seem to be depressed.

Then, the two were still talking, but there was a click in the monitoring device in the car, and there was no sound.

Shangguan Yue's face was startled: "by, was it discovered?"

Tang Lin and Liu Yun are also nervous. Fang Hao shakes his head and says, "no, I put it under the foot of my big tooth. I feel it. Now it's crushed.

"Ah? Isn't it more likely to be found that someone who has more things under the sole will not feel it. " Tang Lin looks a little ugly.

In the face of several people's tension and uneasiness, Fang Hao was calm: "if it is still possible like this, the thing is originally small, I also processed it and wrapped something for him. Even if he saw it, he would not notice it."

Just at this time, a big tooth in the Yunshan century felt something on the bottom of his foot to diaphragm the foot. Some of them stopped for two times. It turned out that he didn't know when to step on a broken bone. It was black and not rubbish. It was disgusting to see.

Big teeth took a spit and swaggered out of the Yunshan century with the ridge.

And just at this time, the car disappeared into the night.

Back in the hotel, Fang Hao immediately cat into the room, picked up the mobile phone again to call yunfeifei, but it was still turned off. Fang Hao knew that it was his mother-in-law who confiscated yunfeifei's mobile phone.

In fact, after receiving a call from yunfeifei, the woman who claimed to be yunfeifei's mother answered the phone, Fang Hao did not doubt the authenticity of the woman's statement.

Because if it's a gangster who has bad intentions for yunfeifei, it is impossible for yunfeifei to receive his phone call in recent months, and he can't receive a call from yunfeifei.

Later, Fang Hao boarded the penguin, because Fang Hao asked Lengfeng and Asher to send all the information to his penguin.

Open a look, as expected saw Leng Feng and aihil have sent a data to come.

Fang Hao read it immediately. It mainly introduced some important materials of GLH international consortium. The more he looked at it, he felt more and more frightened. GLH was so huge that he even set up banks all over the world. This is one of the branches of GLH, and a large part of it is venture capital industry.

It can almost be said that this is an international financial giant, an unimaginable group with huge capital flow.

To make an image analogy, the market value of Yunshi group is now more than 20 billion yuan, but the maximum estimated activity fund is 200 million yuan.

The GLH is in the financial industry, that is, as long as they are willing, they can cash in all kinds of investments of their group at any time, and even their banks can absorb the deposit funds in the global scope. Even Fang Hao thinks that the fund for its activities is an unimaginable and terrible figure.

At this moment, Fang Hao could not help but burst out a rude sentence: "this is so much money, if you give it to Laozi, I can fight half the world!"

This also makes Fang Hao realize how powerful his mother-in-law is. Yunfeifei is actually the daughter of such a woman. It's really What Fang Hao didn't think of.

Unknowingly, Fang Hao recalled that the abduction and assassination of yunfeifei were all related to the criminal organization of Heaven (Interpol). When he investigated the organization, he couldn't go away because the organization was so mysterious. Even if he had a professional intelligence agency like the secret group, he couldn't find out much useful information. On the contrary, the more he investigated, the more mysterious and profound he felt Measurable.

At that time, he also investigated yunfeifei's biological mother. However, at that time, yunfeifei's biological mother should have used a pseudonym, so Fang Hao couldn't find out. He didn't expect that the woman who disappeared at that time was the CEO of that huge financial empire.Thinking of this, Fang Hao could not help frowning. At that time, yunfeifei was assassinated and robbed. Could it be related to this financial empire?

Of course, Chen Hao's mother didn't ask her to go to the interior. However, it's possible that Chen Hao's mother told her to go there.

No matter what the organization is, the bigger the internal disputes will be. According to Fang Hao's conjecture, I'm afraid there are some people in GLH who want to do harm to yunfeifei.

All of a sudden, Fang Hao thought of something. He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone call. As soon as the phone was connected, Fang Hao couldn't wait to call me back from Africa and arranged a lot of marriage for me. Do you know what

"What? What do I know? Tell me clearly The old man didn't quite understand.

"You asked me to protect yunfeifei and let yunfeifei have a big fat boy. Do you know that someone is going to do harm to him?" Fang Hao's face was dignified and his tone was very serious.

"Oh, this matter, yes, well, listen to you, this boy's tone is not very good, I'll try my best to tell you something." The old man's tone really seemed to be reluctant to tell Fang Hao.

Fang Hao's eyes glared and his ears stood up, waiting for the old man's answer.

At last, the old man said, "yuntianhong, your father-in-law, I thought this guy had some skills, so I once helped him. As a result, I became familiar with his ups and downs. Later, I heard a little news that someone asked Xing Tian to do something to harm yuntianhong's daughter. I called your boy back home because of my love in those years You didn't like it at that time. Now you know that your daughter-in-law is very good. Ha ha, it's enough to see that I used to have a keen eye and a good knowledge of things! Think back then... "

Fang Hao's face was already black at the moment, and he could not help holding back a very bad word: "don't ink, say the point!"

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