Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1120: :Sorry for disturbing you

At noon, Fengshi Airport.

Lin Fan was here alone waiting for registration, holding the boarding pass to the country of Japan in his hand.

This time the triad has completely angered him.

If it is not a one-off, the triad and the so-called red gang will be eliminated.

Lin Fan may have trouble sleeping and eating.

However, at this moment, a blonde foreign woman walked over on a pair of high heels.

Sitting directly next to Lin Fan, said with a light smile: "Mr. Lin, hello!"

Lin Fan was taken aback and looked back at him.

This person was in his early twenties, and he was very beautiful, with a hint of pink under his white skin.

At first glance, there is an urge to go up and pinch.

"Do you know me?" Lin Fan didn't feel any strangeness, but asked indifferently.

The woman smiled softly, nodded and said, "Mr. Lin, but our company's idol, with so many employees up and down, none of them disagrees with Mr. Lin, including me!"

"Well, how many people will your company arrange to travel to the country this time? I think we will meet in the country!" Lin Fan said.

"It will definitely be, Mr. Lin, this time our company will let all outstanding employees go to Wa, I believe we can have a great time in Wa, this time!" said the woman.

"Oh, by the way, I don't know your name yet!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin can call me Linna!" The woman said with a chuckle.

"Lina? A nice name, I hope this trip to the Japanese country will be fun!" Lin Fan smiled and stretched out his hand.

Linna shook hands with Lin Fan and sat there, talking about other topics.

Right now beside them, two young men were also sitting, but they seemed to be a couple.

They seem to be proficient in English, and they have heard all the conversation between Lin Fan and Linna just now.

I saw a flash of light in the eyes of the two of them.

The girl among them said in a low voice: "I heard that the company is not in the same year, but also organizes outstanding employees in the company to travel to the country to see how well they are treated. Please look at your company for a few days. Marriage leave is not paid yet. I see you. In this company with no development and no future, it doesn’t make much sense. It’s better to ask someone else’s company’s name.

Hearing this, the boy beside her also seemed a little moved.

Eyes flashed with diligence, nodded and said: "Xiaoqian, let's tell you, I have never dared to tell you that I wanted to quit a long time ago. Originally, our old manager was transferred and the new manager was in our department. I chose one of them. Originally, my hope was the greatest, but in the end I was replaced by a young master shareholder. What's the point of keeping such a company?"

"Then what are you waiting for? I'm going to board the plane soon. Go and talk to them. If possible, exchange contact information with each other. Maybe it's your noble person?" the girl said.

When the words fell, the boy nodded, got up and ran towards Lin Fan.

When he came to the front, he smiled politely: "Hello, this gentleman, beautiful lady, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Zhang Haidong, Zhang is Zhang whose surname is Zhang, and the sea is the sea. The sea, the east is the east from the east to the north, and I work for..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Fan almost burst out laughing.

You don't need to ask him to guess it, this guy definitely came over to strike up a conversation after hearing him and Linna just now.

As for the reason, it is actually very clear, that is, I want to change jobs.

This is normal. In today's society, many people think that their talents are very high and their future is boundless.

I always feel dissatisfied with the current working environment.

The wages are low, the holidays are few, and I live a boring nine-to-five life.

Most of this kind of people are reflected in those with good eyes and low hands.

Lin Fan didn't speak, but sat beside him with a smile without saying a word.

Linna glanced at him playfully and said, "Mr. Zhang, hello, in fact, your English...Well, how about we communicate directly in Chinese?"

A simple sentence made this Zhang Haidong a big red face.

He just couldn't listen to a few words of English that he smashed.

As a result, he discovered that he could still speak Chinese.

Moreover, the Chinese is so fluently, it is simply letting people...

"Ahem, it turns out that this beautiful lady can also speak Chinese. That's great. I'm going to introduce myself again. My name is Zhang..."

Just before Zhang Haidong finished speaking, Linna smiled and interrupted the words behind him.

"Mr. Zhang, I understand what you mean. You intend to join our company? But, I am curious, do you know what our company does? And, do you know our company? The last question, you know our company What's your name?"

Linna's series of questions made Zhang Haidong dumbfounded.

"This one......"

Zhang Haidong was speechless for a while, he really didn't know what the other party was doing.

Linna smiled softly: "In addition, I have another question. Our company is a Fortune 500 company. Of course, the conditions for applying are relatively harsh. The most important thing is that every employee must master seven international languages. May I ask Mr. Zhang Haidong..."

When Linna hadn't finished speaking, Zhang Haidong's expression changed drastically.

He quickly dropped the sentence "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," and left as if to escape.

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