Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1121: : People are more dead than people

The appearance of Zhang Haidong is just an episode.

In the afternoon, Lin Fan and Linna got off the plane.

At this time, they were already in the territory of the country of Japan.

Linna did not leave. Lin Fan heard her say on the way here.

It was not a coincidence that she appeared at Fengshi Airport, but John of Group J sent her here.

Her mission is very simple, one is to protect Lin Fan's personal safety and not to allow him to have any accidents.

One is to serve as a translator for Lin Fan in the Japanese Kingdom.

In fact, what Linna said to Zhang Haidong at the time was not to find an excuse to send him away.

If you want to be a member of Group J, the requirement is not just to kill someone.

And you also need to be proficient in the languages ​​of each country. The minimum standard is five, and there is no ceiling.

After all, they are equivalent to professional killers, and their missions are spread all over the world. ,

Therefore, mastering one more language will be of great help to them when performing tasks.

From Linda, Linna, and some other killers, you can find this easily.

Linda not only speaks English, but even Chinese is very fluent. ,

If she hadn't had a face of a foreigner, it would be really hard to find out from the language that she turned out to be a foreigner.

"Mr. Lin, the company has arranged for someone to pick us up and we are now outside the airport!" Linna said with a smile just after getting off the plane.

Hearing this, Lin Fan did not refuse.

After all, it is a good thing to be picked up by someone. He is better than himself, in this place where he is not familiar with.

Even if you want to find the headquarters of the triad and the red gang, I'm afraid it will be a problem.

This is also the fundamental reason why Lin Fan will notify Team J to intervene in this matter.

First of all, the J team is a killer background, with their help, things will go smoother.

Secondly, it is also the network of Group J, spread all over the world.

If they ask them to help inquire about the news, it will save Lin Fan a lot of things.

When two people walked out of the airport, they saw a high-end car parked outside.

Yes, it's really high-end.

Even Lin Fan, who is blind, can recognize its value when he sees this car.

"Mr. Lin!"

When Lin Fan and Linna came closer, a man hurriedly walked over and said.

Lin Fan nodded and glanced at the man in front of him.

This person is about thirty years old, with brown hair, blue eyes and fair skin.

I believe that if such a man is thrown into the pile of women, he will definitely be eaten so much that he can hardly leave his bones.

"Let's go!"

Lin Fan didn't say a word of nonsense, opened the door and got into the car and sat in the back.

Seeing such a cold scene of Lin Fan, the man was slightly startled, shrugged towards Linna, and resignedly opened the car door and sat in.

Immediately, he stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly went straight to the airport.

Just when Lin Fan and the others left, two other acquaintances also walked out of the airport.

The couple sitting in the same waiting room with Lin Fan and Linna at Fengshi Airport.

The two of them walked out very hard, carrying three suitcases.

I just saw someone coming to pick up Lin Fan and Linna.

"Look at people, you are looking at you, at the same age, why is the gap so big? They travel abroad, and they have special cars to pick up and drop off them. Looking at the two of us, we have to find so many things on our own. Go to the hotel by car and find out that, I might as well sign up for a tour group at that time!" The girl complained.

"You can't blame me for this. Just now you heard that the company is one of the world's top 500 companies. It has strict requirements. There are also multiple languages. I, I can't even speak English well..." The boy cried. Said.

"Huh, it's not that you are useless. Back then, there were so many people who pursued me, even better than you. Why did I blindly marry you? I knew it would be like this. I should have listened to my mother. ....."

Just when the girl kept complaining.

The boy's face has gradually become gloomy.

When I was about to throw the two suitcases there, he said fiercely: "Yes, one bite, one bite, one bite to the original. When we return home, the two of us will go through the divorce procedures. You are blind, I What a feeling I am really blind now!"

When the voice fell, the boy ignored it anymore and just turned and left.

The girl who was thrown at the airport gate was completely dumbfounded.

There were three suitcases beside him, looking at the boy's leaving back.

When the boy was about to disappear from sight, the girl blushed and shouted: "Zhang Haidong, you, you give me back, you have no conscience!"

However, the boy still did not look back.

After a turn, she completely disappeared from the girl's sight.

At this moment, the girl's shouting also caused many passersby to look at her.

They looked at the girl curiously...

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