Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 810: : Difficulties

"Junior Brother Bai, Junior Brother Deng, you are..."

Seeing the two people in embarrassment in front of them, the haze man and his little junior sister, their expressions changed drastically.

"Big brother, sister..."

When these two people also saw the man in the haze, their faces also showed extremely surprised expressions.

They never thought of such a situation.

"Okay, now everyone is gathered, let's talk about it, who are you guys anyway?" Lin Fan said with a light smile looking at several people.

Hearing this, the haze man frowned and did not speak immediately.

On the contrary, the thin man said with a sneer: "Since I was caught by you, I have to kill you at your own convenience, but don't blame me for not warning you. Our identity is extraordinary. You must dare to treat us. What kind of words, hehe..."

The thin man smiled coldly, as if he didn't pay attention to Lin Fan and the others.

However, just when his voice just fell.

I saw the little fox who had been standing behind Lin Fan, his eyes condensed suddenly, and a group of purple fire banged in his palm and burned.

Upon seeing this, the thin man who originally wanted to say a few more words quickly swallowed back what he had not said yet.

Because he felt a sharp killing intent from the little fox.

Moreover, this killing intent, as if it were the essence, was constantly attacking him.

Even though he had no brains, he couldn't help being a little scared in the face of such severe killing intent.

Seeing them, Lin Fan smiled lightly and said, "Little fox, you take Lin Shu and Linda back to rest first. It's enough to have me and Sun Xiaosheng and more powerful people!"

"Yes, Brother Xiao Fan!"

The little fox didn't say a word, nodded and took Lin Shu directly, turning around and walking upstairs.

Xiaoyu and Lin Qianqian are not here. Now they are just a child. In Lin Fan's eyes, if you can prevent them from participating in this kind of thing, you should prevent them from participating as much as possible.

Of course, if Xiaoyu and Lin Qianqian were to confront these people head-on, they could still kill them in seconds.

It didn't take long. When only Lin Fan, Sun Xiaosheng, Hu Lao Dao, and the few people who broke into the zoo late at night were left in the huge living room, it seemed quiet.

After a long time, Lin Fan said: "Speak, you don't have to have any worries. I believe you can also guess who I am. Don't go around with me, let alone play tricks with me. If you let me know what you said Lies, none of you want to leave today!"

Hearing this, no matter it was the man in the haze or Junior Brother Bai, their expressions all changed slightly.

You know, they themselves are hidden people.

Although there are schools and masters, that is not known to outsiders... However, now they are required to tell all about their situation and information.

For them, this is a great taboo of the division.

If they are dealing with ordinary people right now, they don't have to worry about this at all, as long as they just make an excuse and make up a lie, they can fool it.

But the haze man knows that Lin Fan in front of him is not an ordinary person at all. If he is a lie, he can definitely be seen through in minutes. Then...

After hesitating for a moment, the man in the haze said lowly: "This senior, his next name is Liu Qi, next to him is his junior sister Xiao Ru, that one is junior brother Bai Yun, and his junior brother Deng Song. ....."

Ever since, they gave their names, identities, and sects, all told once again.

Liu Qi, the man in the haze, is the big brother among them.

He belongs to the same family and has been practicing in the mountains.

It can be said that they have been in the mountains since they were born, and they have occasionally come out with their master.

This time they went down the mountain, but also helpless.

According to Liu Qi, in their school, there is a thousand-year monster beast with a certain level of cultivation.

As a result, just a month ago, he escaped accidentally.

A few of them went down the mountain because they were afraid that the monster beast would behave, so the clique sent them out to find and bring them back.

In this colorful metropolis outside, they have been stranded for more than a month.

Not only didn't find the monster beast, but didn't even see a shadow.

In this month's time, they have never heard of any incident involving monsters hurting people, which finally made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Today, they have just received news from Shimen, asking them to return to the mountain immediately.

No, they originally planned to participate in a magic weapon exchange meeting before they left, which was considered a gain in knowledge.

As a result, he encountered such a bead and was bought by Lin Fan.

"This bead, called the Spirit Dragon Ball, is not very useful, but it can be used to attract that monster beast. We originally planned to buy it because we wanted to bring that monster back. It caused trouble outside, so we thought of stealing..." Liu Qi said softly.

Don't look at what he said so much, but he never heard him say the name and location of the teacher.

Regarding this, Lin Fan also nodded secretly, this Liu Qi spoke and acted, really not leaking.

But now Lin Fan has aroused some interest in that so-called Millennium Monster Beast.

With a light smile, he said, "Oh? Thousand-year monsters? Let's talk about it!"

"This one......"

Hearing this, Liu Qi and several others looked at each other.

From their expressions, it seems a bit embarrassing.

This is not surprising, the Millennium Monster Beast itself is incredible...not to mention a big secret in their school.

If this is said easily, I am afraid it is still a violation of the door rules.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan did not urge them, but gave them enough time to make them think clearly.

At the same time, on a wooden chair outside Qingyi Manor.

The big yellow cat Yuanbao and the three mountain dogs, as well as the strange monkey that was just fused, are sitting here looking at the moon in the sky.

"Meow, I said those guys just now, what did they say in it?"

"I don't know, let's not ask more about the master!"

"Yeah, I think so too, but it is really amazing to blame the monkey just now. If it weren't for it, we might be at a loss!"


While talking, Yuan Bao and the mountain dogs turned around and looked at the strange monkey.

However, the strange monkey did not look at them, but looked at the darkness not far away with a serious expression.

In the next second, I saw it shudder, grinning, and said with a very scared expression: "Yes, there is a strange smell..."

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