Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 811: : I booked

The amazing insight of the strange monkey and the keen sense of smell that surpass all animals have just seen it.

Now I heard the strange monkey say that, the big yellow cat Yuanbao and the three mountain dogs, the nerves that had just relaxed, were immediately tightened.

He turned his head back together and looked towards the stranger.

However, it was so dark that nothing could be seen clearly.

It's just that they have had the experience last time, and now they dare not care, and even dare not breathe.

As time passed by, blame the monkeys and ingots, staring at that place.

For a long time, a breeze blew over, and the strange monkey seemed to have just experienced a battle of life and death, and it was wilting instantly.

"Yeah, that guy is gone, he is no longer here!" The strange monkey said weakly.

"Meow, let's go?"

"What the **** is it?"

"Monkey, are you okay? Depending on your mental state, it's a bit abnormal..."

At this moment, I blamed the monkey's exhaustion. When he said that sentence, his whole body seemed to be a little weak.

Almost slumped on the ground without directly.

Such a situation made Yuanbao a little surprised.

"Just...a terrifying guy, hiding there, very powerful..."

After a short breath, the blame monkey said intermittently.

"Very powerful guy?"

Yuan Bao and the three guard dogs were all taken aback.

Although they have not been in contact with the strange monkey for a short time, or even only two nights, they still have some understanding of the strength of the strange monkey...

Based on its performance just now, ordinary animals or humans basically do not exist if they want to threaten it.

That is to say, how terrible is it that makes the strange monkey scared like this?

In an instant, the Yuan Bao and the guard dogs were all strange.

But now they also feel that things are not as simple as they imagined, or that there are even more powerful opponents that are silently monitoring themselves.

Even... the entire zoo.

"Yuanbao, do we want to tell the master what happened just now?" the general said lowly beside him.

This is not a trivial matter. If Lin Fan could know about it earlier, he could also make some preparations earlier.

"Wait, now the master is talking about things inside, and when he comes out, I'm telling him... Monkey, you may have to work hard for these two days, especially at night, if you are in the zoo In any case, I have to watch for your help!" Yuan Bao said.

The strange monkey nodded and creaked a few times.

At the same time, in the small attic of Qingyi Manor, Lin Fan was still here with Liu Qi.

"This senior, I have already said everything I can say, but I can't say it. Please forgive me, senior, I can't disclose half a word!" Liu Qi said lowly.

Lin Fan nodded and understood Liu Qi's embarrassment.

The door has rules, not to mention that Lin Fan doesn't really want to know so much about it.

"Understandably, that bead is of no use to me. If you really want it, take it!" Lin Fan said lowly.

Hearing this, Liu Qi and the others were all startled.

Originally, they all thought that it would never be better if it fell into Lin Fan's hands.

However, it never occurred to him that after asking some questions, Lin Fan not only did not pursue their theft, but also gave them the bead.

Such a situation was unexpected by them.

Even the rest of the people stared at each other with big eyes and a dumbfounded look.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "Don't get me wrong. I said that I will give you the beads for free. I have a small request!"

"Ah? Senior has any request, please don't hesitate to mention it!" Liu Qi was taken aback and said quickly.

"Very simple, I need information about that monster beast!" Lin Fan said with a light smile.


Hearing this, Liu Qi was dumbfounded, and the others were dumbfounded.

You know, the monster that escaped, but the secret of their sect, if the detailed information is leaked out like this, what is the difference between betraying the master?

Maybe the situation is not so serious, but if something happens, they can't bear this kind of responsibility.

The reason why Lin Fan made this request was actually not deliberately causing them trouble.

Lin Fan had already heard Liu Qi's words.

The monster beast that escaped was not the kind of mountain treasure raised in their sect, but the thousand-year monster beast that had been sealed.

A few months ago, for unknown reasons, the seal was loose.

As a result, the monster beast escaped directly from inside.

And the order they got was to catch them alive as much as possible, and then catch them back alive, if not, just kill them directly...

It can be seen that they have no intention of protecting this monster beast.

I was only worried that the monster beast would do evil outside and harm ordinary people, so I sent a few of them out to look for it.

"Senior, that monster beast is powerful and has a cultivation base of nearly a thousand years. I am afraid that you alone can't deal with it!" Liu Qi frowned and said.

"Hehe, this is my own business, as long as you tell me the information of that monster beast!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"This... OK!"

Ever since, Liu Qi told Lin Fan the details of the monster beast without any concealment.

In fact, Liu Qi and the others were not particularly clear about that monster.

In other words, they haven't even seen it.

After all, in Shimen, the monster beast has always been sealed, and it is not a zoo. Who would rush to visit it in idle time?

They just heard from their master that the monster beast is very strong and has a thousand years of cultivation base. Although it has been sealed, it has also cultivated to a certain degree during this period.

To put it simply, the strength of that monster beast definitely far exceeded their expectations.

Although Lin Fan is strong, but if he encounters that monster alone, he might not be the opponent.

The main reason why they were sent out to hunt down that monster was nothing more than that their master had a treasure of Zhenshan that specifically restrained that monster.

Otherwise, given the strength of Liu Qi and the others, how could it be that monster's opponent?

Lin Fan smiled lightly and nodded: "I booked this monster beast. As long as I find its whereabouts, I will tell me immediately and I will help you solve it!"

Hearing this, Liu Qi and several people just nodded silently.

What else are you talking about now?

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