Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 812: : Worship the Fox Fairy?

When Liu Qi and the others left the zoo, the sky was already bright.

This evening, Lin Fan did not rest.

He went straight back to his room and went to sleep.

In the rest of the time, the zoo managed by the little fox and Linda was also functioning as usual.

Although the Chinese New Year is about to be celebrated, the number of visitors to the zoo has never been reduced.

On the contrary, it has been increasing in the last two days.

Just now at noon, Lin Fan came out of the room and was about to go to the restaurant to find some lunch.

As soon as I came out of the attic, I saw a lot of people standing in the dark near the newly built Fox Paradise not far to the left.

Lin Fan was startled, what's the situation?

You must know that it is winter now, and there are few tourists coming to the zoo itself. In addition to the New Year, there should not be so many people.

As a rough estimate, there must be hundreds of people around there.

Just as Lin Fan looked dazed, Linda hurried over from a distance.

"Boss, it's okay, those people are all kneeling to the fox..." Linda said hurriedly.

"Kneel to the fox? What's the situation?" Lin Fan was also dumbfounded.

"I don't know, their behavior is weird, I, I don't know what they are doing!" Linda shook her head.

Lin Fan was also a bit speechless. How about staying at home during the winter, and running here to kneel for the fox? Isn't this enough to be full?

Ever since, Lin Fan took Linda straight to the fox home.

Coming to the front, I saw Ma Dapao and Li Qiang shouting constantly here.

"Everyone, tourists, listen to me, can you listen to me?"

The voice is big or not, and small is not small.

Only among the hundreds of tourists, it seems a little insignificant.

Although Ma Dapao broke his throat, no one would pay attention to it. He still stood in a row, kneeling down to the foxes.

At this time, the big-eared foxes in the fox’s homeland, all old gods are present, wearing delicate little clothes, with their hands behind their backs, with an anthropomorphic expression, looking at the humans who are about to worship them. .

There are also some cute big-eared foxes, just like those tourists.

Kneeling directly on the ground, kept kowtow on the ground.

Seeing such a scene, the tourists were simply stunned, muttering words and didn't know what they were saying.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan frowned deeply.

What and what is this all about, how could this happen for no reason?

At this moment, Li Qiang and his cousin Yang Li hurriedly walked out of it.

"Brother Fan, you are finally here, these tourists regard these big-eared foxes as fox fairy!" Li Qiang said.

"Oh? As a fox fairy?" Lin Fan was also taken aback.

"Isn’t it? No, it’s the Chinese New Year. These tourists heard that there are fox fairies in our zoo, so they ran over to worship the fox fairies in groups. They would not listen to any advice to bless them in the coming year. , Their throats are about to break, they just don't believe that this is a big-eared fox!" Yang Li was also frowning beside him.

Hearing these words, Lin Fan understood what was going on.

Co-authoring these people is to treat these big-eared foxes as the legendary fox fairy and worship here.

Lin Fan looked down at the crowd. There were even a lot of people who brought incense candles and tributes to the fox paradise as a gathering place for fox fairies.

Lin Fan shook his head dumbfoundedly and said, "Cousin, you and Qiangzi have a horse cannon. Go to the fox paradise and drive all the foxes back. I will take care of the rest!"

"Okay, Brother Fan, let's go over!"

Li Qiang and Yang Li nodded, turned around without saying a word, and walked towards the fox paradise.

Soon, when they approached Ma Da Pao, they said briefly to Ma Da Pao.

Ma Da Pao also nodded heavily, not talking nonsense with the tourists, turned around and walked into the fox paradise.

The big-eared fox itself is cute and cute, but also very spiritual.

For some simple human languages, they can also be heard and understood.

Driven by several people from Ma Dapao, although these big-eared foxes were a little unwilling, they all turned back to the small houses specially built for them.

In a blink of an eye, the entire fox's home became empty, and a big-eared fox was never seen again.

Seeing such a situation, those tourists are not happy.

"What's the matter? Where's the fox fairy?"

"Where did you get the fox fairy? They are coming out soon!"

"What's the matter with your zoo? For treating the fox fairy like this, you are going to suffer retribution..."

For a time, all tourists expressed dissatisfaction.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan smiled lightly and walked over and said: "Guests, listen to me!"

Now that the fox fairy is not there, their attention has also been shifted away. Although Lin Fan's voice is not particularly loud, it allows everyone present to hear clearly.

Before the words fell, everyone's eyes were all focused on Lin Fan.

Looking at Lin Fan, these tourists had complicated expressions.

Some are watching the changes, some are angry, and some are calm and calm.

Lin Fan looked at these tourists, some of them were quite young, all in their 60s and 70s.

And they are also the most pious part of these tourists.

Seeing that the scene was brought under control, everyone became silent.

Lin Fan said: "Dear tourists, I understand your feelings very well. This tradition of worshiping foxes has been circulated in many places in our organization. But here, I have to spread one thing to everyone, maybe They are real, but in our zoo, the cute foxes you saw just now have nothing to do with the fox fairy..."

Speaking of which, those tourists are all a bit daunted.

Each one was whispering and talking, and some older people were very dissatisfied with what Lin Fan said.

Lin Fan ignored them, and continued: "They are called big-eared foxes. They are a fox breed from Africa. More big-eared foxes like to live in the desert...They are very smart. They are good at imitating the actions of human beings, and that's why they are often mistaken for fox fairies..."

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