Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 813: : The weird sign

After Lin Fan's popularization and explanation, these talents have a little bit of a one-sided understanding of big-eared foxes.

To put it bluntly, in this world today, many animals are on the verge of extinction.

Most people have become deficient in the habits and characteristics of animals.

Except for some familiar animals, such as the big-eared fox, which is relatively rare, everyone is not particularly clear.

Therefore, this situation is inevitable.

Although most people finally understood what was going on with the big eared fox, they also knew that this was definitely not the legendary fox fairy.

But there are still a small number of people who stick to their ideas.

They tied the red rope they brought from home to the branch next to it.

In this way, it is equivalent to a wish of my own, and a comfort in my heart.

"Brother Fan, it's still your cow, otherwise, our zoo will soon become a gathering place for gods!" Ma Dapao said with a smile.

"Cannon, how do you talk?" Yang Li frowned and said.

"Hey, it's a metaphor, but those tourists are really superstitious, and they worship some fox fairy!" Ma Dapao said.

"Yeah, this is the result of our lack of animal habits!" Yang Li nodded.

"Why not, Brother Fan, I have been to many other zoos before. I see that outside each animal cage, there will be an introduction board with the names, origins and characteristics of these animals in detail!" Li Qiang earnestly Said.

"Yes, I have seen these in the zoo too!" Ma Da Pao nodded.

Hearing these words, Lin Fan also frowned.

Originally, he also thought about setting up an introduction sign for each animal, but he never spared time.

In his opinion, this is not a particularly important event, so he didn't take it seriously.

As a result, this is happening now.

It seems that it is necessary to set up a few signs introducing animals.

Who knows if they come here today to worship the fox fairy, will they come here to worship the monkey fairy, the deer fairy, or even the tiger fairy in a few days...

"Ok, Hadron, cousin, let you take care of this matter. Put a sign outside each animal, and introduce it in detail as much as possible, so as not to cause such unnecessary misunderstandings!" Lin Fan said .

"Okay, leave this to us!" Li Qiang and cousin Yang Li nodded.

After solving the matter, Lin Fan turned and walked over to the hotel.

Lin Fan hasn't eaten anything since last night.

Now I just woke up and experienced such a thing, my stomach was groaning with hunger.

When I came to the hotel, there were no tourists inside.

After all, it is winter, and there are relatively few visitors to the zoo itself, and it is normal for business to be light.

Simply order a few dishes, and Lin Fan sat here alone to eat.

Just halfway through the meal, I heard footsteps coming in from outside.

Looking back, it was the little fox who came to the front with a nervous look: "Brother Xiaofan, it's not good!"

"Huh?" Lin Fan was also startled when he heard this, and quickly put down his chopsticks.

"What's the matter? Speak slowly, don't worry!"

The little fox did not speak, and took her mobile phone directly.

Lin Fan took a look and found that it was a piece of news, but the content of the news was about Fengshi.

[At ten o’clock this morning, there was an abnormal sign over the Chengnan District of Fengshi. According to the Meteorological Observatory, this sign is extremely rare and hard to appear once in a hundred years. What kind of sign is it? The Meteorological Department is still trying its best to detect it. If there is relevant information , This station will report in time...]

The content is very simple, and there is not too much information.

But the simpler news is, the bigger things are.

After reading this news, Lin Fan frowned, but he didn't see any problem in it.

Little Fox took the phone, turned off the news, and logged onto Weibo again.

"Brother Xiaofan, these are small videos about the weird weather. Many people have already filmed the situation!" Little Fox said.

In the video, the sky is blue and purple, which is very abnormal.

But the area occupied is not large, only one piece, and many people around are looking up at this weird omen and talking about it one by one.

Lin Fan glanced intently, and saw that in the blue-purple sky, there seemed to be flashes of lightning rolling in it.

It's just not particularly obvious, and many people don't notice it.

"What do you think?"

After watching the video, Lin Fan's face also showed a slight change, and he looked back at the little fox.

"Brother Xiaofan, if I'm not mistaken, this should be a certain kind of animal, and it's about to go through the catastrophe, and only when the animal crosses the catastrophe can this kind of omen appear!" said the little fox.

In any case, she is also a fox who has been cultivating for thousands of years and is very sensitive to these.

Lin Fan nodded, indeed.

Although he hadn't experienced the transitional robbery, this kind of sky sign was indeed a bit abnormal, but it was somewhat similar to the transitional robbery.

"Brother Xiaofan, I suspect that this animal that crossed the catastrophe is related to the monster Liu Qi and the others said last night? If it is just a simple animal crossed the catastrophe, it will only be a purple omen, and The signs of the sky filmed in the video still have a green color, I am afraid it is an evil thing!" The little fox frowned.

"Oh? That monster escaped at all costs, just to find a place to cross the robbery?" Lin Fan was also startled.

"I think so, otherwise there is no way to explain!" The little fox nodded.

"Such words..."

Lin Fan was about to speak when he suddenly heard his cell phone ringing at this moment.

When I picked it up, it was Wang Jianmin's call.

You know, Wang Jianmin is a busy man, and now he is even more busy to promote the deputy director.

It would not be easy to contact Lin Fan on the initiative.

And now that the phone is suddenly called, is it also related to the sign of the sky just now?

"Hello!" Lin Fan's tone was a bit solemn.

After a while, I heard Wang Jianmin's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Xiao Fan, there is a major event, I have to tell you!"

The voice was solemn, and Lin Fan frowned subconsciously.

"I have become the deputy director of our Jiangbei Province, hahaha...Have you been scared? Was it a pleasant surprise?"

"What? Damn, I thought it was something!"

"Why, isn't this a big deal? I can become the deputy director, but..."

As a result, while Wang Jianmin was talking, he only heard a loud noise from the other end of the phone.

He directly choked back what Wang Jianmin had not finished saying.

The next second, Wang Jianmin exclaimed, "Fuck, something really happened..."

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