Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 827: : A large number of ingredients

That afternoon, it was close to dusk.

The zoo has closed, and all the tourists have left.

Lin Fan walked towards Qingyi Manor with various ingredients for making fried noodles that he had just bought from the supermarket.

At this time at the door of Qingyi Manor, Little Fox, Linda, Lin Shu, Xiaoyu, and Lin Qianqian were sitting at the door chatting.

The topics discussed are mainly women and Chinese New Year.

When they saw these things that Lin Fan was carrying, they were all a little surprised.

"Brother Xiaofan..." Little Fox asked, frowning.

"Boss, what are you doing? Doubanjiang? Cucumber? Hand-made noodles? Are you making fried noodles?" Lin Shu also came over curiously.

"Oh! Dad is going to make fried sauce noodles, Xiaoyu loves fried sauce noodles!" Xiaoyu said excitedly.

Now the zoo has just closed, and no one has eaten yet.

Therefore, everyone subconsciously thought that the materials Lin Fan bought back were for them to prepare dinner.

Lin Fan smiled bitterly and nodded: "I buy a lot of things, little fox, you take these to the restaurant and let them make fried noodles. By the way, we are making some side dishes. Let's eat this tonight! "

"Oh! Great, Dad, Xiaoyu loves fried noodles the most!" Xiaoyu said happily.

"Yes, yes, Xiaoyu loves fried noodles!"

Lin Fan was outside, chatting with them.

It is not particularly cold today, and there is still no wind, so everyone is used to chatting here.

After dividing a part of the thing, Lin Fan took the remaining part and walked back to his room.

After closing the door, he took out his mobile phone and opened the Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo game.

"My ingredients have all been prepared for you. If nothing else, they are enough for your dinner party!"

Lin Fan opened the trading market, connected to the mysterious person, and sent the news.

Soon, the reply from the mysterious person came.

"Thank you Senior for your help. The magical tools that Senior asked Junior to prepare are already in place, but I don't know how to send it to Senior?" said the mysterious person.

He really couldn't help it, and didn't know how to deliver things over.

However, for Lin Fan, this is not a problem at all.

Since the Ten Thousand Worlds Trading Market, the little game assistant, has already solved this problem perfectly.

And you should know that Lin Fan had also traded with him several times before, and he was already very proficient in this.

Following the transaction process, Lin Fan directly traded several magical artifacts prepared by the mysterious man.

After seeing these artifacts, Lin Fan couldn't help being shocked.

There are a total of more than 20 artifacts, and each of them belongs to the top grade and is full of aura.

Take out one piece at random, and explode every artifact at the so-called artifact exchange meeting a few days ago.

This is the real magical implement. Compared with these magical implements, the things at the exchange meeting are simply unsightly...

Of course, Lin Fan didn't say that, but carefully put away all the artifacts.

Without waiting for the mysterious person to ask, all the ingredients and seasonings used to make the noodles were traded.

At this moment, in a small room, the mysterious man was waiting anxiously, and the abrupt void twisted...The next second, two filled convenience bags appeared directly in the mysterious man. 'S near.

The mysterious man's expression was startled, and he opened the convenience bag carefully.

I saw it was full of various ingredients, all of which he had never seen before.

Seeing so many things, the mysterious person's whole person has become a little bad.

From the outside packaging and production point of view, each piece is a boutique, such a delicate thing, used to make fried noodles? Simply extravagant...

Install all these things in a sorted manner.

This was a grateful reply: "Thank you, senior, if you can end the dinner smoothly with this jjajang noodles, the junior will repay seniors in the future!"

"Well, these useless words are the same whether you say it or not. If you really want to repay, just have something practical. Okay, I have something else. I will come to you tomorrow, how to make jjajang noodles, you Just follow the instructions on the recipe!"

On the other end, a slightly hollow voice came in my mind.

When the voice just fell, the mysterious person felt that he and the mysterious senior had completely cut off contact.

Even if he was talking, the other party couldn't hear him at all.

Ever since, he took out the method of making fried noodles and looked at it carefully several times.

Until I remember all the methods and processes described above.

Only then the formula was carefully collected.

At this moment, someone was knocking outside the door.


"In!" The mysterious man said with a calm face.


When the door opened, only a young man in his early twenties wearing a blue robe walked in carefully.

"Uncle Cang Song, please, please!" the young man said lowly.

When the mysterious man heard this, he just nodded indifferently, and then said for a long time: "Well, I know."

"Yes, Master Cang Song!"

When the voice fell, the young man stepped back again and walked out of the door.

When he just closed the door of the room, the mysterious man's expression changed, and he frowned somewhat solemnly, raising his leg and walking outside the room.

He knew very well in his heart that the chief looking for him at this time was definitely related to the dinner.

If it was half an hour ago, he really had no bottom in his heart.

But now... he has not only obtained the recipe for fried noodles, but also a large amount of ingredients and ingredients that Lin Fan gave him.

He now believes 100% that he has never heard of this so-called fried noodles.

Even those powerful seniors in the martial arts, I am afraid they know very little.

If this bowl of fried noodles can be used as a staple of dinner, it will definitely be a blockbuster.

When he walked out of the room, he walked quickly towards the place where the head was.

All the disciples wearing blue robes along the way, as long as they saw him appear, they retreated from the sides and bowed respectfully to salute.

It can be seen that the status of the mysterious person here is not as low as imagined.

I am afraid it is also a leader in charge of a department.

It didn't take long. When he came to a large hall and was about to walk inside, he heard a hoarse voice behind him: "Ahem, who am I? It turns out to be Real Cangsong, disrespectful, disrespectful!"

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