Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 828: :new Year's gift

In the zoo, it will be dark.

In the living room of the villa, Lin Fan and the little fox are sitting at the dining table.

On the table, there are two large bowls of noodles and hot sauce...

There are a few side dishes in the middle.

Everyone’s faces were filled with happy smiles, especially Xiaoyu and Lin Qianqian, who seemed to like this simple fried noodles for dinner.

At this time, Lin Fan took out several high-grade magical artifacts that he had just brought from the mysterious man.

"Come, before eating, I have a few gifts for you!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

Hearing this, almost everyone's eyes turned towards Lin Fan.

At this time, not only Little Fox, Linda, and Lin Shu, but also Ma Dapao, Li Qiang, and cousin Yang Li were all present at the dining table.

Hearing Lin Fan's words, everyone behaved somewhat surprised and expectant.

"The New Year is coming soon. These are New Year gifts for everyone. Come, one for each person, and wear them on your body!"

While speaking, Lin Fan took out several artifacts that had been selected in advance, and distributed one to each person.

"Brother Fan, this is..."

Li Qiang took a string of bracelets, which looked like Buddhist beads on the surface.

But when he first put it on his hand, there was an indescribable feeling immediately.

It was as if there was something flowing slowly along the blood, and it quickly spread all over the body.

Simply put, it is very comfortable, as if the whole body is unblocked all at once.

Not only Li Qiang felt this way, but cousins ​​Yang Li, Ma Dapao, Lin Shu and Linda also felt this way.

There were a few things that looked very ordinary, but after wearing them, there was an unusual feeling.

This surprised a few people.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "I wonder if you have ever heard of such things as magic artifacts!"

"Magic weapon?"

Li Qiang was startled, the expression on his face immediately showed a strange change.

"Brother Fan, isn't it the kind of thing that can be used to protect the body that is often said in the novel? It is something that can only be made by people who know spells!"

When Li Qiang is idle, he likes to look for some novels online.

Especially about some novels about cultivation, he has also read a lot, and there are often some descriptions about magical implements in them.

In this regard, Li Qiang was not only familiar with the word ‘Faqi’ when he heard the word, but he was shocked.

In his opinion, Dharma tools and cultivation can only appear in novels.

In reality, it is impossible for these illusory things to exist.

However, when Lin Fan said it, he was surprised, but he couldn't believe it.

After all, when he put the bracelet on his hand, he really felt an indescribable weirdness. If it was just an ordinary object, he would never have this feeling.

"Yes, this is what I went to deep in the mountains and found a talented person from outside the world. I heard that wearing it on the body can keep you safe. After the New Year, it is a gift for you. Anyway, there is no harm in wearing it! "Lin Fan said with a smile.

Although he knew that these were real magical artifacts, there was no way to explain it. He could only casually find such a reason to prevaricate.

"Dad, then, do I have it too? Where's my magic weapon?"

When everyone looked curiously at the artifact in their hand, Xiaoyu frowned and asked a little unhappy.

Everyone had gifts, even Lin Qianqian had them, but Xiaoyu didn't get anything.

In any case, she is also a child.

Seeing everyone admiring her new gift, she will inevitably feel a little lag in her heart.

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled lightly and said, "Anyone can have no gifts, and Xiaoyu absolutely must not have it. Xiaoyu has already been prepared for it, you see..."

While speaking, Lin Fan brought out a small wooden box with very exquisite workmanship.

Open the lid of the box, and inside is a very delicate hairpin with a few flowers carved on it.

On a few flowers, there is also a very delicate little bear, which seems to be smiling.

When Xiaoyu saw this hairpin, there was a bright light in front of her eyes.

A happy smile appeared on the face that was not so happy.

I put the hairpin on my head, as if it was still shining under the light.

The most amazing thing is that the little bear on the hairpin has just been put on, as if it had come alive, and it came alive.

Seeing this scene, others burst into laughter.

Lin Qianqian, who was next to him, pretending to be jealous, pouted and said: "Uncle, you are so partial. Give Xiaoyu such a beautiful hairpin, why not give it to me?"

"Sister Qianqian, Dad is not partial. If you are called Dad like me, he will also give you a cute hairpin!" Xiaoyu said seriously.

"..." Lin Qianqian was speechless immediately.

At the same time, everyone else burst into laughter as they listened to the conversation between the two girls.

Just when the atmosphere in the living room becomes extremely harmonious.

Lin Fan's mobile phone rang out, and when he took it out, a dialog box popped up on the screen.

[The player has received a message from the Wanjie Trading Market. Do you want to open it? 】

Seeing this news, Lin Fan was also startled.

Hastily got up and walked upstairs.

When he returned to his room, Lin Fan opened the message.

As soon as I entered the page of Ten Thousand Realms Trading, I saw a mysterious man sent out a paragraph.

"Senior, are you still there? I have an urgent need!"

Seeing this news, Lin Fan also frowned, and replied: "Well, what's the matter?"

Not long after the news was sent, the news of the mysterious person came quickly.

"Senior, if you have something urgent, dare to ask if the sauce should be used with noodles or..." the mysterious man said in a little anxious tone.

Originally, Lin Fan thought something big happened, but when he saw the mysterious person's problem, Lin Fan almost didn't laugh.

"Nonsense, fried noodles, of course, are to be used together. Didn’t I make it for you? You can do it step by step according to the above. Remember, first prepare the sauce, cook the noodles, and then give it to The people who eat it can send it to them and mix them according to their own preferences!" Lin Fan replied.

"It turns out that this is the case, then I understand. Thank you senior for your advice. After I have tried it, I will tell senior the result!" said the mysterious man.

"Well, I'll wait for the good news!" In reply, Lin Fan quit the game. After putting the phone in place, he turned and walked downstairs...

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