Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 863: : Powerful

The white-haired giant ape's attack made the snow monkey only dared to escape, but there was no room for resistance.

There is no way, the two are too far apart.

You must know that the white-haired giant ape was the king of the mountain at the time in Changbai Prefecture, not to mention a snow monkey, even wild boars and poisonous snakes in the mountains dare not confront the white-haired giant ape.

What makes the snow monkeys really uncomprehending is why this white-haired giant ape suddenly ran away on himself?

And he kept talking about what little devil...

Of course, as monkeys, they absolutely don't know the history and hatred between Dongfang and Fusang.

These hatreds are deeply ingrained in human hearts.

But for animals, they know nothing.

The white-haired great ape itself was born in Changbai Prefecture, which may be due to nature, and has always had a great sense of hostility towards Fusang.

After I heard that the snow monkey came from Fusang, and just arrived at the zoo, he just pretended to be so aggressive, and didn't know what it meant to be low-key.

In an instant, it aroused the anger in its heart against Fusang, and fought against the snow monkey without saying a word.

With the current mentality of the white-haired giant ape, he can't wait to smash the snow monkey into a pile of flesh directly, and he will be willing!

And the red-haired monkey has a lot of hatred for Fusang.

You must know that it was kept in an underground laboratory since its birth, where it was subjected to various brutal experiments and tortures, and how many companions were killed?

And it itself has become this way now, like a ghost or a monkey or a monkey.

And the owner of that laboratory was the perverted professor who was killed by Lin Fan before.

Here, the red monkeys have a natural hostility towards humans and animals from Fusang.

What's more, the snow monkey pretended to be forced when he first came to the monkey forest, and claimed to be the new monkey king here from now on.

It's too pretending to be too coercive, and it doesn't need other people to speak at all, it can't wait to kill this snow monkey alive.

Ever since, this will happen.

The white-haired giant ape and the red-haired monkey launched a violent attack on the snow monkey.

While the Snow Monkey was stunned from start to finish, there were waves of fear in his heart.

The white-haired giant ape is so powerful that it can smash a rock with one punch, while the red-haired monkey is extremely fast and moves agile.

It also seems to have the ability to predict, and can always make moves before it.

As a result, the Snow Monkey felt a bitter in his heart.

It originally thought that here were just some courageous macaques, in front of its natural domineering gas, there was absolutely only a chance to surrender.

I never thought that there are still two such difficult guys here. I knew it was like this...

Nima, it's all caused by darkness, and I didn't find these two guys just now!

Now Snow Monkey is extremely depressed, but there is no room for turning back.

The more it dodges, the more angry the red-haired monkey and the white-haired giant ape appear. Now their eyes are all red. It seems that if you don’t kill the snow monkey tonight, you won’t give up... ...

"What are you doing stupidly? Why don't you come and rescue this king?" Snow Monkey was extremely angry, shouting at the dozen friends it brought.

At this time, the dozen or so monkeys who came with it were also frightened.

Have you ever seen such a situation? Especially the white-haired giant ape is more ferocious than a tiger.

Hearing the words of the snow monkeys, not only did they not come forward, but they also retreated back three to five meters away, hiding behind a tree, and did not dare to make a sound.

Upon seeing this, the snow monkey almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood.

No wonder, in fact, among the dozen friends it brought, there are also several macaques.

Cowardly, but the nature of macaques, there is no way to change...


With a shocking roar, the white-haired giant ape stared at the snow monkey fiercely with red eyes, and roared: "Little devil, you run as much as you want. If I don't beat you today, even if you win!"

"Man, are there any misunderstandings between us? Or... let's sit down and talk calmly? I, I have no ill will to you!" The snow monkey stood on the branch of a tree on.

While paying attention to the sudden attack of the red-haired monkey around, he carefully calmed the white-haired giant ape who was obviously in a state of rampage.

It is not stupid, and it is very clear in its heart that if it remains in such a stalemate, it will definitely not do any good to it.

Hearing this, the white-haired giant ape once again let out a roar of ‘Ao Ao’.

"Misunderstanding? As long as you are from Fusang, there is no misunderstanding between me and you, only hatred!" The white-haired great ape roared.

As soon as the voice fell, the white-haired giant ape walked directly towards the tree where the snow monkey was.

It did not climb up the tree, but raised a huge fist.

He hit the tree trunk with a violent punch.

Suddenly, the whole tree was smashed and shaken, and the snow monkey on the tree almost fell straight down.

At the time when Snow Monkey wanted to explain a few words and try to resolve the current crisis.

I saw a red shadow on a tree behind him suddenly, flashing towards the snow monkey at a fast speed.


A scream came from the monkey forest.

The Snow Monkey never had any chance to evade this time, and was directly pounced by Hong Ying, both of which fell under the tree in both directions.


After a muffled sound, I saw the snow monkey lying there.

It seems that I just fell, it is very serious, and I haven't recovered for a long time there.

Until this time, the white-haired giant ape and the red-haired monkey appeared in front of the snow monkey.

Especially the white-haired giant ape, which is about two meters in height, is extremely burly and sturdy, with blood-red eyes staring at the snow monkey viciously, wishing it to be torn apart.

At this moment, there was a rustle from the side.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen gibbons quickly appeared around, standing by.

Seeing these gibbons, the snow monkey was even more surprised.

Nima, there are more than a dozen gibbons here? To know the fighting power of the gibbons, it is not a blow out...Although they all like to have nothing to do, if they really fight, one can top ten macaques.

So there are so many powerful monkeys?

If I knew this was the case, Snow Monkey's heart now is extremely regretful...

At this moment, the Monkey King staggered over.

Looking down at the snow monkey on the ground, he said softly: "The status of the Monkey King is sacred and inviolable. No matter where you are from, you just can't dare to go wild here... Hang it up for me!"

When the words fell, the gibbons next to him came forward and picked up the snow monkey like a chicken.

I walked to a crooked-neck tree next to me and used their homemade ropes to hang the snow monkey upside down...

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