Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 864: : Monkey hanging upside down

The Snow Monkey's heart now is bitter.

It originally thought that the zoo here is no different from the zoo in Hengyang.

At most there are some rhesus monkeys or golden monkeys, which does not constitute any threat to them.

You know, when it was in Hengyang Zoo.

There are thirty or fifty monkeys living in it, of which the most numerous species are macaques, and there are several more precious species of golden monkeys.

These two kinds of monkeys are relatively timid by nature and can't help being threatened.

They usually make them booze, play around or something, they are better than anyone else, and if they do, they will hide far away.

Therefore, when the snow monkey first came here, it had an illusion.

I thought that the zoo here is no different from the Hengyang Zoo.

When it comes here, it can still become a veritable monkey king...

However, it never dreamed that this place was a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, not only the tall and mighty white-haired giant ape, but also a red-haired monkey that was acting strangely fast.

And even the gibbon, who has always been regarded as a troublemaker, is actually under the orders of the monkey king here.

This kind of combat power, let alone a snow monkey.

Even if it is ten times more, it is not an opponent at all.

Although snow monkeys are called snow monkeys, there are still macaques in their bones.

To put it simply, they are a type of macaque, but in the winter, they are used to hot springs, and whenever it snows, they are extremely excited, running in the snow, resulting in a thin coat of clothing. Layers of snow.

This is why the name snow monkeys, in fact, they are also macaques.

Since it is a macaque, the fighting power will not be so strong. After seeing the white-haired giant apes, the fear in the heart is also infinitely stimulated.

After it was hung upside down on the tree, there were more than a dozen companions it brought, as well as the rebellious little macaque, who were also hung upside down on the other trees.

"Watch them well, and hand them over to the master tomorrow morning!" The Monkey King commanded in a low voice.

There were a few macaques nearby, nodding their heads, and making a squeaky groan.

It was a not-so-quiet night, but in just ten minutes, it returned to normal.

All the monkeys all went back to their places to rest, but among them, there were a few more monkeys who were hanging up instead of pretending to be impossible...

This night passed very quickly.

Of course, this is just for Lin Fan, for the snow monkeys, it is simply a torment.

In the morning, Lin Fan walked out of the room and was about to go downstairs to eat something.

Yesterday, he was indeed exhausted.

Moreover, for a one-day trip, he simply ate something in the service area halfway at noon. After he came back, he arranged the animals, and he returned to his room to rest early.

As soon as I opened my eyes, my stomach sent out waves of dissatisfaction, and seemed to be protesting.

However, when Lin Fan just came to the lobby on the first floor, I saw little fox and Linda and other girls sitting on the sofa and discussing something.

"Brother Xiaofan!"

The sound of Lin Fan coming downstairs still caught the attention of the little fox and the others, and they turned around.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "What are you talking about here?"

"Uh..." The little fox frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Brother Xiao Fan, there is a little unpleasantness in the monkey forest in the back mountain. Would you like to go and take a look?"

"Unpleasant?" Lin Fan was also startled when he heard this.

But it didn't last long, Lin Fan laughed: "What you said is unpleasant. It should be the monkeys that were sent last night? Why, they were taught by the Monkey King?"

Lin Fan didn't seem to be surprised by this.

In fact, before that, he had already thought that this kind of thing would happen.

You know, although the snow monkey has been in the Hengyang Zoo since its birth, what it sees and hears is limited to a small place with a palm.

Although later ran away from the zoo and ran into the Xinghuagou to hide.

But what can there be in Xinghuagou?

Therefore, in Lin Fan's view, the pretending and arrogant snow monkey is simply a frog at the bottom of the well.

It is a newcomer, it will definitely pretend to be in the monkey forest.

The rest is very simple.

The monkey king in the monkey forest will definitely give him a severe lesson and beat him up.

Therefore, when the little fox said these words, Lin Fan did not feel too surprised.

"Brother Xiaofan, I think you'd better take a look at it yourself. I am afraid that this matter can only be solved by you. Otherwise, the new white-headed monkey will not stick to it today!" Little Fox said a little worried.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lin Fan was a little confused now.

"Oh, we can't say that, boss, you should go and take a look yourself, now Lin Shu is staring there, I am afraid that something will happen!" Linda also said beside him.

Hearing this, Lin Fan frowned.

Seeing the serious faces of Little Fox and Linda, they didn't seem to be joking.

Could it be that things have developed beyond their expectations?

Lin Fan frowned, although a snow monkey was not important to him.

If you were killed in the zoo, wouldn't it be equivalent to breaking the rules you set?

How to convince the public after that? What will be used to restrain those animals in the future?

Lin Fan's face gradually became gloomy, and he walked towards the gate without saying a word.

The little fox, Linda, and Xiao Shiyu did not continue to talk.

Quickly got up and followed behind, a few people quickly walked towards the back mountain.

It didn't take long. When they came to the monkey forest in the back mountain, they saw Lin Shu and Hu Lao Dao standing outside the forest from a distance.

Lin Shu was confiding in his words, and persuaded him: "I said, you can't do this. If something really happens, I can't keep you guys out. Just listen to me and let them go!"


Ho **** ho **** ho ho!

As soon as Lin Shu's voice fell, he immediately got a series of responses from the monkeys.

It's just that Lin Shu couldn't understand it at all, so he could only guess what they wanted to express by observing their body movements and expressions.

"Well, you put them down first, how about I go to the boss and ask him to be fair to you?" Lin Shu frowned and said.

After that, the monkeys screamed in a mess.

At this moment, Lin Fan and Little Fox came closer.

Lin Fan didn't speak, but turned to look into the monkey forest.

As a result, I saw at the edge of the monkey forest. The snow monkeys, along with the dozen or so monkeys who were sent over last night, were all hung upside down on the tree.

Everyone's eyes were red, and they were dying.

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