Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 865: : Monkeys are also patriotic

"How is this going?"

When Lin Fan saw the miserable condition of the snow monkeys, he was also shocked.

Hearing this, the monkeys in the monkey forest screamed one after another.

Especially the rhesus monkeys with less courage, one by one was so scared that they rushed to the tree next to them.

It seems that this matter has nothing to do with them.

At this moment, the monkey king walked out of the monkey forest with the white-haired giant ape and the red-haired monkey.

When they arrived in front of Lin Fan, several monkeys knelt down on one knee in a surrender manner.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan frowned and asked, "Who can tell me what's going on? Why should they hang them upside down on the tree?"

As soon as the voice fell, the monkey king and the white-haired giant ape looked at each other.

No one wanted to shirk responsibility, not only that, but they were all vying to explain one by one.

Weird creaking, squeaking, hobbing, lingering in Lin Fan's ears.

In the end, Lin Fan didn't hear the reason.

"Shut up all of them and say one by one!" Lin Fan said calmly.

Suddenly, none of the monkeys dared to make a slight movement, after a brief discussion.

For the entire process of last night, the monkey king was still responsible for the presentation.

Of course, among them, the expressive ability of Monkey King is slightly stronger.

In addition, whether it is a white-haired great ape or a red-haired monkey, there seems to be a little lack of expression ability.

Ever since, the Monkey King will tell everything about last night without any concealment.

"So this is the real reason why you hang the snow monkey upside down on the tree?"

After hearing the whole process, Lin Fan's face only slightly recovered.

"Yes, master!" Monkey King nodded nervously.

In fact, it is very clear in its heart that there are clear regulations in the zoo that animals are not allowed to kill each other. This is a regulation and a taboo.

All the time, all animals have maintained a very friendly and good relationship.

Although there were occasional fights, they were not very serious, and Lin Fan only dealt with it a little, and it passed.

Today is different. The Monkey King hangs the snow monkeys upside down on the tree all night.

Looking at it now, it seems that death will be caused by brain congestion...The severity of this matter is much more serious than ordinary fights.

Therefore, before the Monkey King absolutely did this, it had already figured out its own preparations for punishment.

However, when it said the matter truthfully, it looked at the owner in front of itself.

Not only was Lin Fan not angry, but a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This, what is this situation?

The Monkey King was dumbfounded, and the white-haired orangutan was dumbfounded, and even the other cowardly macaques were all a little dumbfounded.

"Go, put them all down, Lin Shu, you can help them to check a few well to see if there is anything serious!" Lin Fan turned around and said.

"Okay, boss!" Lin Shu nodded.

At the same time, Hu Lao Dao and Little Fox also hurriedly stepped forward to help untie the snow monkeys.

When Lin Shu arrived, he had already brought the medicine kit, and immediately performed a simple inspection on the snow monkeys.

Seeing all this, Lin Fan sighed a little helplessly, and wrote lightly: "Playing, but don't play with fire. Also, remember the rules in our zoo that no life crimes are allowed, you know?"

"Huh? Yes, yes, master!"

Upon hearing this, the Monkey King and the other monkeys nodded one after another.

"Well, in view of your fights, no matter who I participated in, you will all be punished...Well, at noon and night today, you don't have to eat anymore, please reflect on it!" Lin Fan Said.

Hearing this, all the monkeys were dumbfounded.

Just forbidden to eat? Just introspect for a day? This, this is also called punishment?

But these monkeys are smarter than each.

Lin Fan made such a light punishment, of course it is a good thing for them, no one would be so stupid to ask why...

After Lin Shu's simple inspection, there was no major problem with the snow monkey and the other dozen monkeys.

It's just that the cerebral congestion is more serious, as long as you take a good rest, there is no big problem.

Ever since, Lin Fan called to Ma Da Pao and Li Qiang.

All these monkeys were transported to the clinic in a tour bus. In the last few days, they were temporarily allowed to rest in the clinic.

Otherwise, if they are allowed to return to the monkey forest, they may have to be retaliated by the monkey king.

Of course, perhaps after experiencing this incident, the Snow Monkey will not be as pretending as before.

Is Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo better than other places, pretending to be forced here? Everyone gets punishable!

"Brother Xiaofan, I don't understand, why didn't you punish the Monkey King just now?"

On the way back to Qianshan, the little fox asked strangely.

In fact, not only was she strange, but Linda was also very puzzled.

If it were normal, let alone the seriousness of the matter, just a simple fight would be severely punished by Lin Fan.

But this time, the monkey king's approach is not only a bit too radical.

If you come one step later, the snow monkeys are likely to cause death.

It is not a trivial matter to have animals die in the zoo.

Not only will you be punished by the agency, it is also equivalent to breaking the regulations set by the zoo.

Hearing the little fox's question, Lin Fan smiled lightly and said, "I have already punished them!"

"Huh? Brother Xiao Fan, don't eat two meals. This, is this also called punishment?" Little Fox was a little surprised.

"Yeah, boss, this is not your usual style of doing things!" Linda nodded in agreement.

"Hehe, it's simple, because those monkeys are very patriotic!" Lin Fan said.


Hearing this, the little fox and Linda were completely confused.

They don’t understand, what is the relationship between those monkeys’ practices and the Patriotic State?

Of course, they did not understand the history between Dongfang and Fusang.

If you know these historical events, I am afraid there will be no such doubts.

Just when Lin Fan and the others returned to Qingyi Manor, they were going to have breakfast.

Sun Xiaosheng hurriedly ran over from a distance: "Master, yes, how many people are going to come to the zoo, you, you go and see?"

"Oh? Someone is coming to hit the place again?" Lin Fan frowned.

"No, that's right, that's the person from some cleaning company two days ago, he, they are here again!" Sun Xiaosheng nodded breathlessly.

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