Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 961: : You can't cry without seeing the coffin

"You, how dare you hit me?"

Li Quan, who was sitting on the ground, said while covering his nose.

Who is bald? The former gangsters have also been gangsters.

Fighting or something is a commonplace for him.

In addition to the bald head and grumpy temper, hearing this guy say that, he immediately couldn't control his emotions.

"You little bastard, you dare to scold Lao Tzu? See if I won't kill you!" The bald head said, he was about to rush to continue beating Li Quan.

Lao Tie and Lin Fan next to them were all indifferent.

This Li Quan should indeed fight, since he entered the house until now, he hasn't seen other people directly.

It seems that in his eyes, there is only Xiao Shiyu.

Lin Fan didn't stop this, just sitting next to eat and drink, completely indifferent.

A burst of screams sounded from the private room.

Lao Tie stood by and watched with a smile, and didn't mean to go forward and pull the frame.

As a result, at this time.

A mess of footsteps came from outside.

Then, the door of the room was pushed open forcefully, only to see that Shao Zhang also walked directly into the room with two other men with hostility.

"Stop it!" Zhang Shao shouted angrily.

Hearing this, the bald head stopped and stared at Zhang Shao and the two people he had brought.

"Yo, what's the matter? Come to help? Haha, you are the guy who said, right?" The bald said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Shao was startled.

Where does bald head care so much? Now the anger in his heart has not yet been completely let out.

He immediately stared, clenched his fists, and rushed towards Zhang Shao.

"Nima's, still pretending to be dumb with Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu will let you know what it means!"

After speaking, people have come to Zhang Shao's front.

With the whirring sound of the wind, his fist slammed directly into Zhang Shao's face.

Just when he was about to hit it, a big hand appeared out of thin air, and directly blocked the bald head with a heavy punch in the air.

This scene stunned the bald head and the old iron.

Old Tie knew the strength of the bald head in his heart. He was once a trainer and a master who had learned some punches.

Although not up to the level of a martial arts master, there is generally no opponent.

In addition, the bald head itself grows very strong, and his fists, not to mention a few people, can easily bear it.

However, the person behind Zhang Shao easily stopped the bald fist.

At this moment, Bald and Old Tie were all taken aback.

"Shao Zhang, that's him. I was talking to Miss Xiao just now, and he hit me when he came up. Look at what he called me..."

At this moment, Li Quan on the ground got up and said crying.

Zhang Shao looked back and not only frowned.

"Friend, you are a bit too heavy to start, right? We didn't have any bad intentions. We just ran into Miss Xiao and wanted to invite her over for a drink. Isn't that all right?" Zhang Shao frowned.

"Have a drink? Huh, go to your grandma's legs. Miss Xiao doesn't know you at all. What's the matter, you have such a big face, whoever you want to invite?" Bald said coldly.

Hearing this, Zhang Shao frowned.

Looking back at Xiao Shiyu who was sitting there, he said, "Miss Xiao, it's been a long time since I saw you, do you remember me?"

Xiao Shiyu smiled lightly, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't have any impression!"

"..." Shao Zhang.

Hearing this, Shao Zhang was speechless for a while.

At the same time, there was a faint warmth in his heart.

There was a time when he had been among thousands of flowers, and no leaves were touching.

No matter which woman, when she sees herself, even if she has never seen her before, as long as she comes forward to strike up a conversation, who will not give herself a face?

And Xiao Shiyu in front of him was so arrogant.

The little self-confidence in Zhang Shao's heart seemed to be hit hard.

"Okay, no impression, right? Well, I will impress you a little today and take her away!" Zhang Shao said.

When the voice fell, I saw a person following him, rushing towards Xiao Shiyu.

However, he hadn't waited for him to come closer.

This person felt that his body seemed to be topped by something.

Looking down, he saw that Lin Fan was holding a chopstick and pressed it against his heart.

Without even looking at him, he said, "Being a step forward, I won't even let you get out of this door. If you don't believe me, you can try!"

The voice is neither light nor rush, as if saying a very common thing.

However, he made this person sweat directly behind his back.

Among the masters, maybe there is no need to make a move. A slight movement and a momentum can tell the strength of the opponent.

And Lin Fan in front of him gave people an irresistible power.

And there is no doubt about what he said.

At the back, Zhang Shao saw it, but his brows frowned: "Fuck, just a chopstick can scare you? Go, bring that woman out for me!"

After the words fell, his two bodyguards remained motionless.

This is true whether it is put on top with chopsticks or standing behind Zhang Shao.

For a while, the air in the entire room immediately became solidified.

After finishing a king crab, Lin Fan nodded and said, "It tastes good, no wonder this thing is expensive, it makes sense!"

Old Tie and Bald just looked at them, and didn't say anything.

Lin Fan put the chopsticks on the table and said back to Xiao Shiyu.

"Are you full?"


Xiao Shiyu smiled and nodded very well.

"Let's leave when we are full, seeing the sky is getting dark!" Lin Fan said without anyone else.

Xiao Shiyu also cooperated very well, and directly stretched out his hand to slung Lin Fan's arm.

The two of them walked directly outside one after another.

However, this scene fell in Zhang Shao's eyes, and the blue veins on his forehead were about to pop out.

It is said that Xiao Shiyu is beautiful, but also very cold.

Coupled with her identity and background, she is backed by a huge Xiao company. Although many people have ideas about her, it is difficult to win her.

And the man in front of him would make Xiao Shiyu like this.

How can Zhang Shao not be angry? How can you not be angry?

Just when Lin Fan and Xiao Shiyu passed by Zhang Shao.

Zhang Shao screamed in a low voice: "You two treat me as if I don't exist? Stop it for me!"

When the voice fell, Lin Fan stopped and said, "Oh? What's the matter, what else is there?"

"Today Xiao Shiyu must stay and drink with me, otherwise none of you will want to leave!" Zhang Shao said fiercely.

Lin Fan also smiled and nodded: "It seems that you can't cry without seeing the coffin!"

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